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There are only two possible choices on earth. You can only choose one. These two choices were presented to Jesus Christ and father Abraham in their lifetimes. The two made similar choice of God, and they became living Epistles to their generations till today.
You have the choice to either choose GOD or choose MONEY/MAMMON.
You can’t choose both. You are to choose one and leave the other. Choice is a drive, you cannot fake it. Your choice will always pull you along towards your object or substance of attraction. God can’t be mocked, God knows those who are truly His. The Prince of this world is not ignorant, the gods of mammon is not without knowledge. He knows what your heart yearns for.
Grace and mammon are two separate things. God spends Grace. The world understands and obey nothing else but money. Money is the reason for everything they do. Grace differs from money in the sense that, Grace makes God the center of your attraction. Grace will not only meet your needs, but it will make your heart depend on God for your needs. By so doing, God becomes your first need, because He is the supplier of your needs: your needs are sought for in God and met in God. That is when the Lord will freely on His own release the currency of heaven to you, the Grace of God, which is as sure as God to meet your needs at all times, because you have delighted in Him and have made Him your number one.
Mammon will make you live on your strength. Mammon will make you restless. Everyday, you are on the run, nothing is ever enough, no matter how much you have gathered, you still cannot rest because you are not sure of what will befall you tomorrow. You will never feel satisfied because mammon will never make you feel it’s enough. If you think you have gathered enough, it will increase your troubles enough so that what you have will seem not enough. And you become restless again. And that is how the cycle will continue till you have used up your life serving your stomach and needs and gods of this world. You will die leaving everything you labour for to the wind, not knowing what will befall you soon.
But the hope of the godly is not so. Grace is the currency they rest upon. They are sure grace can neither finish nor disappoint. They trust God and they rest their case in His hands. Abraham is a living witness. Jesus is a living witness. The apostles of the Lamb who never gathered anything for self nor family are living witnesses.
This matter is not just for you to say you choose God from the two choices. Maybe this may help us get it right. Let’s run a test together so we can examine our hearts individually, and get a better result; should our response to what the Holy Spirit is helping us to get at may be missed out. How well we are able to go with our choice of God or Mammon is very easy to know. Don’t worry, we will soon find out who our true master is, if we accept not to be hypocritical.
The essence of this self examination is to birth a genuine repentance in us. It is not to make anyone feels bad.
I hope you still remember that Judas Iscariot, one of the the twelve disciples of the Lamb was a thief, wicked, and a greedy Man. From the very day Jesus chose him, Jesus knew who Judas was. It was not as if Judas started as a believer and later became a backslider. Yet, Jesus made him the financial minister and treasurer of His ministry. Don’t ever allow your mind tell you that Jesus didn’t know. At this time, the real Spirit He shares with His Father has come upon Him. Like the Father, Jesus has the Spirit of God without measure. So, He knew Judas from the very day He chose him. Remember how the prophecy of Jesus to Nathaniel was a big shocked to him.
This is now the proving test for your choice, please, be honest. I know you will be, by His Grace.
Sir! Ma! If you were JESUS Christ would you have appointed Judas to be keeper of your money bag?
I know you know the answer in your heart genuinely. Once again, please, be sincere to yourself. Nobody will run the race to heaven twice. You only have a return ticket left with you. If it is over it’s over. You will not go to heaven for anyone neither will you go to hell for me nor anybody; same way we can’t go to hell on your behalf.
You are a Christian for yourself not for anyone. When Jesus will say to you or me depart from me, you that is cursed; you will be the one that will depart, I will be the one that will depart. It is not another person’s departure.
If your answer to the test question is “NO”, then that is the true picture of whom you have chosen between GOD and MAMMON. Your heart has not been given to the Lord Jesus yet. You are yet to make GOD a choice. Let’s listen to the instructions of Jesus to us:
For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure. (See Matthew 6:21 TPT.)
The only reason you wouldn’t be able to appoint Judas over your money is simple. It is because when he robs you and mismanage your resources like he did to JESUS, what will become of you? What about your family, your business, they will crumble. In this instance, what or who is commanding your destiny? God or Mammon? I know you will still say God, but in reality it has been money all the way. How much did God tell you that you must get before you will be able to accomplish His purpose for you on earth, that you are restless to lay your hands upon?
Let’s see this again:
Christ’s resurrection is your resurrection too. This is why we are to yearn for all that is above, for that’s where Christ sits enthroned at the place of all power, honor, and authority!
Continue to think about things that are above[let your thought be filled with them]. Do not think about things that are on the earth. (See Colossians 3: 1-2, PTP & EASY.)
Jesus indeed appointed Judas to that position to picture to us the difference between choosing between Mammon and God: a life that depends and survives by the grace of God from a life that depends and survives by material resources and the end of such life.
Our concern is the attitude of Christ. Knowing who this man was (a slave and servant of mammon), don’t forget, that was what the WIll of God is for Jesus, but He has the liberty to exercise His free Will (like everyone of us) to give it to Peter instead. To ensure the money is safely kept. But, He chose to obey the Father instead. He did that to obey God, and He was able to obey God because of His love for His Father, against the option to dance to the love of Money and chose the person He would have trusted, for His mind to always be at rest. But, between God and Money He chose God. He would have had problem with God making choice of Judas for Him, if His choice first of all were to be Money, Mammon, instead of God.
Are there no Christians who clearly know what the Lord wants to have them do on earth but couldn’t submit nor obey God because they need what will fetch them quick money? They have their own life ambitions to pursue? Are there no Christians that the sole reason they could not marry the man or woman God wants them to marry is because the person is not rich, is not intelligent, is not presentable according to their taste? We will tell God one day who we are imitating if we don’t repent with our overbearing desires and self life ambitions.
Our obedience to God too is dependent on the choice we have made between God and Mammon. Don’t forget that Jesus clearly said, He can’t do anything by Himself, from His own initiative. Meaning, as He receives from the leadership of the Holy Spirit, so He does. And the Bible is clear on this for us too. But if we are going to obey the Holy Spirit or not, it all depends on the choice you have made, who is the choice I have made. GOD or MAMMON?
What is it you are afraid of that is making you not to trust God enough? That you’re running up and down without trusting and burying your hope in the Lord Jesus to fulfil His promises to you? Has He said a thing before, and have not done it? If yes, where did you hear it from? You are running after the world and mammon, and you are at the verge of losing your eternal inheritances. When last did you enjoy the Lord’s presence, fellowship? When last did you have or spend quality time with the Lord? What you do in church is not personal relationship. Need has set you far from GOD. You are even unstable, you’re not even sure of your salvation anymore
Return to Him. God has never left His own before. You will not be the first. But, must you loose your trust in the Lord? why not give God the benefit of doubt. Even if he were to fail, and he did fail, you would break the ancient record and become the first person promised and failed by the Lord: a man or woman God failed to be faithful to.
Don’t forget, your choice will not end here on earth. You cannot miss the allocation of your choice in eternity. It is a definite reward.
You may think it is your personal life here on earth. If you ever think your life is yours and u are at liberty to spend it your way, in eternity you will know there was nothing you did that make you a male child or a female child. Only God made it happen and to Him every flesh will account of their choices and ways on earth. Only the choice of God profits on earth and eternity. What choice have you made?
Our initial plan to continue with the current series in today’s meeting was changed as the Lord will have it. Please, do bear with us. If the Lord permits, we shall continue with our current series by next week Monday.
Don’t go away, stay tuned, we will be back God’s willing by next week on same platform, as we continue to share in the light the Spirit of God is bringing our way.