It is a pity that in this 21st century, Africa is still finding it very difficult to provide the necessary leadership for its ever-increasing youth population. Many African youths still cannot see the hope of ever achieving their dreams in their respective home countries, hence, the need to leave their respective countries on this gruesome journey of having to cross the Mediterranean, seeking for a greener pasture in Europe. The other day, twenty six young and promising Nigerian girls lost their lives on this dreadful Mediterranean Sea crossing, trying to find their way into Italy. The question is: what are…
Author: Obayomi Abiola Benjamin
It is true that we have been saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). But the responsibility of our growth is in our hands as believers. How fast you grow after salvation depends on you as a believer and not on God. This is why Apostle Paul said to the Philippians in chapter 2 of the book of Philippians verse 12, that they should work out their salvation with “fear and trembling.” There are two kinds of growth that God expects from His children. They are: Physical growth (Wealth, Prosperity, and Health). This is found in 3rd John 2. God…
Governance all over the world isn’t an easy task. The bane of many politicians today has been how to translate great ideas that would better the lots of their people by enacting effective policies; channeled through proper governance. Trying to do this, many politicians have been meted with great resistance from oppositions, union bodies and a group of unscrupulous elements within the system who hitherto benefit from the old ways of doing things. Such is the current situation in Kaduna state where over 20,000 teachers had just been laid off for failing basic and simple competency test. I read with…
One of the few ways to stay focused is to always have the end goal or final prize in view. If there is really nothing worthwhile to benefit from an assignment, a mission or a journey, there is every tendency that one might give up in the face of opposition and challenges. The bible recorded about Jesus Christ who, knowing the importance of his death for mankind on the cross of Calvary; endured the cross and despise the shame (Hebrews 12:2). Achieving success in life requires that we have the end-goal in mind. If the end goal is worth it,…
FLICKERS OF HOPE Call for Concept notes 2017 / 2018 Flickers of Hope is a non-profit, NGO registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission RC43149 on February 2011. The Organization was established in 2010 primarily with the burden to give hope to the hopeless removing young hawkers from the street and putting them back in schools, giving scholarships to orphans, guiding the young unemployed youth to be financially and intellectually empowered and gainfully employed while discovering their innate abilities and gifts, ensuring widows are being taken care of in the society and have a reason to live again despite and…
THERE is an account in John chapter twenty about Thomas having to believe Jesus was real after he saw his hands and His side that was pierced. This event took place immediately after Jesus’ resurrection. In this particular chapter, Jesus said something so profound, and it is that mindset that we should all embrace as believers if we are ever going to see God move on our behalf. Verse 29 says: “Jesus said unto him, Thomas, because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” Many people have missed their…
The two dangers that are inimical to becoming the best a man can be are doubts and self-limiting beliefs. To doubt oneself is to have no confidence whatsoever in oneself. To some extent, one’s doubt about certain things could even change over time, but self-limiting belief is a killer of potential. Nothing kills an individual’s capacity faster to achieve greatness in life than a self-limiting belief. Limiting beliefs are nothing but thoughts or ideas flashing through our sub-conscious mind, telling/whispering to us how we may never be the best we ought to be, or achieve our dreams and purpose in…
Sometimes, what we need in life is just a little push. There is a scientific law that says “everything remains in a state of rest until an external force is applied to them.” Human beings are naturally wired to get inspiration from sources external to them in order to function at certain times. There is nothing wrong with this! A little push from here and there from certain individuals who especially believes in your capabilities can get you off your feet to do the impossible with life. There are times the only thing it requires to do the impossible is…
God is a Father and that tells you that He is family-centered. It is such an unfortunate situation because a lot of people have come to see God as some Deity who lives probably thousands and thousands of miles away up there in the sky, and is less concerned about the events that takes place on the face of the earth. To make the situation even more complex, there are people today who blame God for every trouble that is taking place in the world today. But as much as God is God, He is also a Father who loves…
Prayer is good; it is simply communication with God. But the question is what should you talk to God about? In this passage, Jesus shows us the ingredient to an effective prayer life. Jesus was a man of prayer. He prayed early in the morning (Mark 1:35) and He prayed often. One of His disciples was watching Him pray and he decided to ask Him to teach them to pray. Most of the times, Jesus had gone away from his disciples to pray alone. Luke 5:16, 6:12 and Luke 9:18 tells us this categorically. So, if the disciples don’t know…