Suboptimality in leadership and organizational life occurs when there is a huge gap between performance and the expected result or when the goals that have been set by the organization are not being actualized. This is what suboptimality entails. Also, suboptimality can sometimes come from the angle of leadership, and on other occasions, it can come from the angle of the team. But irrespective of where it is coming from, suboptimality actually is like a cancerous disease that must be eliminated from leadership and organizational life. Now, there are a number of factors I believe are responsible for suboptimality in…
Author: Obayomi Abiola Benjamin
We live in a time when leaders must never stop thinking about the future they want their incoming generation to inherit from them. I have come to realize that an integral part of leadership responsibilities, is actually thinking transgenerationally. Great leaders don’t just think about themselves alone. They don’t just think about the moment. They also think about the future they want those coming after them to inherit, the kind of future they want them to have, based on the works and the efforts that they are currently putting in place right now. So, in this article, I want to…
Navigating leadership terrains could be daunting when a leader isn’t well or adequately prepared to take on leadership responsibilities. Many leaders have had to take on leadership responsibilities at times and moments when they never thought or envisaged them. Necessity just places them in such leadership positions and they have little or no choice than to just flow with the tide. So, what do you do if this scenario describes your current leadership endeavors? I am going to give you four (4) tips that is going to help you survive and become successful in your leadership endeavors. Listen to…
In this piece, I want to share something with us in the next few minutes and it has been titled Exercising Our Authority in Christ Jesus Us Believers. Let’s start our consideration from the book of Genesis 1:26-28 and we will also consider the book of Colossians 1:9-18. The Bible says: Listen to Podcast: Exercising Our Authority in Christ Jesus As Believers “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over…
In examining this title, we’re going to be looking at certain examples from the life of Jesus, how He was able to apply this approach in His leadership assignments while He was on the earth, and how this approach was able to help Him in His ministry in resolving many challenges or many troubles that His ministry could have encountered even at the time. So, I want us to begin from the very first example of this counter-intuitive approach as we see it in the case study of Jesus Christ from the book of Luke chapter 22:47-51. Let’s see how…
Parenting is a major assignment within the institution of marriage. As a matter of fact, parenting is an integral part of marriage, parenting actually takes place in marriage. The only avenue through which God has made available by which you can become a parent is in marriage. Now, that does not mean that there are no other avenues by which you can become a parent, for example, you could adopt children, you will be referred to as it as a parent, or if you are a spiritual father, a spiritual mother, and you have spiritual children. You know, in some…
Sometimes, the assignment of leadership looks so enormous that it often brings about fear in the heart of the leader. Many leaders today know that they have one assignment or the other they must accomplish within a set timeframe. However, each time they look at the assignment, viz-a-viz what they have done so far and where they are, they simply run into panic mode. If the scenario that I just described talks about your leadership, I want to quickly show you how you can go about fulfilling that assignment that is hanging on your shoulders. Now, if you are going…
In this piece, I want to share the word of God with us and it is on the subject of faith. I want to share with us what has been titled, Understanding the Foundation, Structure and System of Faith. Now, while I was meditating on this title, there was a particular picture that came into my spirit, and I want to share that picture with us so that it will help us to understand what I am about to share with us in this piece. You see, if you are going to build a house, let’s assume you want to…
One of the things we know is that Marriage is about two people. Marriage is about two people, a male man and a female man coming together under God to become one, two people coming together to become one, male, and female. And I believe we know that there is no where in the world that we have seen where a single person makes a Marriage. When we are talking about Marriage, it is not an institution that is built around one individual. It is an institution that is built around two individuals, a male man and a female man,…
A tipping point is a moment in an evolving situation that leads to a new and irreversible development. Usually, when leaders or organizations get to a tipping point, two things can either take place. One is that the leader or the organization could become better off. Second is that the leader or the organization could become worse off. Either of the outcomes is usually dependent on the way and manner the situation is handled and managed and this why what you do at your tipping points matter a lot. In most situations, a tipping point can also be said to…