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We’ll be sharing together God’s word, and we’ll be looking at Christ Jesus, the Light of the world. Why is Light important? Why is Light vital? Why did Jesus call Himself; the Light of the world? He said, as long as I am here, I am the Light of the world. Why is that important? I would love us to start from the book of the beginning. Genesis chapter 1:1-3, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Particularly we’re going to focus on Verse two: the Bible says the earth was without form and was void, and darkness; there was something prevailing, and that’s why we want to pay attention to verse two, he said, “the earth, not the heavens, the earth was without form and void.”
Listen to Podcast: Christ Jesus The Light of the World
There are two words, particularly that were used there, he said, without form, meaning it was formless, and void, it was empty. And darkness was on the face of the deep: so, that was the state of the earth. Number one, the earth was without form, and number two, it was empty; it was void, and darkness was on the face of the deep: meaning that being without form is one thing, and being void is another thing. Then something particular about the earth was mentioned again called darkness. He said darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Now, before we go into the fullness of what God said in verse three, I want us to go back to verses one and two, he said, In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, verse two, the earth was without form, and void, and darkness: so, there was something about that darkness.
The voidness of the earth and formlessness of the earth can be traced to something called darkness. The earth was without form and was void, and particularly, what we could call the issue at hand or the focus point is that there was darkness. He said darkness was on the face of the deep, meaning; that darkness was an issue: and it was not a small issue. The presence of darkness was a major issue because we’ll know that God did not start addressing the problem by starting with the formlessness, or the voidness: God started with that darkness. In verse three; then ‘God said’, to address this issue. One thing about God, is that God does not behave haphazardly. When God wants to enter a situation, He just doesn’t jump in: God is a God of order. When He wants to do His things, He prioritizes them correctly. And you see, when God saw the entire situation, God didn’t say let us deal with the formlessness first, He did not say let us deal with the voidness first, because He knows that it will amount to nothing if there is darkness.
So, what did God say? Then God said, let there be Light. So, the first thing that God addressed was darkness, and that’s why in the life of every man, the first point of call is not whether you have money or you do not have money, whether you have built a house or not; the first thing God addresses in the life of every man is darkness because if darkness can be addressed, the formlessness and the voidness of that life will be addressed: it’s just a matter of time. So, God said, let there be Light, and there was Light. So, from Genesis chapter 1:1-3, we have seen the importance of Light, that God Himself started solving the earth’s problem with Light. And it is also synonymous with the life of every man. When God wants to visit a man; when God wants to address the life of a man; when God wants to address the situation of a man; when God wants to change a man; He starts with the darkness problem. That’s why you can’t go to an unbeliever and you say why are you drinking? Don’t you understand that drinking is not good? And the person is looking at you because he/she is enjoying it. Why? There is darkness; somebody that is sitting in darkness cannot appreciate the darkness until Light comes.
Those who have refused to retain God in their knowledge, God gives them over to a reprobate mind, to a debased mind, doing things that are not convenient. My husband often says, he wonders how somebody sits down with twelve bottles, even if it is twelve bottles of water, where will you drink in? Inside which stomach? Then you are now drinking twelve bottles of substance; what are you feeding? It must be a spirit because it is not normal: because you are doing things that are not fitting; as a normal person, you should not do it. And that’s why in the world today, the problem of people is not what they’re doing, it is not that habit, it is not the formlessness and the voidness that is the problem; it is the darkness because if Light comes, they will see that they are without form and they are void. The reason many people don’t see the formlessness and the voidness of their Light is because it is hidden in darkness. When Light comes, Light exposes.
It was when I got into the secondary school that I realized I was really a local champion. In my primary school, I was always coming first or second; and I was excited about it; whether I read or not, I will always come first or second: so, my mother felt this girl is just brilliant. So, I entered JSS 1; first term, I came in 19th position, I cried and told my mother that there is something wrong and she said in primary school, you were a local champion; now you have gone for regionals, so you must do extra work. That’s when I learned that after you finish today’s class you go and read, but before, there was nothing like that. Now, what is the reference of my story, it was as if the state of my intellect at that time was covered in darkness. Then when the Light of other people came, it exposed that the best I can be with the level of my Light is 19th position. So, the issue is not the formlessness or the voidness; the issue is the intensity of the Light. To some people, nothing looks bad about what they are doing until Light is introduced. So, that is the importance of Light.
I want us to see John chapter 1:1-5, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God, all things were made through Him.” How do we know all things were made through Him? In Genesis that we read, he says the earth was without form and it was void until God said, let there be Light. And he said all things were made meaning that the voidness was addressed by Light. All things were made through Him and without Him, nothing was made that was made. In Him was life and the life was the Light of men. We are going to pay attention to verse 4, in Him; the Word: the word is Christ Jesus, was life and the life was the Light of men and the Light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not. Please, I want you to pay attention to verse five; the Light shines where? In the darkness, not darkness.
So, the darkness we saw in Genesis chapter 1:2 is still existing, but now it is definite; the darkness. The darkness now looks like a personality, the darkness now looks like an entity, and the darkness now looks like an institution. So, He is the Light. The Light God introduced in Genesis chapter 1:3, the Light shines in the darkness. So, John chapter one is making us understand Genesis chapter one, the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it; in the same way, the darkness did not comprehend it in Genesis chapter one, and the darkness is still not comprehending it today. That’s why the Bible says Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The same Jesus in Genesis chapter one that shined His Light in darkness, and darkness could not comprehend it, He is the same Jesus that is shining today, and darkness: the darkness cannot comprehend it. In Him was life and the life was the Light of men, and the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it.
I want us to see Matthew chapter 4:12, I want us to see what Jesus said there, it was a prophecy. Now see what the prophecy is about. Matthew chapter 4:12, “Now, when Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, He departed to Galilee, and leaving Nazareth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is by the sea in the regions of Zebulun, and Naphtali, that it may be fulfilled, which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying; So Isaiah had prophesied about the Christ, the Light afore time, and this was the prophecy; the land of Zebulun, and the land of Naphtali, by the way of the sea beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, the people who sat in darkness have seen a great Light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.” So, we’re going to pay attention to Matthew chapter 4:16, using the Scriptures we’ve read before, he said, the people who sat in darkness have seen a great Light. This was a prophecy about Jesus. So, who is Jesus Christ as the Light of the world?
Number One: He is the great Light to the people living in darkness; and who are the people living in darkness? The people living in darkness are the people of the earth. The Bible says in Genesis that we read; the earth was without form and it was void and darkness was on the face of the deep. Jesus is the great Light to the people living in darkness, Jesus is the great Light to the people that are sitting in darkness. What does this mean? Darkness is synonymous with the devil. The Bible says there are two kingdoms the rules on the earth, the kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. When we talk about darkness, we’re talking about the absence of Light, we’re talking about a situation or a place where it is ruled by ignorance, we’re talking about a space where things cannot be seen. Do you know when you are in darkness, even though this tripod is standing the way it is, you can think it is something else; why? It is covered. In darkness, things are covered, and the identity of things and people are not seen for who they truly are. And that’s why the Bible says that Jesus is the great Light that has been revealed, that has been seen by those who are dwelling in darkness.
So, who are you today? Are you that man or that woman that is covered? You don’t know who you are? Are you that man or woman that is ignorant, you don’t have a true understanding of why you are here, what God has sent you for, the assignment of your destiny, you don’t understand the place you are going, you don’t understand what the Lord has in store for you; Jesus has come as a great Light. Jesus as the Light of the world is in these two phases, He has come as a great Light for people: meaning that these people are already complacent, these people are already comfortable with their darkness; darkness has come to us and there’s nothing we can do about it. Jesus has come as a great Light to cast out the darkness. So, this year 2023, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, as the Light of the world, must make sure that we are not people that are sitting in darkness, in every area of our life; we must not sit in darkness.
Number Two: Jesus has come as the Light that has dawned. A Light that has dawned for those in the land of the shadow of death. What does this mean? Jesus has come as a Light that is revealed. The first set of people or those that sat; he said, those who sat in darkness. The second people are people that are called those who sat in the region, and the shadow of death: they are two different categories of people. One set of people are called people that sat in darkness; they are there, and every habit that you can find that is not good is in their hands: they are people that sat in darkness, they are comfortable, they are relaxed: the devil is manipulating their lives and destiny.
Number two are the people, whom the Bible called those who sat in the region and the shadow of death. Remember where we read in John chapter one, he said, in Him was life. So, this Light that has dawned takes care of two things; it takes care of death, and it takes care of darkness. Without Light, nothing grows. Even in biology, scientists have come to realize that without Light, no matter what you plant, it will not grow. Light is required for anything to have life; for any plant to have life, it must be revealed to Light. So, for any life to have the life of God, and to grow in God, you must be exposed to Christ. Christ as the Light of the world is the required Light for you to grow in life. The Light of Christ in the spiritual realm is the required Light for your growth in life. So, for those that sit in the region and the shadow of death, that their Lights are dying, their lamps are going off: Jesus is the Light that sets them on fire again. We are going to see how that is important for us; John chapter 8:12.
“Then Jesus spoke to them again saying, I am the Light of the world. See what He said, he who follows Me: it means those who are exposed to Me, he whom I am revealed to. Bible says shall not walk in darkness. Meaning there is a walk in the darkness. Another word for walking in darkness; is living in darkness, living in ignorance, living in perpetual darkness. He said we will have the Light of life. That’s the same thing Matthew said, He said to those that live in the region and the shadow of death, the Light has dawned. Those that follow Me shall not walk in darkness but have the Light of life. Are you going to follow Him this year? Do we understand that concept of Light of life? You will grow, you will make progress, and you will have knowledge that will bring about success, and blessing.
The Bible says, in Revelation that Jesus Christ is the Lamb that was slain, to receive for us blessing, honor, power, wisdom might, and all the others. The Light of life is what you will have when you follow Christ Jesus, the Light of the world. Following Christ Jesus and understanding the revelation of Christ, as the Light of the world is to have the Light of life. You know, we have been living our lives the way we have been living, and the devil is satisfied that you are not growing; he is not threatened, you can come to the earth: have children, and continue your daily hustle; the devil is not threatened about that. But the minute you make up your mind to want to grow in Christ, you have thrown in like a belt of war to the devil; because he knows that is where he is threatened, he knows that is where his kingdom will have problem. That’s why this year as believers, we must all throw in that belt of war with the devil and say I must grow, I must discover why I am here, I must discover the reason why God has sent me and I must fulfill it. So, Jesus said you will have the Light of life, and you will grow. John chapter 9:5, He said as long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the world. So, what happens when He is no longer in the world? You are the Light of the world. He said as long as I am in the world, I will keep shining; I am the Light of the world, I will keep dispelling darkness, I will keep causing darkness not to be able to comprehend this life; and now that He has gone, you and I are the Light of the world.
See what David said in Psalm chapter 119:105, he said, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a Light to my path. So, Jesus as the Word is a lamp; the lamp is Light, and the lamp is useless without Light in it. The reason the lamp is useful for your feet is that there is Light in it. He said Your word is a lamp to my feet. There are two things there: number one, it talks about our daily experience; Your word is a lamp to my feet: as I’m walking daily, you are guiding me with Your Light, I am not walking in darkness, I am not walking in ignorance, I am not walking in the place where I can slip and fall. I am careful, I’m cautious, and I’m able to take heed of your word. Number two, he said, and a Light; Your word is a lamp: my daily experiences, my daily choices are guided and guarded by your word, and my life; whatever it is that is in it, whatever length of it, he said and a Light to my path.
Another word we can use is, a Light to my life; we can use life to replace path: a Light to my life, is it not the same thing Jesus said, if you follow Me, you will have the Light of life, you won’t walk in darkness. Your life will be such that it is not hidden, your life will be such that it is not covered, your life will be such that it radiates, your life will be such that it gives glory to God; that comes with the revelation of Christ Jesus as the Light of the world. In the world, there is darkness. Jesus said in this world you will have trouble but be of good cheer, I have overcome because I am the Light that shines in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend it. So, the word of the Lord; the Light of the Lord must be a lamp for our feet this year. The Light of Christ Jesus must be Light for our path this year.
I want us to see again, John chapter 1:5, (we just want to emphasize the revelation there), And the Light shines in the darkness. Christ Jesus is the Light. We must not get to a point where we think we can be okay without Jesus. We must not get to a point where we feel our morality is okay, your morality is not Light, it is Christ Jesus that is Light. Without Christ, you will realize that really, the good that you think you are; is not good. Without Christ, you will realize that all the values you think you have are valueless. Christ is the Light; if there is any Light in you, it is because Christ is there. If you see a man or a woman without Christ, the man or woman is default darkness. Every man on the earth is default darkness without Christ. Christ is the Light. How do I know this? Because some set of people refuses to follow Jesus, the disciples of Jesus said to Jesus; what insult! They want to rubbish your anointing; can we call down fire just as Elijah did to consume all of them? And Jesus said you don’t know the manner of spirit that you are of; you are behaving like darkness when you are supposed to be exuding Light. Without Christ, we are default darkness: everything about our lives is not okay, there is formlessness and voidness.
The reason why it looks as if your life is put together is that there are things in your life that are semblance of decorum in your life, which is because of the Light of Christ. And that’s why Apostle Paul would always say to the people, he said, Christ in me, is the hope of glory: without Christ, in me, there is no glory. If there is anything you see in me that you like and you desire is because Christ is in me. Without Christ in me, there is no comeliness to me, there is nothing in my life that you will love to have or desire, and that’s why we must get to this point as believers: don’t be ashamed of Christ. Isaiah chapter 60, says, Arise and shine for your Light has come, for the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. He said behold, darkness shall cover the earth because the default state of the earth is darkness and gross darkness the people. Do you know why gross darkness the people? Why did he say darkness will cover the earth? It is because God created the earth; the reason the earth would not be in gross darkness is that God is in it: the earth is God’s creation.
The Bible says gross darkness the people; they are people that have handed over their souls to the devil, he said but you, the Light of the Lord; Christ Jesus will shine upon you, then Gentiles will come to your Light. That Light is not your own; it is Christ’s. So, when Gentiles come to your Light, you point them to the direction of the Light. You came to the Light because you see it shine, and I must show you the source of the Light: that’s when I don’t take the glory to myself, but an opportunity to show they the Light. How do you do it, there is so much you are doing and you are still balanced; Christ Jesus is my secret, He is the Light shining in me. This is how we must live this year; show the Light! So, he said and the Light shines in darkness and darkness is not able to comprehend. The more you show people the Light in your life, the intensity of that Light will become greater: that was the secret of Apostle Paul. He said I count all things as dung that I may gain Christ; what I am in search for is Light, all these other things amount to nothing if there’s no Light burning and shining in me. There are two things Christ Jesus must become for us; a burning Light and a shining Light. Let’s see the difference between the two;
Number one: When Light is burning in you, you can’t keep it. When a Light is burning in you, the heat of that Light will create a boiling over something. When a Light is burning in you, there is a purpose that must be boiling, there is a passion that must be boiling: why? There is a burning Light and that’s why there is no one that has received Jesus as a burning Light that will not have a pursuit in God. You having a pursuit in God, means that Jesus is burning in you. He said the word of God is like fire in my bones; why? It is burning, I can’t keep quiet. Number two: When it is shining: you can’t cover it, you reveal it. You let others see, you let others benefit; you give. When Jesus is a shining Light in your life, you give. He said you cannot put on a Light and hide it under a bushel, you put it in a strategic place to give Light to all that is in the room.
When Jesus is a shining Light in your life, you will be a giver; you won’t be a hoarder. You will be a stream that flows, you won’t be a dam that holds. So, it is important that we understand that Light is also synonymous with good deeds. I want us to see a Scripture in Matthew chapter 5:14-16, “You are the Light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. Verse 15, nor do they Light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand and it gives Light to all who are in the house. Verse 16, let your Light so shine before men”, not your family members but before men that they may see. When they see the Light, what are they seeing? They see your good works. When the Light is shining, it is to see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. The intensity of the Light of Christ in our lives is to the degree of our yieldedness: because when Jesus comes in, He is coming in with His Light; and we are to say, Lord, come in and dine with me. The intensity of His Light: the Light of Christ is to the degree of our yieldedness.
So, the more we are yielded to Christ, the more Christ shines in us and dispels the darkness around us. In John chapter 8:12, He said, “I am the Light of the world, he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness.” When I come into your life, your life would not have darkness. The space you don’t allow Jesus in will be the dark space in your life. The space you allow Jesus in this year will be that space in your life where your life is flooded with Light. If there’s anything you’re struggling with, anything you are ignorant about, open up that space to Christ; let Him flood it with Light. 1 John 1:5-9, the Bible says; “This is the message we have heard from Him and declared to you that God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all.” So, if you have been thinking, if there is darkness, then where is that darkness coming from? It is the devil. God is Light. So, the presence of God in your life is the presence of Light in your life. God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all; not one tiny bit.
If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. Verse 7, But if we walk in the Light, ‘this is what we are enjoined to do: to walk in the Light’, to walk in the Light is walking in Christ. If we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. Verse 8, If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. God is Light. To walk in the Light is to have fellowship with Him. How do you have fellowship with Him? You release yourself to Him. He said, Behold, I stand at the door, and I’m knocking with My Light, if anyone opens to Me, I will come in and have fellowship, I will come in and have intimacy, I will come in and dine with him.
This year, are we going to open up all our spaces? Are we going to open up all our hearts to the Lord Jesus? Jesus’ Light of the world; come and dine with me this year, I don’t want to walk in darkness in any area of my life, and I don’t want to walk in darkness in any room of my life. I want your Light to dawn on me, I want the great Light to appear in my life. Is that the desire of our heart?