Greg odogwu
One thing any observant citizen would easily note is the rate at which market fire disasters befall the country. It is in the news, day in and day out. No part of the country is spared. The states with large populations, such as Lagos, seem to have more incidents of such infernos. The news screams the same headlines: goods burnt, shops razed, markets destroyed, a few people dead!
But then, few have taken time to link these unfortunate disasters to the actual damage done to the country’s economy. It is a huge hole these rampant market fires have blown on the economy, because they are not just ordinary accidents. They are fiscal drain pipes; and humanitarian bugaboo. To put it in perspective, we could look at how real firefighting activities are carried out in a developed country like the USA. According to America’s National Fire Protection Association, a fire department responds to a fire every 23 seconds throughout the US. Fire departments responded to 33,602,500 calls for service in 2015: 21,500,000 were for medical help, 2,533,500 were false alarms, and 1,345,500 were for actual fires.
Over here, statistics from the Federal Fire Service indicate that between 2020 and 2021, a total of 4,541 calls were made to the agency nationwide and 378 rescue emergencies were recorded.
Now, let us look at the impact of market fires on the labour market, for instance. At the last time it gave an update at the beginning of 2021, the National Bureau of Statistics placed the country’s unemployment rate at 33.3%. This represents the number of people looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. This level of unemployment has caused many to resort to all forms of trading which appears to be the only “job” without a gateway.
Most trading activities take place in the markets and goods sold range from petty perishable items to heavy duty gadgets. This represents the sole means of livelihood of many of the traders. Hence, this means of livelihood is threatened by the incidents of fire disaster. The unrelenting spate of fire accidents in markets within the country has stripped many traders of their jobs and means of livelihood, adding to the number of people stranded in the labour market. Then again, it has both physical and psychological impact on start-ups. Indeed, market fires are blood suckers on the life of the nation.
Nigeria’s economy therefore is bleeding profusely from damaging impact of these fire incidents, which have, over the years, brought immense hardship on the citizenry, leaving an already struggling economy on its knees. Hardly a month passes by without reported cases of fire incidents, especially in public places such as plazas, markets, timber sheds, production lines, among others. Although we lack a robust fire disaster database as is applicable in organised climes, we do not need an expert to tell us that this situation portends huge financial damage and worsens the nation’s poverty indices.
Meanwhile, experts are in agreement that it has huge impact on inflationary figures of the nation, because it creates chain reaction along the demand and supply chain, in addition to other consequences such as increase in crime rate. When markets are engulfed in fire, it creates ripple effects on the distribution line, affecting availability of items sold and reduction in supply, which triggers inflation.
Market fires are concentrated in the country’s economic zones. According to a two-year review by the nation’s Fire Service, Lagos State tops the list of states with highest market fire incidents, with 22 fires, followed by Anambra with 15 fire incidents. These ecosystem houses the nation’s most vibrant commercial entities, and therefore deserves special attention.
However, it is instructive to note that fire-fighting in Nigeria is not a duty for the federal government alone; it is on the concurrent list, meaning that it is a responsibility shared by the federal and state governments, just like education. But the reality is that every citizen has their eye on the federal agency in charge of firefighting. Nobody looks towards the state and local government authorities. This is not supposed to be so.
It is high time the State Governments came alive to their responsibility. The governors take home a monthly “security vote”, without raising a finger to secure the local markets and public places from fire disasters. Yet, when such emergencies occur, people gather round and start insulting the Federal Fire Service. We should hold our governors to account. When there is a fire in a village market, the people should call on the governor to bring in his firefighting troops. Their so-called security votes are not pocket monies.
In addition, the state legislators should create annual budget heads for fire-fighting at the grassroots level. It will create employment, and help develop the country’s environmental sector.
In order to understand the job creation potential in the sector, let us go to the US once again. With a population of about 300,000,000, America has 1,216,600 firefighters serving in 27,228 fire departments nationwide and responding to emergencies from 50,150 fire stations. Over here, with a population of about 200 million, our Federal Fire Service can only boast of a paltry man army of 6,000 staff spread out in the 36 states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory. This is simply ridiculous. With this reality, how could we possibly defeat the menace of market fires?
The problem is that we all perceive job creation as rocket science; which it is not. When you take a proper inventory of the existential realities of the society, and provide the basic needs, you create jobs. America was not made in a day. Fire-fighting in the US dates back to the earliest European colonies in the Americas. Early fire-fighters were simply community members who would respond to neighborhood fires with buckets. The first dedicated volunteer fire brigade was established in 1736 in Philadelphia. These volunteer companies were often paid by insurance companies in return for protecting their clients.
We need to go back to our nation-building drawing board. There is job to be done. Our country is bleeding through market fires. Today, we hear of fire in a local Katsina market, tomorrow is Calabar, the next day Osogbo. This trend has to stop, and in stopping it, we create jobs and make our environment better and sustainable. The states governments appear to continue to depend on the federal government for handouts in terms of fire-fighting personnel and equipment. They must start operating independently. They must ensure that the local governments have the capacity to fight fire because it will drastically reduce the incidents, and save lives and money for the nation. 08063601665