“Love is blind indeed” so I said to myself. This is how my story begins. I couldn’t explain how he found me; all I knew was that He stood at the door of my heart and knocked, there I was laying on a bed neatly dressed with selfish desires and ambition, feeling reluctant to answer the door. But when the knock persisted, however, I eventually stood up in laziness, managing to shake off a little carnality and I walked to the door with drowsy eyes. There He stood looking so gracious and elegant: wow! I asked myself, who could this be, where is He from, I was lost in deep thoughts admiring this awesome personality. I could perceive immediately within my spirit the fragrance of his glory all around me. Just imagine how I felt.
“I came for you”, He said, as I gazed steadfastly at Him. What I saw was indescribable. I fell in love with Him instantly. At this time, my eyes became so clear but I was lost in the euphoria. This is love at first sight I exclaimed. But He is a stranger who lost His way and found Himself at the door of my heart. Could this be a coincidence. No! I retorted, this must be my personal Lord and Savior. And without any doubt I was willing and ready to spend the rest of my life with Him. But on one condition; only if He would make a love confession to me. I was already falling head over heels for Him. I tried to look at His face but I couldn’t ; not because I was shy, but because I couldn’t resist the aura emanating from His presence.
Deep down in my soul, I knew that this is the right kind of man I need in my life. Thoughts began to flash through my mind, I can’t believe I’m going crazy already, the splendor of His Majesty was like He is the son of the King of kings. His gentleness, His soft heartedness, His kindness and self-control can never be compared with that of any other man. I could see the fire burning in His eyes and I couldn’t stop thinking about Him, even for the fact that I am a joint heir with Him in the same Kingdom. Oh; I am in love with the everlasting Prince of peace.
Not quite long; I began to lose my patience. I needed Him to say something. Then finally, He broke the silence. He looked straight into the eyes of my heart, bent a little because my height was too low for Him. Then He whispered into the ears of my heart and said “I LOVE YOU”. Oh! Finally He said something! I heaved a sigh of relief. Meanwhile as He spoke these words, there was a burning in my heart; I could not explain it. Then suddenly, it got into my consciousness that this man is the true nature of Love. I blushed sheepishly and smiled; this very word overwhelmed me like I was thrown into the oceans of love to get drown by it. What is wrong with me? It seems like I’m high and wish never to get low. Oh, let this feeling continue; I never want to get out of it.
Having been so privileged to be loved by Him, but here lies my major problem. I lacked focus, I keep looking away from my new found love, cheating on Him in unfaithfulness. I tried as much as I could to be focused and committed to this relationship but I couldn’t. It looks like rebellion and betrayal is in my very nature or does it look like I have quickly forgotten all the sweet words He said to me? His affirmative word of assurance to love me continuously?
I’m deliberately walking on a slippery path, yes I know. And yet; He never allowed me to fall. Each time I betray Him and become sober, He reaches out to me with warmth and a smile that electrifies my entire being. Out of genuine love from a pure heart, He would always say “it is finished I will remember them no more, I love you and I will never leave nor forsake you. take this gift it is called Grace. It is a symbol of my love for you.”
Nothing will ever come in-between us; neither life nor death, neither tribulations, or persecution, or distress, or nakedness or peril or sword will separate us. He even went further to say that neither depth or height, neither angels nor principalities nor powers can separate our love. He promised to give me life and life in abundance. He said every other lover comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. I understood His jealousy. I rolled my eyes and felt they were one of those empty promises two love birds make when they are in love with each other.
It seems He forgives and forgets easily. So, I said to myself since the gift of grace is with me, I will do whatever I like. Then I continued to follow numerous lovers, I still end up heartbroken but that won’t stop my natural desire; my Adamic nature from getting all that it wants.
This was where my dilemma began.
On one faithful day, I met this lover