I want to share with us quickly on something that I titled The Dynamic Nature of Leadership. We want to look at the changing nature of leadership and how you and I as leaders can remain effective in our leadership as these changes take place in leadership. Now, the very first understanding that every leader must have about leadership is that leadership is dynamic. You must never forget as a leader that leadership is dynamic. Leadership is not static, there is nowhere in the world where leadership remains the same for a very long time. Leadership is not static, leadership changes with times, with seasons and with processes. So, the ability to understand what time or season, or the processes of leadership, help every leader to master the dynamic nature of leadership that we are talking about.
Listen to Podcast: The Dynamic Nature of Leadership
Now, let me show us a Scripture in First Chronicles chapter 12:32. The Bible says: “Of the sons of Issachar who have understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were 200, and all their brethren were at their command.” So, what exactly can we take away from this Bible verse? It says, these men, these sons of Issachar, they understood the dynamic nature of times and seasons, and so, this understanding made them lead us that their brethren listen to. So as a leader, when you understand the dynamic nature of leadership, one of the things that happens is that it places you at a place where you are able to understand what is going on what is taking place, even though many people around you may not know what is taking place per time.
So, and this is why it is absolutely important that a leader knows and fully understand what we are talking about. A leader must understand what the dynamic nature of leadership is, and how that dynamic take place in times and seasons, and sometimes with processes. Now there is a question that is fundamental that we are raising in this particular point: Why is it important that we master the dynamic nature of leadership as leaders? Why is this so important to our leadership that you and I understand the dynamic nature of leadership? Now, let me quickly show us three things that I believe is going to help us as we take a journey to understanding why we must master this dynamic of leadership.
Now, the very first one is that mastering the dynamic nature of leadership places us at a vantage point where we are able to lead effectively. This is the very first thing that you and I must understand as leaders’ that when we master the dynamic nature of leadership, that mastery is able to place us at a vantage point, at a point where you and I are able to lead effectively, we are able to lead our organization effectively, we are able to lead our teams effectively. So, this is the very first thing that that mastery does to us. Now, irrespective of the changing times and seasons and processes, when we are able to master the dynamic nature of leadership, we are able to stand at that vantage point. So, we are able to see things clearly as leaders, we are able to see things as they are, we are able to know what is going on in our organization and the phase that our organization is currently in. And we are able to also know how the micro and macro macro-economic indices affects our organization and the needed strategic decision that we must take as leaders.
So, this is the very first thing that you and I must understand that when we understand the dynamic nature of leadership, it places us at that point, at that vantage point where we are able to see things clearly. There is nothing that is going on that we don’t understand, there is nothing that is taking place in time, in processes and in seasons, that we are not able to make leadership sense of simply because we understood that this dynamic take place at some point in time. So, you are able to pinpoint, for example, how institutional changes, how political changes, how all of these changes can shape the outcome of the organization that you are leading, and what you need to do. Now, this is very key and it is very important in our leadership. When we master the dynamic nature of leadership, that mastery is able to place us at a vantage point where we see things clearly and where we understand everything that is going on.
Now, the second one I want to show us is very simple. You see when we master the dynamic nature of leadership, it simply helps us as leaders to understand a new approach to leadership that is more inclusive, that is more collaborative, and responsive to the changing needs of the leadership and organization that is being led. Now, let me take that again, so that I can explain it to host when we master the dynamic nature of leadership, it helps us to understand a new approach to leadership. So, when that new change happens, when that dynamic nature takes place in our leadership, it is able to help us understand a new approach because a change has taken place.
So, it simply means that the old idea of leadership, the old vision of leadership that we have been running with, must also change with the new change. So, when we master that dynamic nature of leadership, it helps us to understand a new approach because with new change comes new approach. With new change comes new vision, new ideas and new strategic decisions. So, we are able to understand a new approach to leadership which is more inclusive, which is more collaborative and responsive. More importantly, it must be responsive to the changing needs of the leadership and the organization that is being led. Now what can we make out of this? It then simply means that the skills and qualities of leaders ought to grow with the dynamic nature of leadership, this is very important. Your skill set as a leader must be able to grow with the dynamic nature, the dynamic change that takes place in leadership every time and every season.
So, leaders cannot afford to remain on the same level. As leaders, if we are going to master this dynamic nature of leadership, it means that we cannot afford to remain on the same level. Leaders must learn to add to their skills regularly in order to avoid being embarrassed, let me use that word, to avoid being embarrassed with the changing nature of leadership. For example, if a change, you know catches you unaware, if you have not upgraded your skill sets, or if you have not upgraded yourself as the leader, then you are going to come out being embarrassed with that new change. Now let me give us an example, you will discover that as leaders, the skill sets that are required to start an organization is usually different from these key sets that are required to keep the organization running and growing.
So, what does that tell us? What does that mean? Don’t forget that starting an organization afresh is a phase of that organization. When the dynamic nature of leadership changes, it simply means that that organization must have grown from where it started from into another phase, into another level. So, if you have remained with the same skill set, which you require to start the organization, then it means that growing the organization and running the organization per time will become difficult because you have not changed that same skill set. So, when New Seasons and phases come into leadership, then it is also pertinent that the leaders also acquire new skills and new skill sets which are needed in order to move the organization forward.
Now, this is why as leaders once again, we cannot afford not to keep adding value to ourselves and to our leadership. One of the things that must be our preoccupation in leadership is adding value to our leadership. As leaders, we must be able to add new skills per time, we must be able to take up new challenges, take up new knowledge so that as time changes, as leadership grows in responsibility, as the organization we are leading changes, we are able to fit into the change, and then we don’t become irrelevant or embarrassed. So, this is very important. Mastering the dynamic nature of leadership helps the leader to understand a new approach, this is what it does, it helps us to understand a new approach to leadership, and what we ought to do in that new change.
Now, the last one I want to show us is that mastering the dynamic nature of leadership brings the leader to a place where he or she seeks the personal development of himself and the personal development of his team. Now, this is very important. The reason is because without proper physical, emotional, and mental development of the leader, and his team, being able to lead the organization and his team into the change would become a Herculean task, it will become something that is very difficult. So, what does that tell us? It means that the leader must ensure that he or she is at the forefront of the personal development of everyone that is involved with his or her leadership, and that is involved in the leadership or in the leading of the organization.
Everyone within the sphere of leadership of the leader must be able to take personal development so important, so that when change happens, everyone can transition into that change, without anyone being left behind. So personal development is so key, and is so paramount when it comes to mastering the dynamic nature of leadership. Everyone must be developing with time; everyone must be developing with the dynamic nature of that leadership. And this is very important for us as leaders, and it is also very important for our team and the organization that we are leading.
So, in summary, the dynamic nature of leadership requires that the leader, you and I as leaders, we must understand that leadership is not static, leadership changes with times, with seasons and with processes. And so, what would make us relevant as leaders at any point in time, is how we are able to understand these dynamics, and lead our team and organization effectively, anytime these dynamics occur. Now, I hope you don’t forget what I just said, you must be able to understand as the leader that leadership is not static, and when you master the dynamic nature of leadership, you are able to lead the organization effectively; and you are able to lead your team so that everyone can transition into that new change, into the new phase that the leadership and the organization is entering per time.
This is where we’re going to draw the curtains on this week’s episode of Leaderview. I believe you have picked one or two points which you are going to apply in your leadership going forward. Please don’t forget to like this podcast, don’t forget to share it with your friends, as many that you know are in your leadership circle that requires this podcast. Please share it with them. And also drop your comments with me in the comment section so that we can get to interact with ourselves as leaders. Till next time on leader view, remain effective in your leadership. And God bless you.