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The Leader-Follower dynamics explains the relationship that must exist between a leader and his team which would foster growth and progress within the organization. Many times, when these dynamics aren’t understood or are absent, it produces a slow-motion kind of progress or lack of growth and progress at all. This is why it is important that we examine this leader-follower dynamics for effectiveness in leadership.
Listen to Podcast: The Leader-Follower Dynamics for Greater Effectiveness
There are three basic things that strengthens the leader-follower dynamics. The first is CONNECTION. The second is INFLUENCE. The third is a SENSE OF CARE.
For there to be any meaningful progress in an organization, there must be some level of connection or relationship that exists between the leader and his followers or his team. Without this connection, growth could be stalled and progress impeded on every side. There is no way meaningful progress can take place if a leader and his team work in isolation. Most effective leaders strengthen their connection with their team or followers for greater productivity. When this is the case, the team go all out towards ensuring that the vision of the organization is accomplished. In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul said: “You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
In that passage, one can evidently see that there is this sort of connection between Paul and Timothy. Paul called Timothy his son, even though he was not his biological father. It takes some level of connection between a leader and his follower to relate on that pedestal. So, connection between a leader and his followers is highly important in the leader-follower dynamics. Without this connection, being able to build trust and free-flow communication between the leader and his team may be somewhat hindered.
I once read about INFLUENCE in one of John C. Maxwell’s books, and this is what it said: “The highest currency in leadership is influence. True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. It comes only from influence, and that cannot be mandated. It must be earned.” A leader must be able to influence others regardless of his position or title. The most powerful leaders in the world are those that have great and tremendous influence over their followers. When a leader struggles every now and then with his team, that simply points to one thing and one thing only: A LACK OF INFLUENCE.
The ability of any leader to influence his team or followers, regardless of his title or position, regardless of any incentive from the leader to his team, is the definition of true INFLUENCE IN LEADERSHIP. For example, Jesus had so much influence on His disciples to the degree that they could risk their lives for Him. They became unafraid of the authorities, and they could go about preaching the gospel despite being warned against it. In Acts 5:29-32, the Bible says:
“But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men. 30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you murdered by hanging on a tree. 31 Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. 32 And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.”
What would make them speak with this kind of confidence, despite the fact that Jesus had left them and was no longer physically amongst them? It was INFLUENCE. Jesus’ influence on them was so strong that they could continue His vision and assignment even while physically absent. So, INFLUENCE is so vital and key when it comes to the leader-follower dynamics.
Both the leader and his team or followers, do owe themselves a duty of care. Once there is no duty of care towards each other, it somewhat affects the leader, follower dynamics in the sense that everyone begins to watch his own back thereby affecting their sense of duty towards the organization. The moment this scenario sets in, it begins to bring about less and less dedication to the organization and this of course in the long run, would stall progress. The leader should know the state of his followers per time, and the followers should also know or find out how their leader is doing. By so doing, a sense of care is built and everyone watches each other’s’ back at all times.
In summary, the leader-follower dynamics is strengthened by three things: Connection, Influence and Sense of Care. The effectiveness of these three between a leader and his team would bring about the effectiveness of the organization and everyone in it. This is where we will draw the curtains for today, I believe you have learnt a few things that you would apply in your leadership going forward. Please, remember to share this podcast, like it, and drop your comments in the comments section so that we can get to interact with ourselves. Till next time, I remain Abiola Obayomi, God bless you.