Bob MajiriOghene Etemiku
I have read certain sections of JL Austin’s work, How to Do things with Words. I did not read that book because I qualify to be described as a bibliophile; I read that book because it was part of requirements needed to get a degree.
In the interview granted to Channels Television, the Channels interviewer told President Buhari that prior to his administration in 2015, indicators of development favoured his predecessor Goodluck Jonathan. As response, President Buhari said:
Well, I am not sure how correct your calculations are. All I know is that we have to allow people to get access to the farms…as I have said, we just have to go back to the land…we have to go back to the land. What we have done so far, I think is that we have achieved some successes and people ought to measure our successes vis-à-vis our problems when we started. You have given your figures as you calculated, but the important thing is this, that the farms…to produce machinery and tractors and so on…we have to build the infrastructure…’ And therefore to analyse his response to that critical question he was asked, we have highlighted certain key words that Mr. President used. They are the accentuated ones that have carried what I loosely want to refer to as having ‘peak of prominence’ – words like ‘the farms’, ‘the land’, ‘tractors’, and ‘machinery’. In mentioning these words again and again, Mr President appeared to want to say something precariously critical to our well-being; that is, in spite of the figures bandied by the Channels interviewer, there appear to be certain indices that will indicate that for real development to take place, our people must adjust their mindset about what truly needs to be done.
And the opportunity of the interview was such that Mr President appeared prepared to veer off the tangent of the discussion and discuss his own agenda and to risk leaving us all bewildered and befuddled, and to wonder at the relative strength or weakness of his mind. And so, because he asked us to reconsider partaking in at least some form of subsistent farming as a buffer to the hardship in the land, President Buhari has been lampooned and insulted and the video of that interview has gone viral.
Watching that interview again and listening with the ear of my academic training, something tells me that President Buhari, may have also read JL Austin’s How to Do Things With Words, and is somehow familiar with JL Austin’s Speech Act Theory.
JL Austin said a lot of things in his book concerning how we communicate. According to him, nearly all words – English, French, Hausa, Yoruba, Isoko, Ibo, Ibibio – have what he referred to as ‘locutionary, ‘illocutionary’ and ‘perlocutionary’ repercussions. Simply put, JL Austin’s Speech Act Theory implies that it is almost impossible to consider what words and sentences mean without a consideration of the context in which those words and sentences are made.
In contradistinction however, most northerners engage in both small-scale and large-scale farming greatly subsidized by their governments in the form of subsidies, procurement of fertilizers and agricultural extension services. Agricultural endeavour in the North employs millions of young people who are engaged in revenue-generating endeavours associated with farming. While on a trip to Kano or Kaduna, you are likely to find acres and acres and acres of either millet, sorghum, maize on either side of the roads. You would not find acres of cassava, yams, pepper, beans and rice on the rich alluvial soils that make up the landscape of most of the South-south of Nigeria, especially in Edo state.
So, if you ask President Buhari about employment in Nigeria, and he tells you to go to the farm; if you ask him about exchange rate and he tells you about developing the infrastructure for the farm; if you ask him about inflation in a country where nobody is interested in subsistence farming at least, and then he tells you that you should at least consider growing some of your own food, there is nothing, I believe, clueless about that. Rather, there is everything clueless in a people who import their food.
The greatest nations of the world today are great not because they have acquired a stockpile of nuclear weapons; they are great because they can feed themselves with reasonable support from government. And that is why I believe that President Buhari was spot on in telling us that going back to the land will cut inflation, employ our people and reduce borrowing to fund critical projects. Global hunger Index 2020 indicated that Nigeria ranks 103rd out of 116 countries with a level of hunger ‘that is very serious’. Punch newspaper report of January 7, 2022 indicated that in 2021, and according to the CBN, Nigeria spent over $1.68bn on food importation in nine months. Do the maths, and you will find out that for a country with relatively clement weather where farming can take place for at least twice in a year, Nigeria and Nigerians have no business whatsoever being listed on a global index of world hunger.
It is my guess that because President Buhari does not possess locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary capacity, most of what he wanted to tell Nigerians, on the evening of his jaded presidency is: To Your Farms O Nigerians…!
Etemiku is publisher of WADONOR, cultural voice of Nigeria.