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“You are not finished, you are only worried”- Francis Apeh
Going through a hard time is like going through a difficult situation, be it financial lack, a terminal illness, or a period of grief. It is an unpleasant process, a trying moment that is usually not comfortable. Basically it is a moment that no one would want to admire or go through in his lifetime. But the truth is that we experience this period in certain phases of our lives whether we like it or not. How you perceive it ultimately determines the outcome or benefits it produces. Some people come out very strong and become better persons while others get consumed by it. Now listen to me beloved, if you are able to hallow God in a period such as this you won’t get wallowed or swallowed by it. They that wait open the Lord shall renew their strengths they shall mount on wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40: 3)
So brethren God has assured you, why worry? He is mighty enough to deliver you. He is the ancient of days, the Alpha and Omega, He is the God of awesome wonder, the miracle worker, the one who knows the very end from the beginning, He stretched out the heavens and established the earth, The one who made the heavens His throne and the earth His footstool, He is the Almighty and all sufficient. Do you remember how He parted the red sea? Do you remember how He confounded the enemies of Israel? Do you remember how He cared for His people in the wilderness (TURBULENCE AND DRYNESS) fed them with bread and meat, and moved in a pillar of cloud by the day and a pillar fire by night?
Are you even aware that He is the one that set boundary for the sea? How He made the lame work and made the blind to see how He raised the dead back to life? Every Dead situation around you will be brought back to life in Jesus name. You have no cause to worry because God is in total control of the situation. Continue to trust Him in faith and I see you coming out strong. Trusts in the Lord completely don’t ever trust yourself, in everything you do put God first and He will direct you and crown your effort with success (Proverbs3:5-6).
When Christians are confronted with tough situations, they begin to respond to it in a negative way. They make confessions and declarations that won’t help but further compound their problems. They make statements like: I am finished, how will I cope? Who do I run to? How do I survive? I will just die and leave this world, I will kill myself, this one is too much for me to bear etc. Here is the good news; God Almighty says “Be strong and of a good courage fear not nor be afraid of them. For the lord thy God he is it that doth go with thee he will not fail thee nor forsake thee” (Deuteronomy31:6).
When a flower or a tree is undergoing pruning the process is painful and inconvenient. It involves cutting of branches, shaping and reduction, it doesn’t enjoy it. But after that process the flower or tree begins to look beautiful and bears more fruit. So it is with us humans. Let us not allow ourselves get swallowed in the hard times but instead see the period as a test for what God is about to do in our lives. In that your current situation God will show Himself strong and mighty in Jesus’ Name.
The closest thing that can be used to describe a hard time is weather and season. I urge you brethren to carefully read this with an open mind because God is about to give you an understanding that will speak peace to your situation. Anytime it is about to rain we notice that the people begin to run here and there (WORRY) with exception of those with umbrella (GOD). Clouds become dark and then it blocks the sun from shining (DARKEST TIMES). Then the wind begins to blow (TURBULENT TIMES) and then the rain (BLESSINGS) falls eventually flooding everywhere (ABUNDANCE).
We regard rain as a blessing from God but before it falls, a lot of wind would begin to blow and a lot of things that are not properly built or rooted would be blown away. So also it is with our lives. When God is about to bless a man there would be a shaken everything that is not planted by Him will be uprooted and blown away, everything that is not planted of Him will be shaken (HARD TIMES) and tested by the wind (YOUR CHARATER), you also will be tested by the wind (HARDTIMES) before the blessings come and when it finally comes as rain u will experience wetness, cool breeze, favorable and refreshing atmosphere, everything becomes clear including the sky above your head.
What you are going through now i.e. the wind and the dark clouds covering the sun (YOUR SHINE) resulting to dark environment (DARK MOMENTS) is an indication that this is a phase that comes prior to your rain (blessings) so that you can enjoy the full benefit of the rain (BLESSINGS). Each time the cloud gathers and goes dark and the sun goes deem with a lot of wind (TURBULENT TIMES) we always expect rain blessing. We should also see dark moments and such weather with an expectation that God is about to rain His blessings on you when you view your trying times with this mentality, you would always be joyful bearing in mind that weeping may only last for the night but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5). And because your expectations will not be cut short, God will open His windows of blessings upon your life.
Before the raining season, we always experience the dry season. Dry season connotes a period of absolute dryness and quietness, thirst, hunger, no vision, (don’t know what the future holds for me), answers to prayers not coming forth, (DELAY), the struggle and pressure is always much at this season or period. But the good news is that rainy season is not far from here. All you have to do is to hold on and be faithful. You are coming out strong. Encourage yourself in the Lord and say to yourself with confidence, my raining season is coming.
Jeremiah 30:11 says “For I know the thoughts I have for you says the lord thoughts of peace and not evil to give you a future and a hope and to give you an expected end.” Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. (1peter 5:6). Beloved God will give you an expected end. The season of dryness would soon be over. Do not think or say that you are finished. Things might not be going well now or they are not going the way it is supposed to be. It is just a matter of time. Your raining season would soon be here. Because you are serving a living God, testimony will come in Jesus name. Always remember this: cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (1peter 5:7).
Thank you for reading.