Author: Gboyega Adedeji

Mentored By Jesus Christ | Writer | Inspiring Speaker | Publisher | Coach | Builder | CEO @ | President at Centre for New Dimension Leadership | Entrepreneur | Husband & Father. Engaging me will change you!

The eagle, often referred to as the king of the sky, has long been a symbol of power, strength, and freedom. With its majestic wings spread wide and its razor-sharp vision, the eagle commands attention wherever it flies. However, these magnificent birds offer more than just a stunning spectacle; they provide valuable insights into the traits required for success. This article explores the mindset of an eagle and how embracing these five key traits can help you soar to new heights in your personal and professional life. Trait #1: Vision Eagles are renowned for their extraordinary vision. They can spot…

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Many people dream of quitting their 9-to-5 jobs and becoming full-time YouTubers. The thought of freedom, fame, and fortune is alluring, but before you hand in that resignation letter, let’s take a moment to explore what it really means to go from a steady day job to the unpredictable world of YouTube content creation. Here are five crucial tips to consider before taking the leap. Tip #1: Financial Stability First and foremost, let’s talk about finances. While the prospect of creating content for a living sounds exciting, the reality is that YouTube revenue can be inconsistent. You might earn a…

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In the digital era, creating a website is akin to setting up a virtual storefront, opening doors to global audiences and opportunities. WordPress, with its user-friendly interface and flexible features, stands as a preferred platform for many. Whether you’re a budding blogger, a small business owner, or a digital marketer, this guide will walk you through the essentials of starting and sustaining a WordPress website. Step 1: Planning Your Website Define Your Purpose: Begin by clarifying the purpose of your website. Whether it’s for blogging, showcasing a portfolio, or running an e-commerce store, your goals will dictate the design and…

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In a nation as vibrant and diverse as Nigeria, sports hold the power not just to entertain, but to catalyze significant socio-economic transformations. This exploration into the impact of sports investment reveals how, with strategic initiatives and comprehensive support, Nigeria can unlock a treasure trove of opportunities that benefit society at large. From grassroots movements to international podiums, the journey of sports development is a multifaceted venture capable of fostering unity, driving economic growth, and sculpting a healthier, more inclusive society. The Unity Playbook: Sports as a Vehicle for National Cohesion In the intricate mosaic that is Nigeria, with its…

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In the heart of Nigeria, where the vibrant pulse of its people beats with a passion for sports, lies untapped potential that transcends the boundaries of play. This article delves into the profound socio-economic impacts that sports development can have on Nigeria, a nation teeming with talent and enthusiasm yet facing myriad challenges. By fostering sports, Nigeria can harness a powerful vehicle for social change, economic growth, and national unity. The Power of Play: Sports as a Catalyst for Social Change Sports have the unique ability to unite people from diverse backgrounds, breaking down social and cultural barriers. In Nigeria,…

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In the annals of human history, the most transformative empires were not those bounded by geography or built by conquest, but those forged by the minds of visionary innovators. From the spark of an idea to the sprawling empires of industry and digital realms, the journey of these innovators is a testament to the indomitable spirit of creation. This narrative embarks on the universal journey of innovators, charting the path from the inception of an idea to the zenith of global empires. The Genesis of Innovation Every empire begins as a mere thought, a whisper in the mind of an…

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In the crucible of the global market, the mettle of entrepreneurs is tested not by their capacity to avoid failure but by their resilience in the face of it. This resilience, born from a symbiotic relationship with innovation and adaptation, is the cornerstone upon which empires are built and legacies are crafted. This article delves into the secret chambers of resilient entrepreneurs, unraveling the tapestries of agility and creativity that define their success. The Phoenix Phenomenon At the core of entrepreneurial resilience is the Phoenix Phenomenon—the ability to rise from the ashes of failure with renewed strength and wisdom. This…

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Unlock your entrepreneurial spirit and turn your passions into profit with Selabaya, Nigeria’s leading online marketplace! This comprehensive guide empowers you to navigate the selling process seamlessly, attract eager buyers, and watch your bank account flourish. Step 1: Create Your Account and Choose a Plan Step 2: Craft a Compelling Shop Profile Step 3: Master the Art of Listing Ads Step 4: Spread the Word and Watch Sales Soar! Bonus Tips for Success: By following these steps and embracing a creative, customer-centric approach, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful seller on Selabaya. Remember, consistency, quality, and…

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In the varieties of human endeavor, entrepreneurship and innovation emerge as the twin threads that weave the pattern of progress. This indelible link, transcending eras and economies, illustrates not merely a relationship but a dynamic synergy that fuels the engine of growth and transformation. This narrative explores the timeless essence of innovation in the entrepreneurial journey, unraveling its role as the perennial driver of success. The Eternal Flame of Curiosity At the heart of every groundbreaking venture lies the flame of curiosity—a desire to explore the uncharted, to question the status quo, and to imagine the unimaginable. History is replete…

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In the intricate dance of economic development and stability, Nigeria stands at a pivotal juncture, bolstered by the Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN) proactive monetary policies. Aimed at rejuvenating the economy, these strategies are meticulously crafted to entice Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and Foreign Portfolio Investments (FPIs), crucial engines of economic growth and development. This article delves into how CBN’s increased interest rates and other policy maneuvers are sculpting a favorable landscape for investors and what this means for Nigeria’s economic future. Setting the Stage for Growth At the heart of CBN’s policy toolkit is the adjustment of interest rates,…

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