Author: Gboyega Adedeji

Gboyega Adedeji is mentored by Jesus Christ, an organizational development expert at AAJ Consulting Limited. He writes, speaks and coaches. He is the CEO @ Kingdom Pathwalker Inspirationals, President at Centre for New Dimension Leadership, President at Kingdom Pathwalkers Ministries and Entrepreneur at Hubpile. He is a husband & father; engaging him will surely change you!

Today, we are examining How to Wrestle either with or by the word of Mouth. That is what we will be studying today and I want us to start our study from the book of Psalms 8, and I will read the first two verses there. We will also examine that text in Amplified version of the Bible, Classic Amplified version for better and clearer understanding of what we will be talking about. Listen To Podcast: HOW TO WRESTLE WITH THE WORD OF YOUR MOUTH O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who…

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Outside the burial grounds, most structures or establishments or entities are built over time from ground up. In fact, when Jesus was teaching His followers in Israel the secret of the Kingdom of heaven, He stressed that the Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which perhaps the smallest of all seeds; but often end up becoming very large and resourceful enough for the birds of the air to nest in its branches. Whenever God wants to start a thing, He often start small; however, whatever God starts has in it the capacity for expansion and growth. At a…

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This is shown by the fact that God sets another day, which is called “Today.” Many years later he spoke of it through David in the scripture already quoted: “If you hear God’s voice today, do not be stubborn.” Hebrews 4:7 (Good News Translation) Generations come and generations go, but the world stays just the same. Ecclesiastes 1:4 (Good News Translation) Across the world, GENERATIONS are accumulations of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and years. But lest we become overwhelmed with those details, we would focus on the word DAY; and our target is to see how we…

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For many of us, the return of Jesus Christ to this earth in the fullness of His glory seems like a never-ending wait; yet, the signs are more glaringly on the walls of our society that His return is just around the corner. When I meditated on how we “believers” behave especially whenever we hear or speak about the second coming of Christ; I realized that our disposition is just like the disposition of the Jews (especially their leaders) to the FIRST coming of the Messiah. They had waited so much that when He actually came, they had lost faith…

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Christmas celebration, which is basically “the mass on Christ’s day” is an event that began after the death of Christ, during the reign of a Roman Emperor Constantine. Prior to his time, Christians were persecuted massively and were killed at their will; however, he was said to have converted to Christianity, thus, applied some break to the killing of Christians in the Roman empire. Being a new convert as it were, he decried Christianity to be the “new religion” of the Roman people. However, one thing was very clear, he did not accept Jesus to replace his former gods; but…

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I have come to realize that an average person is primarily looking for, working for, praying for and even fighting for growth. Whatever we committed ourselves into, we want such thing(s) to grow. We want our children to grow (for those who are married); we want our organizations to grow; and we want to grow ourselves. However, in spite of the widespread yearning for growth, we just don’t simply grasp this “growth” as we intend or hope – and in some cases, leading to our personal and corporate frustrations. Thinking for this important matter, I asked myself a few…

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According to the dictionary, to gnash is to bring your top and bottom teeth together quickly. In another instance, it says, to gnash is to grind (one’s teeth) together as a sign of anger (often used hyperbolically). The question is, why do people gnash? Do people gnash in their state of ecstasy or pleasure; or do people gnash in great displeasure? then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.’ 27 But He will say, ‘I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you…

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It is no more a news that over 1 billion people across the world today profess Jesus Christ – as either their Lord or their Saviour; while some significant number profess Jesus as both their Lord and Saviour. The concern really isn’t the number of people who profess Jesus Christ as Lord or Saviour or Lord and Saviour; but the percentage of this groups (joined together) who really know the Person of Jesus Christ. At a point in time, Jesus said, “By their fruits, we shall know them”; the question is, who are we going to know by their…

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Your Walk With God: Is It Full-Time or Part-Time? is a question that rings very loud in my spirit. I am confronted with it; and so are you! No one is in any serious doubt that you have a walk with God. In fact, many people know you to be a child of God; the question on the lips of the hosts of heaven is, “Is your walk with God on a full-time basis or a part-time basis?” Before you go defensive on this matter; I must let you know that you are doing a great job already, walking with…

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Please read Part 1 before reading this for your full understanding of PRINCIPLES Are You A Leader Under Authority? (Part 1): Principles of Authority in Leadership If you look at president Buhari, to many of us he is like no nonsense man, the ball stops on his table, but in practical reality, he cannot do anything against the will of the Queen of England and Donald Trump; among other people. There are certain people, especially the Queen of Britain. You have collected independence, that’s the impression that everybody has in the country. But whatever they want him to do…

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