Author: Omolara Adedeji

She is an Associate Contributor on Fridayposts. She is the Executive Director of Flickers of Hope Foundation in Abuja, Nigeria. A passionate woman with a strong heart for God and faith in His Word. She is an inspirational writer and speaker. She has written two transforming books - The Battle of Destination and The Marriage Covenant. She counsels men and women on issues pertaining to marriage, purpose and ministry. She is happily married to Gboyega Adedeji

Godliness with contentment is great gain for all who desire to receive the great gain of pleasing God. The world is full of men and women that lack contentment, people that have become confused about what satisfies and gives true satisfaction in life. There is nothing that can truly satisfy and give pleasure in life than in living life in full, Not in the number of years spent or in the number of houses built and cars that you rode. Life’s satisfaction is not in the quantity of it, the design of it or the pampering of it, but in…

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Getting married is fun and exciting for many young people. They dream about it, talk about it and plan for that big day that changes everything. Everything actually changes from that day, the name, finger, status, accommodation and oftentimes location. It is fun and exciting to celebrate your wedding, anniversary and other occasions. It becomes a different ball game to have a beautiful wedding and a totally different one to have a beautiful and blessed home. After the wedding you realize that the wedding was fun and the marriage is about function. The wedding was a party and the marriage…

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Every expectant mom knows there are certain foods that should be avoided during pregnancy to protect the health of their unborn baby. The list, however, has become so long and so controversial that it’s difficult to know which foods/drinks actually pose a health risk and which ones are actually safe for consumption. When it comes to pregnancy, there are certain foods that should most definitely be avoided. Foods that are too high in mercury or Vitamin A can pose a health risk to your baby, as can foods that are known to cause foodborne illness such as Listeriosis and Salmonella…

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An LCHF diet is dominated by consuming natural fats and proteins from animals, but it also includes natural carbohydrates from first and foremost vegetables grown above ground. It’s also a diet that consist of food that is as little industrially processed as possible and you should also avoid unnecessary additives and choose organic food as much as you can. The main point with a low carb diet is that you should swap the traditionally large amount of carbohydrates (sugar and starch) to natural fats. Note for diabetics Avoiding the carbohydrates that raise your blood sugar decreases your need for medication…

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It is generally accepted, that any diet below 130-150 grams of carbohydrates is regarded as “low-carb”. Ketogenic diets are a subset of low-carb diets that induce a metabolic state known as ketosis by restricting carbs to 20-50 grams a day. Based on studies, ketosis is a beneficial condition for treating cancer. The idea is that when you restrict carbohydrate intake below 20-50 grams, your body runs out of glycogen stores and starts producing ketone bodies. Normal cells can use ketones for energy, but cancer cells cannot and they literally starve to death. Keep in mind that it’s still early days…

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LCHF typically actually stands for Low Carb High Fat, but we have renamed it: Low Carb Healthy Fat. We feel this better reflects what it’s all about. While we do want you to eat more fat than you are probably used to, the emphasis is on healthy sources of fat. LCHF is not a “diet”, it is a way of life. This article teaches you what you need to know to live the LCHF lifestyle; it covers the benefits you’ll reap and the reasons behind the stunning successes from eating and living the Low Carb, Healthy Fat way. Come, join us!…

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Losing tummy fat in 10 days is not an impossible task. With the proper changes in the diet, lifestyle and exercise it is possible to get a flat tummy within 10 days. It is necessary to use specific dietary and exercise strategies which target the abdominal area to lose tummy fat. Elevating the metabolic rate is the key to reduce the fat deposits in the body. Follow the strategy given below to get flat tummy in 10 days. Day 1 The first step in achieving flat tummy is to remove all the junk food from your house. Replace the junk…

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In modern times, as we have it today, there is a challenge of balance in countless homes and in the world at large. There is a great need for balance for us all to function appropriately. That is why we will be discussing fundamental keys that can enhance this balance that we are talking about: Help: There is need for us to recognize and accept help. This is not the time to prove that you are a super man or woman. It is time tobe effective and productive in all you do. It is important for us to know when…

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There are a lot of frivolities in the world today and an endless pursuit of happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction. Some people niche this search on career, money, spouse, CHILDREN, business and so on. While many have been faced with the reality of the truth that human wants are insatiable. The question is, “Do men and women get satisfied in life with their achievements and attainments?”, “Why is there a drrive for more money, promotion, children, wives and so on?”, “What is the source of the insatiable cravings of men across the globe?, “Have you asked yourself why the African richest…

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Oluyemi Oluleke Osinbajo is the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He was born on the 8th of March, 1957 at Creek Hospital, Lagos. He is married to an amiable woman, Dolapo Osinbajo and they are blessed with children. He obtained his LLB degree from the University of Lagos in 1978, and LLM from London School of Economics and Political Science, a member of Nigeria’s inner bar who was nominated as the Vice-Presidential candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC) on 17 December 2014. Yemi Osinbajo got his primary school education at Corona School. From 1969 to 1975, Osinbajo attended Igbobi…

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