In the word of Dr John C. Maxwell, “Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership”; the implication of that assertion is that the leaders have the responsibility and the opportunity to shape the destiny of a people.
From the time of Adam till date, the best leaders have not been the richest or the strongest – but they have been men and women of clarity of vision, correct character and dogged faith in the future.
Where problem arises is when the political leaders are short of the most important requirement of leadership, but makes frantic effort to compensate all that with money.
There will be an unstable and unreliable future for any group or nation whose leaders source their authority in money at the expense of vision, character and clear of communication.
Since no man can give what he does not have, and leadership requires continuous supply of these things to the people; therefore, it is expedient that every Nigerian wakes up from the slumber of slavery and RISE to the CHALLENGE of true nationhood!