If you see a man on your way and say that he looks like or resembles JESUS CHRIST, then who do you look like to yourself? It is possible to carry the Bible in our hands and not use it for the right reason. Because if we do, we wouldn’t be following teachings and doctrines that are not of our God and our new life.
Let’s begin by examining the Bible to see the form of CHRIST while in the flesh and when He was out of the flesh.
We cannot see God. But Jesus Christ is completely what God is. Even before God made anything, Jesus was already the Son of the Father [sharing the same form with God]. (Col.1:15, EASY). The key teaching of this verse of the Bible is that, whatever God is, is who Jesus is. It then means that if I want to see God, by the time I have seen Jesus I shouldn’t be confused of what God should look like.
This should make us begin to build our mind on the fact that when we carry an image and say this is JESUS, what we are saying in reality is that, what we are carrying is nothing else but God. Which automatically reduce God to what we can carry or move about, which is impossible. It then also implies that we can have a wooden Jesus, an iron Jesus, a cement Jesus, a mud Jesus, or sandy Jesus as desires by each one of us. But if this is what we believe and do, are we not without knowledge?
Let’s continue to see what Jesus who is the image of God reveals to us about the form of God.
God is Spirit. People who worship Him must worship from their spirits in a true way.’ (John 4:24, EASY). This is very expressive about the person of God. And this leaves us with no doubt that Jesus is equally Spirit just as God is Spirit. And when this understanding is added to how God created man, you will notice that the figure, image, we point to and call Jesus is done out of our Ignorance of the person of Jesus.
What does the Bible teach about the creation of man? Let’s look it up in Genesis 1:27: “…So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” When the Bible says He created us like He is, you know that was what actually took place. He created you and me like Himself. What is He like? He is Spirit and that is what He has made us.
The Bible went on to teach us in Genesis 2:7 that God formed a body for man, the one He created in His image, and in form of breath releases the Spirit man He created in His image and likeness into the body. Meaning the spirit of man can be detached from the body. No wonder the Bible teaches that we should not fear him that is able to kill the body but cannot kill the spirit, the soul. It is like saying, we should not fear anyone that is able to tear our uniforms apart, but has no access to do anything to our spirits.
Our reality is not in our body; the body is nothing other than uniform for our spirits to find expression on earth. I know you know that it is impossible for any of the fishes in the sea to vacate the body of water to claim, “I want to start living like man on earth, I have a job to carry out”; then it goes on to build a mansion to settle down with men as neighbor. Till this present world will be rolled up like mat by He that first spread it, no fish can survive such rebellion. Same way you cannot just pick up your things to go, and start living in the sea. You can’t do so because you are not the makeup of a fish: you don’t share the same body features with them.
That is why you don’t see spirits walking about across the face of the earth. For any spirit to find expression on Earth, it must do it through the body of the earth, dust – the only approved uniform to be seeable by the inhabitants of the earth. (See Genesis 3:1-2). And it will be total ignorance to hold onto the uniform to think that, that is the person; whereas, the person who is primarily spirit could be detach, sever, from the body, uniform, and still lives on in the spirit realm rendering the uniform, body, that is left behind useless and a total waste. None of the Saints of old still remember the body they left behind on earth. That memory is gone from them. (See Genesis 3:19).
Our body is the uniform that make us lawful occupants of the earth. The real us is our spirits. Once the spirit is gone from the body, the body becomes subject to decay and waste, food for termites.
Look at a soldier for instance, of what use is his uniform when he has been shot dead?
The Bible recorded that the body of Jesus was not to see corruption: was not subject to decay but there was nothing glorious about the body that was crucified and buried. The body you see on the cross that was wounded for us is not what His glorious body is from the beginning before the foundation of the world. When the apostles, His disciples who were privileged to see Jesus transfigured before them saw the glory of His body, they wished they never climb down from that mountain again. Of course, we shall all see Him as He is one day if we are able to finish our race faithfully (See Matthew 17:1-13).
The very body, flesh, Jesus was born with from the womb of Mary was done away with in His death and burial. That body was weak and made sinful for you and I; so we can become the righteousness of God. That same body made many Christians to think they have found Jesus’ body, image, and they bow to it, kneel before it, carry it as necklaces, wall paper, use the statue in prayer and state their petitions before it…and confess their sins to it; will God ever have mercy on His children that do so despite the costly price He paid for our ransom?
As long as God is concerned, the last state of the body of Christ at death on the cross and burial was made sinful, unpleasing to God not because of His personal sin that He committed but for the sake of His brethren – you and me (See 2 Corinthians. 5:21, Hebrews 1:34).
We no longer talk about Jesus in the flesh because His flesh was made sin for our sake; and God Himself could not continue to behold His body on the cross because, having been made a sinner on behalf of the sinful world, righteousness was completely gone out of the face of the earth for the space of three hours (God is of a purer eyes that He cannot behold iniquity). Because God could not continue to behold the total sinful world, absolutely free and empty of righteousness, until the sacrifice for sin was fully offered up, when Jesus gave up the ghost. (See Matt. 27:45-53.)
We commit sin in our ignorance and we think God will not rebuke us. The same body that became sin for the sake of the entire world is the same thing we have embraced, we still keep reminding God of the pains of separation between Him and His pleasing and beloved Son, when He bore the sins of the world in his body, in the name of religious activities and worship. If we don’t repent, the day we will meet Him like that; in our self made idols, we will know we denied our faith by our actions.
Friend, should you do this or you believe it is real, know that you can’t change God’s mind, but you can only obey and do His biddings. He is Spirit, Jesus is Spirit, you are primarily spirit dwelling in a body with a soul. And as spirit beings we can only worship and fellowship with God, who is also Spirit, Father of all spirits, in Spirit and in truth.
Don’t count it a lighter matter to think that it is fun to engage yourself in things that has to do with image worship. Who the image resembles or looks like doesn’t make it acceptable to God; even if it were to look like God Himself, you are still not right (Deut. 5:7-9.)
Is it not foolishness to say that this is how Spirit looks like?
Apart from accepting by faith that your spirit man or being looks exactly like you look physically, is there any evidence to prove your point that you have actually seen your spirit before and this is how it looks like? Does your shadow picture the very colour of your body? Same way the images people reverence as picture or image of Jesus, Mary, Peter, and the likes of others are lies and frame works from the pit of hell. Even we ourselves do not know how we are going to look at our resurrection, but we have this hope that when He comes, we will be as He is.
Do you know the hour of your departure? Since you don’t know, why not purge yourself from all these things, should the hour come when you are less prepared. Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people.
You can only run this race once; ensure you run this race according to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your spirit not according to the leading of your religion, denomination, nor your senses – what you approve and the ones you disapprove.
Obedience is life and key in the kingdom of God, and whether we would be pleasing to God or not all depends on how we are obeying the instructions of God to us.
For you to ever be right, it must be done in God’s way. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Rom. 8:14).
Be careful, less wrong doctrines, beliefs, rob you of your eternal inheritances, and Glory. It is a total lost to end up in Hell.