“The Cross An Eyesore For The Devil, But The Mighty Power Of God To Those Who Believe” John
The Cross of Jesus remains an undo victory for Satan and all his host of Demons forever: eternity without end.
As powerful as some people see the devil (witches, wizards, magic powers, evil spirits, (‘mami’-waters, ‘jujus’, ‘jax’, ‘otumokpos’ as found within some African settings)… etc), it is easier to make the devil and his agents (demons) shed tears, weep or powerless than beating a day old baby/child to cry. All the devil needs to see, hear, or remember to start shedding tears is the Cross of Jesus. His undo eyesore.
I am not ashamed of the CROSS OF JESUS. To preach the message of the cross (the Gospel) seems like complete nonsense to those who are on their way to destruction, but to us who are on our way to salvation, it is the mighty power of God released within us (1 Corinthians 1:18, Romans 1:16).
When a man lives without genuine relationship with the Lord Jesus, if the Cross had no impact in his/her life – such a fellow is overpowered by sin, self, the world, Satan and affliction.
The Cross of Jesus makes a believer superior to sin, Satan, all demonic agents and all forms of afflictions that is possible on earth.
The Cross of Jesus empowers the heirs of salvation – the Saints, to afflict Satan and all his host, punish and discipline them to respect divine provisions, subdue self, frustrate sin, live a life of victory over sin and the world, discipline affliction,… to name but a few (Ephesians 2:6, 1:19-23).
What a privilege people! We are heirs of salvation through faith on the accomplished work of the Cross by Christ Jesus!
Do you reign in this victory, authority and dominion of all believers?
If NO, and you want to – it is free and simple. Accept Jesus today. Decide to follow Jesus with all your heart. Allow Jesus to express His life through you, and He shall frustrate and mesmerize the power of the evil ones working against you, your destiny and family. Congratulations if you did. John 1:12, Romans12:1-2. Matthew 11: 28-29.
1 Comment
That’s what we’ve all been waiting for! Great posintg!