Divide and rule (or divide and conquer, from Latin dīvide et imperā) in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people. It was heavily used by British Empire in India and elsewhere. (Encyclopedia)
If one meditate over the above paragraph, one would realize that the long-lived strategy of satan is the same strategy that many empires and governments have used in subjugating other governments or nations.
In the Bible, it is written that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Implying the serious implication of disunity in the perpetuity of any kingdom or national heritage.
If a people are one, they are strong and able to stand in defense of their values, rights and privileges; however, what nations and many politicians have done is to sow (sponsor) the seed of discord among their people or the people of the other groups in order to divide them and then take advantage of their scattered (unorganized) interests.
If any group or nation therefore want to emerge from the present humiliation, then such group must bring all interests together to the place of unity and understanding – for only united we stand and divided we fall.
Bringing the matter home to Nigeria, one cannot be realize the wit with which successive governments have divided various groups, parties and tribes in Nigeria for their own convenience. From the Nigeria Labour Congress to even the NFF. There is hardly any segment in Nigeria that government haven’t tried to divide to rule.
I believe that divide and rule is an expired ideology that cannot remain, and it is important that every Nigeria stands together against the collective plundering of our future by the political agents and political entities. Enough, indeed is enough of Divide and Rule. #NoMoreDividenRule