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Adversity is a difficult or an unpleasant situation. Adversity is synonymous with words like misfortune, difficulty, hardship or trouble. No one loves to hear or experience any of those definitely; however, life is not designed with smooth paths. Contrary to what many of us could desire, adversity is not avoidable; however, when it comes, you and I have a privilege to determine our responses to or about it.
Many times, we fail even before we face tests or examinations; and that is a pointer to the attitude of most men….we detest to be tested, tried or examined. That even reminds me the story of the Apostles in the book of the Acts of the Apostles; where the Apostles were punished by the leaders of the people for the manner of life they were living and the manner of life they were teaching people to live. At a point, the Scriptures say that the Apostles were examined by scorching – the question is, how many of us can afford to be examined by canes even at old age. The point is, examinations in life can come in different forms, and we do not have the power to stop them from coming; however, we can determine how we respond in the moments of our own examination.
If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
Proverbs 24:10
After reading that Scripture above, thoughts filled my heart. I spoke to myself, “So, adversities are not the fault of anyone, neither are they the fault of God“. Adversities can come, but if we faint in our own moment of adversity, it is not because God is not good; nor is it because God is not faithful. Rather, it is because we have little strength.
God’s strength is available for all of us in our moments of difficulties; however, our capacities for fighting adversities are in the proportion of our received strength. The question then is, “how can I get more strength from God for my own moment of adversity?“. The answer is easy and available! In the presence of the Lord is the fullness of joy, and at His right hand there are pleasures evermore. And the Bible tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Hence, the more joy a man receives from the presence of the Lord, the more strength he possesses for effective living on the earth.And the more strength a man receives from the Lord, the better and stronger he becomes in the face of adversity. Adversities do not come to break us down, but to examine our source and level of strength.
Do you remember the word of the Lord in the book of Matthew 7:24-29,storms, wind, and rain do not come really because they hate houses or to destroy houses; but to certify their builders. When we compromise at the building phase of life, storming situations, windy situations and rainy situations will come to reveal our compromises. Fighting adversity is therefore a show of your inner strength in difficult situations. That was the experience of Job when he faced his own adversity frontally. Do not run away from hardship, face it and move on to the greatness of your destiny. God bless you richly