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Tayo Oke
There are three arms of government under a federal system: legislative, executive, and Judiciary. In Nigeria, however, there appears to be the fourth: the Governors’ Forum, (or Fora), as they now come in multiples. It appears to be Nigeria’s unique contribution to the modern understanding of federalism. Let us be absolutely clear from the onset, the Nigerian constitution makes clear provisions for the office of governor for each of its 36 states, but no provision for the institution of the ‘Governors’ Forum’. It has been invented by the governors for their convenience. It has no basis in law or in the electoral process. Nonetheless, their decisions, whenever they meet, carry moral weight above all else. The seemingly innocuous act by some well-meaning governors, banding together to jaw-jaw and pontificate current affairs, has unwittingly become talking points for decisions on critical issues of the day in Nigeria. The legislature and the executive now take their cue from what emanates from the governors’ fora. What started as an elite junket in 1999, has become a building block of political decision-making, with various governors across the land huddling together within the confines of their geopolitical space, making pronouncements, and issuing communiqués on matters of national significance.
The umbrella organisation for governors nationwide is the Nigeria Governors’ Forum. Although it still barks, occasionally, it is fast diminishing in prominence. In a way, it has become the victim of its own (initial) success. The position of the NGF’s Chairman is no longer as hotly contested as it once was. The supreme irony is that its current Chairman, Governor Kayode Fayemi of Ekiti State, lends more credibility to the organisation, as an individual, than the organisation lends to him. The day is not too long when the curtain is drawn on the organisation, since we now have various splinter groups such as the Southern Governors’ Forum, Northern Governors’ Forum, South-West Governors’ Forum, South-East Governors’ Forum, South-South Governors’ Forum, and so on, and so forth.
Be it Sovereign Wealth Fund, petrol subsidy, minimum wage, industrial strikes, unemployment, police brutality, insecurity, taxation, open grazing, zoning of presidential candidacy, one governors’ forum or another has something to say. They dominate the news headlines for prolonged periods and chart new courses for others to follow. It is as if the legislature and the executive no longer really matter. The main arms of government are happy to take a backseat, happy to learn what direction comes out of the differing and variegated governors’ fora.
The highlight of the governors’ forum’s policy pronouncements came in the form of the Southern Governors’ Forum’s assertion that the next Nigerian President must come from the southern part of the country. The Northern Governors’ Forum has responded by waving the 1999 Constitution at them. It is silent on zoning. They are saying, effectively, ‘We have the critical electoral numbers to affect the outcome of any general election in Nigeria’ – and de jure, they are right. The current federal structure indeed carries an in-built advantage for the North. To be declared winner in a Presidential race, the candidate must secure 2/3 of the states in the federation, and more states are in the mix from the North than in the South combined. There are other dubious indices such as population, and a stranglehold on the coercive apparatus of the state, all of which the political elite in the North believe give them considerable leverage in any current or future negotiations for power. It is clearly grandstanding on the part of both groups really. The Northern Governors’ Forum does not relish being held to ‘ransom’ from the ‘power-shift agitators’ from the South. They are willing to cede power to the South through ‘quiet diplomacy’ not through open declarations, which they see as tantamount to bullying. The Southern Governors’ Forum, on their part, desires to be seen to be forthright with their northern counterparts especially if, as it is generally assumed, they are willing to let the sleeping dog lie when it comes to ‘restructuring’. After all, IPOB and their Yoruba brethren have been neutralised without anyone of note from the South raising an eyebrow. A BIG concession to the North by the oligarchs in the South, but, seen by many of their grassroots activists as a betrayal.
Added to this is the vexed issue of VAT (Southern governors in support, and Northern governors against). The reason for this split is pretty clear even to an amateur analyst. Tax revenue derived from VAT very much depends on the quantum of economic activity generated from within each state. The northern states generate less revenue even with their preponderance of states vis-a-vis the southern states. Sending VAT revenue to the centre, for onward distribution to states protects the North’s advantage of state and local government numbers, and their inordinate yearly harvests from the centre. With these two issues at the centre stage of public policy debate, the crack in the wall is beginning to show from inside the dinner table of the high and mighty. The ruling cliques, (North and South), for the first time, find themselves facing the real prospect of an implosion. Maybe, just maybe, the much-vaunted political revolution in Nigeria could yet happen without anyone firing a shot. What it also points to is this. We are witnessing the functioning of regional government in its embryonic stages. The lack of leadership from the centre has opened up new vistas to viable alternatives.
What is more, the above development is opening the citizens’ eyes to the impotence of the National Assembly. Many people do not see its continued relevance with the growing influence of the governors’ fora. If the National Assembly was abolished tomorrow, heavens would not fall. The country has developed sufficient capacity for regional governance without further ado. The governors have demonstrated that consistently in the last five years at least. Still, the best outcome from all this would be a reconstitution along regional parliaments, which then elect the President. Directly elected Executive Presidency is a cog in the wheel of Nigeria’s progress. All the typical Nigerian President ever does in office is preside over the distribution of largesse and hands out patronage. In this wise, the oligarchs’ wilful pilfering of resources has contributed in no small measure to the rising poverty level in the North. The World Bank estimates that 80% of Nigeria’s ‘lumpen proletariat’ (Fanon’s wretched of the earth) is located in the region, despite control of federal apparatus of government in northern hands across several decades.
Finally, imagine what it would be like if the honey pot (i.e. Federal Government) was loosened up, or should we say, “unbundled” à la Petroleum Industry Act? In other words, the institution of a loose federation in favour of regional governments in a New Nigeria. The immediate impact on life in the North (with comparatively fewer Internally Generated Revenue) would be catastrophic, would it not? Wait a minute. This is the bogus and downright false narrative that has been peddled by reactionary forces for decades, and it ought to be confronted head on. The North would not be turned into shreds in the pit of poverty without the gratuitous benefits from the centre. That is a specious, and frankly, lazy argument.