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Greg Odogwu
There is no word to express the shame and psychological distress you suffer when seated with your Oyinbo friend in a tour bus passing through the West African intra-continental corridor to Lagos. The moment you clear the popular Seme border into Nigeria, the journey turns from a sweet sight-seeing cruise to a nerve-jarring nightmare, courtesy of the notoriously dreadful Lagos-Badagry express pain, sorry, “Expressway”.
For those who usually travel by road from Nigeria to neighbouring West African countries for business, leisure or education, it is always a hellish experience when the Nigerian side of the journey turns an otherwise relatively short trip into an overnight vigil.
A couple of days ago, it was widely reported in the media that women under the aegis of Women Arise For Change Initiative and members of the Campaign for Democracy, a civil society organisation, took to the streets to protest what they described as the total neglect of the Lagos-Badagry “Expressway” by both the Federal and Lagos State governments. The two groups were joined by residents of Badagry and motorists who regularly use the roads.
It is therefore ironical that the major country among the West African family of nations is the most unwelcoming, in terms of environmental ambience. The so-called small and poor nations like Togo and Benin have well-tarred roads traversing the hinterlands up to the frontiers, while the giant is straddled by kilometres of half-roads, potholes, puddles, grass turfs, waste bins, and squalid open defecation no-go areas. And the so-called federal road is manned by as many uniformed servicemen as there are diverse indiscriminately concocted check points, almost at one-uniform-per-pole basis.
A journey through the Seme-Badagry-Lagos corridor can only be described as a run through the Gauntlet. It is a nightmare that lasts for at least six hours if, by God’s mercy, your vehicle does not raise the ire of the officers on duty. As described by an angry Badagry protester, it takes the same time to make the journey from Enugu to Lagos, as it takes to travel from Mile 2 to Badagry!
For a first-time traveller, the joy of arriving one’s own country and looking forward to being picked up by friends and family at the terminal, is immediately terminated when one discovers that arriving the Nigerian border is just the commencement of another iffy journey.
Second, for a country that since 2015 has been singing economic diversification, the Badagry-Lagos “Expressway” is the veritable launching pad to pluck low-hanging fruits. As is universally known, there is a direct connection between infrastructural development and job creation. There are so much lost opportunities for entrepreneurship in the heavily populated Lagos because of the state of the Lagos- Badagry road. Tourism, and roadside commerce in a linear town like Badagry are lost. The transport sector is hampered, just as the environmental sector also suffers.
If, for instance, the long stretch of the road to the Nigerian border at Seme is in a good shape, trees would be planted on its sides and the setting properly landscaped. These activities would create employment through providing green jobs. In such a conducive ecosystem also, roadside kiosks would spring up to service the thronging tourists plying the corridor. So, because of the deplorable state of the road, jobs are being lost daily, and the youth take to drug abuse and criminal activities to survive.
The criminal elements and dangerous route then scare travellers away from the route. Conversely, those that would have naturally taken a trip by road to, say, Ghana, just for the fun of it, would prefer to channel their monies into some other “less dangerous” outlets like playing Lotto and NaijaBet. And, we keep asking why our society is getting worse by the day!
National development is not a linear process; it has very sophisticated linkages with diverse sectors of the economy and every facet of the peoples’ lives. The youth of Nigeria cannot develop just by sitting in the classroom, studying and passing their exams. They have to also be exposed to other cultures and economic ideas and opportunities, both locally and internationally, in order to be ready to face the world after school. But in a situation where they cannot afford to travel just because the roads are deplorable, the country cannot quantify the loss in human capacity development.
People continue wondering how the United States keeps creating such number of jobs for its citizens as we hear in the news, but what we fail to recognise is the deliberate effort on the side of their government to create a network of opportunities for its citizens by methodologically linking opportunities for growth and enterprise. The US government creatively builds infrastructure across the states for tourism, such that road travel is fun, cheap and fast.
This creates economic hubs around the country, and encourages citizens to spend their money inside America, as opposed to our own penchant for spending outside Nigeria. It is the neglect of such a vital conduit as the Lagos-Badagry Expressway that defines us as a wasteful, visionless people.
Third, the highway is a critical tangential route to the much-talked about LAKAJI corridor. This is the transport route developed by Nigeria’s International Development Partners as a strategy to jumpstart our continental and regional leadership in commerce. It is the Lagos-Kano-Jibiya corridor from West to North Africa, planned to enhance seamless export-import haulage.
The LAKAJI Corridor is a 1,225 km transport route that runs from the port of Lagos, through the commercial centre of Kano, and ending in Jibiya at the border with Niger. The corridor has strategic importance for domestic, regional and international trade, as it is the main route for moving imported goods to northern Nigeria, and exports to southern ports.
It links the two largest cities in Nigeria (Lagos with over 20 million inhabitants, and Kano, with over 10 million people), feeds into local and regional markets, and is a vital conduit for food supplies to neighbouring countries, such as southern Niger’s largest agricultural market at Maradi. However, it is easy to see that the Lagos bloc is threatened because of the deplorable condition of the Badagry-Lagos road, which is an associated axis route.
In fact, it does not take a statistician or ecological expert to realise the extent of damage the highway situation is doing to our economy and environment. Daily, trucks carrying perishable and nonperishable products get stuck on the road, get overturned by the sheer weight of their load, or even get involved in permanent mishaps.