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Laundry is a matter of cleanliness, sanity, integrity and attraction. Come to think of it, “how do you feel when your clothes are dirty?” I believe that dirty clothes are not only unclean, they smell unpleasantly too; hence, anyone wearing dirty clothes, is a man or woman that has poor perception from others and a man or woman of low attraction or self-esteem.
The point we are making here is very simple, your clothes are expressions of your attitude and discipline, hence, wearing dirty clothes is a social embarrassment. Could you now imagine a man or woman with many or few dirty clothes, who now decide to go to God in a 3-day fasting and prayer with a single prayer request: “O Lord Jesus Christ, I need help with my laundry!” While his or her prayer may be answered by the Lord; yet, the Lord would require her or him to take up the responsibility of washing the dirty clothes.
Praying to God about every matter is great, but after every prayer, each of us must take up the responsibility of addressing the problem at hand. If you may ask me, “What kind of help can I receive from God?” While my answer is not exclusive, I must say that your prayer is firstly for divine approval; and secondly for divine empowerment. But please note, none of these two things is visible to the eye of any man or woman. That is, when God approves your prayer request, your head will not increase or become multiplied; neither will divine empowerment make your hands four or physically enlarged. Therefore, when you pray to God about any matter; avoid limiting answers to your prayers to physical effects or changes in your body or business. Instead, arise from each prayer with an understanding of divine consent on every prayer point; and understanding of divine support for every approval.
Thus, such answered prayer about your laundry help may not bring down fire from heaven to burn up your clothes; but, you can be sure that God will give you the willingness to wash them and the strength to finish the washing exercise.Can you see that? God’s answer to your prayers may not make your hands idle; but it might quicken your heart to WORK and your hands to FINISH WELL!
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