What has happened to you oh church of Christ? Engaging in merriment, dancing on the altar of God, unconscious of the looming doom set to befall you. Who has bewitched you? Why have you chosen to conform to the patterns of the world? What happened to the revival fire you so much talk about? What has happened to the vision of the great harvest of souls? What has gone wrong; what happened to the hunger and thirst for souls that are perishing? The truth is this: The glory has departed, God has since moved on.
I remember years ago how I left a particular church. Because I left, I was tagged as the lost sheep. But now however, I am writing this letter to you as a son; a true son, who has encountered Christ. Do not judge me by my past life and previous mistakes for there is no condemnation for anyone who is in Christ Jesus. For I am a new creation, old things have passed away. Today, I write to you as a bond servant of Christ who necessity has been laid upon to enforce the purpose and counsel of God on earth. Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel. The word of the lord is like a fire in my bones which I cannot keep to myself. For I am not just willing to be bound in chains but to die for the sake of preaching the gospel.
Hear now the word of the Lord. Do not be Stiff necked, do not resist what the Spirit is saying to the churches. God expects nothing but total obedience and holiness. Be careful not to stain your garment and your name blotted out of the book of life.
This is your condition today. You praise me with your lips but your hearts are far away from me. Making noise all over, causing shame and reproach to the body of Christ. You must stop the strange fire of sin burning amongst you. Stop the Heresy and stop preaching the precepts of men as doctrines, evil psychology evil sacrifices are upon your altar; all you do is chase after material things. You cannot serve God and at the same time serve mammon.
I mourn your state of spiritual blindness. Dead church with dead leaders, dead pastors with dead deacons. Such a thing I saw with my own eyes and the sight is truly awful. Your church that is physically looking beautiful is actually a spiritual sepulcher. Though crowded with members to hear their pastor preach; but the message is full of amusement falling on itchy and spiritually dull ears.
Your singers drawl out a dirge, your members sit like mutes. Your activities without the Holy Spirit I will liken it to riding on the back of a dead horse. Those who seemed to be the pillars of the church are also drunk in religious activities, self works and self righteousness. The deacons, the elders, the pastors, the junior pastors the professors the doctors engineers and architects are all full of pride, boastful, over ambitious; engaging in occult activities and yet they are celebrated amongst you. Oh; an empty tomb yet wearing the semblance of life!
Arise, oh you backslidden church. Arise from your slumber that you may grow in the knowledge and revelations of Christ Jesus, that you may also know the power of His resurrection, fellowship in His suffering and conform even unto His death, so that you may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
Where have all your youths gone to? Can you still account for them? They have all left due to incompetence, hypocrisy and bad leadership. They have all gone to seek a place where the fresh fire of God is burning where the word of God is alive and active and seasoned with grace. The message of God has been diluted and watered down by you, Mr. Pastor, so that you won’t offend the rich and famous people in your church.
The criteria for selection of pastors should not be by age or how long they have been in the church, but a man; full of faith and the Holy Spirit. You are not growing because your pastors have not studied to show themselves approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. If they continue this way; then they will never bless the congregation. When you feed on junks and shallow revelations, you will certainly give junks to your members. You are filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, full of envy, strife, deceit, evil mindedness, gossip, backbiting, undiscerning, unforgiving and unmerciful such things are found amongst you.
We must arise and seek to re-trace our steps. We must repent and earnestly pray for a revival in prayer and supplication to God. He who has an ear should hear what the Spirit says to the churches. I pray the eyes of your understanding be enlightened in Jesus name. Amen.
God bless you.
Source: [Centre for New Dimension Leadership]