No matter how wild social life has become in the 21st century, whatever isn’t right couldn’t become acceptable standard of life due to frequency of use or it’s repetitiveness over time. The matter of God’s ordained standard of living is not just about us. God is not a Democrat when it comes to what He has commanded as principles that must guide our daily conducts. Sometimes, we permit and practice some unacceptable acts approved by our little immediate mind without bothering on the spiritual consequences of our selfish acts.
In the purpose and counsel of God, humanity occupies a central picture in divine creation. Life is never intended or created as an existence of fun, nor is love affairs for joke or fun.
Whatsoever that is seen relevant to the physical realm (man) is equally of much paramount to the realm of the spirit (either to God or the devil – evil forces of darkness).
Some of the critical facts I will like to draw your attention to about human (your) make up are:
The shortest entrance into any living being (your body), like room, is through the sexual organ (penis for the male, and vagina for the female). The mouth is not; people can only see your mouth – even when you open it to its full size, nobody can enter into your body through your mouth.
Secondly, the sexual organs are channels for deposits and transfers. They are smooth passages, express for diseases and spirits.
I don’t intend to say this to scare you, but to make you vigilant of what you don’t have the power to change. Any wrong sexual intercourse (either fornication or adultery) a man or a woman makes alters who he or she was originally before the act.
You thought you only had fun, enjoyed yourself briefly, but it didn’t stop there; you have also received deposits or transfer spiritually (from the enemies, evil forces in the realm of darkness). It is not possible to have come empty or engaged in sexual affairs empty (innocently), and rises to go empty from the floor or bed of fornication or adultery the same way u came. Devil can’t watch that to happen. You can’t work for him without him paying for your service.
Even if both of you were hitherto innocent (virgins) or free from any form of demonic deposits (evil spirits and diseases); the devil wouldn’t be innocent to allow both of you cross into his domain and walk away still empty (innocent). You must collect something to transfer to your next victim. Beware and vigilant, let nobody deceive you to destroy you.
In our discussion on this subject as at yesterday, we were able to establish the fact that, it is actually lack of understanding that makes many sexual mongers to indulge in sexual intercourse outside marital affairs as if it were an act of HANDSHAKE to be done at will. Wrong (abuse of) sexual intercourse is destructive to life and destiny.
Demons – evil spirits could lay hold on people’s lives and destinies through various means – by permission or without the permission of their victims, but the fastest and easiest way to fall a victim to demons is engaging oneself in wrong sexual affairs – having sexual intercourse with who you are not married to.
Oftentimes, you may wonder why many great people (according to the world rating) find it difficult to do great things (love people, share with the needy, provide community needs and so on).For instance, politicians and many rich senior citizens. They have neither pity nor mercy for the ones looking up to them; so corrupt and wicked. The reason(s) is not far fetch. To some, their original make up, persons have been tempered with or altered. Some evil forces actually took charge of them at one point of their lives. Their lives have been enslaved by what took hold of them. They are not free spiritually. They have been caged in spiritual prisons. At their best, the only contribution they could make to lives and communities are mainly in what could destroy the people too. They could sponsor alcohol for a whole village, and not mind. People or friends could pick as many women as they like; footing the bills wouldn’t be a challenge to them. Like the devil, they have become. Not fit for anything good.
Every individual possessed by demons, evil spirits can’t show mercy. He or she is just like the devil, which the devil is dragging to hell, eternal destruction. Any good thing they do is because of what they expect to get back – very selfish.
Friend! Sexual intercourse is not the same with HANDSHAKE that u can easily clean your hand if you discovered a stain on your hand in the process. It destroys, it kills, it mal purpose and destiny in life. Don’t go there, it wouldn’t pardon you if you are been got in the net.
Dear Friend, no matter how innocent you are, the moment you are involved in wrong sexual affairs (with a woman or a man who is not the will and the counsel of God for you in the form of fornication or adultery) you have stopped to be innocent. Your life has received deposit(s) of what is capable of redirecting your life negatively.
Are you a victim of wrong sexual affairs? Dear, only Jesus could renew your hope and return you back to your original purpose. He will undo the damage of the enemies in your life; release you from the grip of whatever was transferred into you. Never think it wouldn’t matter because it was a onetime mistake, or because it happened a long time ago. It is like a bullet. The same way one hit of bullet from a gun is dangerous, so is one time wrong sexual intercourse. It is harmful, it is destructive. That was how Reuben the first son of Jacob, and King David of the ancient Israel were involved for just one time, and after a long time into their future; they were meant to face the consequences. You know the rest of the story.
If you want the Lord to help you, cry to Him in genuine repentance and promise God from your heart that you wouldn’t do it again. I tell u with an assurance, if you really meant it, you are delivered in JESUS name, Amen.
Congratulations, if you are not a victim, I celebrate God for your life. Please, wait for the right time, refuse to be in a hurry, trust in the Lord; and the Lord will honor you at the right time. And if you are already married, remain locked to your partner faithfully. He or she is your lifetime portion.
Sexual intercourse is not like HANDSHAKE, beware!