We want to look at something important. And the title will scare some of us that are not thinking like fighters, it may scare some of us but once we understand the purpose of the message, I’m sure in Christ Jesus, we will find strength.
So, we want to look at something together that has been titled, “The Breath of Satan,” not because we love Satan, we want to understand “The Breath of Satan, How the Decay Started.” I pray that the Lord will give light to us, and it is going to be an answer to some questions that some of us might have been having in the past.
The breath of Satan, how the decay, you can say began. And I want us to begin our consideration from the book of Genesis chapter 2. I will read verse 7 and then verse 16. Now, verse 7, the Bible says, “And the Lord God, formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” Some things are very clear in this verse, which are not directly related to our subject, but opposite related. Now, it says, and the Lord God formed, the focus is, we want to learn something about the breath of Satan. But this is not about Satan now, we are reading about the Lord God. And I’m sure for many of us, we have come to learn over time, that Satan loves God so much that he copies God. He copies God a lot. In fact, if you want to know anything Satan is doing just know what God is doing.
So, the Bible says, And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. So, imagine that there is a man who has been formed. Imagine there is a man who has received the breath of life into his nostril from God. The Bible says, what we will have is a living man afterwards. But if you do a kind of a reverse engineering, now what is it that will stop that living man from being or continuing as a living man? He has already been formed. But the Bible says, he receives the breath of life into his nostrils from the Lord. And as soon as the breath of life comes into that formed body, there is what is called a living being.
And before we go too far, a living being is a being that lives and whatever name we want to put that “live,” whether we want to say a being that talks, a being that is able to raise up the hand, or his hand or her hand, a being that is able to blink the eye, a being that can breathe in and breathe out, a being that can hear, a being that can perhaps fight. A living being is a functional being. The things that are packaged in the body of that being is now coming to life, that is why it is called a living being.
Now, that man was once formed. But things that were formed in him were not working until the breath of life comes into them. So, the moment the breath of life comes in, the man comes alive, the body began to live. So, what happens to that man? And I’m sure many of us have seen, we’ve heard, we’ve imagined a lot of instances where a grown up man can become lifeless on the ground, or a grown up woman can be lifeless on the ground. At that moment, the woman or the man is still formed on the ground, you can see the head, you can see the leg, you can see anywhere on the body, but the woman or the man cannot move, cannot talk, cannot see. So, what is missing? The breath of life from the Lord is no more inside that formed body.
Now, what happens to a situation where a body has been formed, you know, many people have said Satan does not create anything; he only twists what God has created. So, imagine that Satan wants to tamper with the destiny of a man. Imagine that Satan wants to affect what a man becomes or a woman becomes. And he realizes that, that man is nothing without the breath of God that produces life in him. Now, if the man has been formed, what do we think the Devil or Satan can do to make that formed body to begin to do something different from what it was ordained?
I know many of us might not have meditated a lot about this. But this message is to create that kind of meditation. Now, the devil does not form anybody; he doesn’t mix clay together to form a body. So, what does he do then? So, he has an opportunity to find a body that has already been formed and release breath into that body also. So, what happens? The body that was originally designed to function in a way, because the breath that is in it comes from Satan, that body cannot do exactly what God ask it to do.
What I did in the last few seconds, was to jump ahead and then we will come back again. We will get there by God’s grace. It says, and the Lord God, Genesis 2:7, formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. Now, let’s jump to Genesis chapter 2 verse 16, we will read to verse 17. The Bible says, “And the LORD God commanded the man,” that man that was formed, that man received the breath of God into his own nostrils. You know, when we talk about the nostrils, we are talking about our nose, and says, “Of every tree of the garden, you may freely eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die”.
You know, we are looking at the Breath of Satan, How the Decay started. A quick word or a quick phrase for decay, what is the other word we can use for it?? Rotten! Spoiled! So, we are looking at how that “rottenness” began. You know it is not normal for something or someone that is alive and looking fresh to start rotting, or to start decaying, you know, it is not normal? Usually, decay starts when something dies. So, we are looking at how did the decay start in the first instance?
And so when you see that Bible, the Bible says, in Genesis 2:16 to 17, “And the LORD God commanded a man saying.” The Bible says, the Lord God commanded. Commandment is something that, you break it at the expense of your own life. For instance, in Nigeria today, it is a commandment, although, they call it a law, that you shall not kill. You shall not commit murder. No matter how you package yourself, once you kill somebody, you will be arrested, and the ultimate aim is at least life imprisonment or death penalty. So, even the government of Nigeria and the government of countries, they have laws that forbid certain things, and if you do them, you will do it at the expense of your own life. So the Bible says, and the Lord God commanded the man saying, of every tree of the garden, you may freely eat.
When you hear freely eat, it means there will be no consequences against your life, you will not die by doing it; your life will not become a decaying life by doing it. He says, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” although, I’m trusting God that one day we will meditate on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But He says, of that tree whose fruit produces the knowledge of both good things and evil things, you shall not eat. For in the day that you do it, you shall surely die, you shall surely die. And we now realize that, that death is the first condition for decay. The decay that will take place over time begins from that moment. The hour something dies, from that moment, to the next few hours or days, that thing begins to decay. He says, for you shall die.
So now, look at it, we’ve seen that God formed man and released His breath into the nostril of man, and the moment man received the breath into his nostrils, the Bible says, that breath became the breath of life; the breath of the life of that man. What is the opposite of the breath of life, if we want to continue to use breath? The breath of death! It says, breath is breath, but one produces life, right? But the other one produces death. And that death, even though as it is being produced, it does not mean that man will no more exist, it just means from that moment that man will begin to decay.
So, before we go on, there are two things that I want to mention for us. That, for a man to receive breath, there are two ways I found out. Later we will see how we can apply it further in this article. Two ways a man can receive breath, and the two ways are mentioned in the two places we just read in Genesis chapter 2.
The first way a man can receive breath which is even biological. Now as I’m talking to us, I’m breathing and I’m talking. I can do the breathing through my nose and I can do it through my mouth. Can you breathe through your ear? What about your eyes? So, normally it is easier to breathe with the nose, and possible to breathe with the mouth but it’s not easy. Nobody wants to close the nose and start breathing with the mouth. It is possible but it’s not easy. The natural means is through the nose, right?
So, there are two ways a man can receive breath. The first one is to inhale it through the nose. Now, we are being very basic, but don’t miss it, because our lives are also basic. We go to toilet, is it not basic? We drink water, is it not basic? We drive our cars, basic! Nothing is supernatural so to say, about that. We say good morning, we shake hands, we wave, are they not basic things? That’s how our lives are. I’m talking to us, it is basic. I’m not jumping and my head is touching the sky before every word comes out, I’m standing on the same place and I’m talking, basic! So, the things that really make us to succeed in life or make us to fail are basic things. So, I will not try to be theoretical, I will try to be a bit practical.
So, you either inhale the breath through your nose, or through your mouth. But there’s something else that we can then see in Genesis 2:17. He says, of every tree of the garden you may freely eat but don’t eat this particular one. We said breath can come through the mouth but we now see, and we will see that there is a relationship between receiving breath and eating. When the breath of life was released into the nostril of man; when God breathed into the nostril of man, what happened was man became a living being. Now when a man takes in either breath or food, in that manner, into his mouth, what will happen to him or her is either life or death, but we will soon go there.
Let’s quickly jump to Genesis 3. Genesis 3 we will read from verse 1 to verse 7. Now, let’s see what the Bible says, “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beasts of the field, which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree, which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die, then the serpent said to the woman, You will not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened. And you will be like God knowing good and evil.”
The day you eat of it, you put it into your mouth, and the thing comes into you, your eyes will be opened. Can we see the correlation between eating something and the functioning of the body? Initially, in Genesis 2:7, man received the breath of life and he became a living being, that is, the eyes became opened, the ears became opened, the heart started pumping blood, things started working in his life, why? God had breathed into him.
Now, Satan was also telling them that the moment they eat this particular food, he says, their eyes will be opened. So the question is, had their eyes not opened earlier? Earlier, their eyes were opened, and now, their eyes will be opened. So, what that tells us in summary is that when God released his breath into them, they began to live. Let’s say they began to live in a way and in a manner but the moment something else that God does not permit is infused into them. Either as a breath they inhale or as something they eat into themselves, what will happen is that they will begin to live a different life. So, the eyes that became opened because God breathed in; the eyes will open again because man chooses to eat a fruit.
Now, before we go on, there are two things again, I want to mention, Number one, there is a strong link, we may not be able to exhaustively cover it in this article, but we can research about it. There is a strong link between breath and spirit. You know there’s a place in Job chapter 8 verse 32, it says, “But there is a spirit in man and the breath of the Almighty”. Usually when we talk about God, it is either we say the sovereign God, or we say, the Spirit of God, or the Spirit of the Lord. So, we usually attach Spirit with God because God is Spirit. The Bible says, there is a spirit in man, that is definite. In addition to that, there is also the breath of the Almighty. Another way we can put it is, the Spirit of the Almighty inside that man. And together, the man becomes intelligent because of it, a man situation changes because of that. The breath of the Almighty! So, what happens to a man in whose life there is a spirit but not the breath of the Almighty? What happens to a man in whose life there is a spirit and the breath of Satan? If the breath of the Almighty God and the spirit of man produce intelligence, what do we think the breath of Satan and the spirit of man produce in a man?
Many of us have not been able to find out the cause of deterioration of certain people, how their minds began to deteriorate. Many of us can’t explain how certain people’s bodies start to deteriorate, they say, they have cancer, they cannot understand how and why. See what has happened? There is the spirit of man, and then there is the breath of Satan. The breath of the Almighty makes a man to live. The breath of Satan tampers with that life. You may not have to explain it, but you will follow that trend that the breath of Satan is directing you. If the breath of the Almighty God makes a man intelligent, then you can understand that the breath of Satan can make a man to be also intelligent in a different order.
I’m sure we are aware of Yahoo boys. You know, we always say Yahoo boys as if Yahoo is limited to male gender. It looks funny, but there are ladies that are Yahoo ladies. So, they claim they are smart. They think on the spot, and what is that thought? Thought of duping people! They just know new ways to collect money from people when people look like they are under spell. What is going on? The spirit of man and the breath of Satan!
If you withdraw the breath of Satan from that man, or that woman, if you infuse into the same man, it doesn’t matter the dreadlock on his head or on her head. It doesn’t matter the amount of earrings across, it doesn’t matter the tattoos, if you can put the breath of God into that same body, you will start seeing a different life instantly in a matter of minutes or seconds. That’s the first thing; there is a strong link between spirit and breath.
The second thing we want to make is that, there is a strong relationship between, and this one is very funny, smoke, breath, and spirits. And we will go to the book of Genesis chapter 8. We are still building background. Genesis chapter 8, and we will read from verse 20 to verse 21. We are finding the relationship between smoke, breath and spirit. “Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma, then the Lord said in His heart, I will never again curse the ground for man sake, although, the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done.”
The emphasis is on, “He burnt an offering unto the Lord on an altar. And God smelled a soothing aroma”. So as the animals were burning, the smoke was rising up, and God smelt a soothing aroma. God is Spirit but God was attracted to the smell of the smoke. You know, they say, there is no smoke without fire. So, there was a fire that led to smoke, and attracted divine attention. Please, I submit with this, if that smoke could attract God, a smoke could also attract Satan.
If a man could offer sacrifice with his own animal, and the fire produces smoke, and the smoke rises up to God in heaven, let me say, if a man decides to set his own life on fire also, either by smoking “igbo,” smoking marijuana. For me, when I was very small, I don’t know what led to it, I could not afford tobacco, I just wanted to experiment at the back of my father’s house. So, the mat that I was sleeping on in the night, I just cut small, and I was smoking it, it wouldn’t be too much because God didn’t allowed me, my body didn’t tolerate it. Just to see, this thing is also working, then I will throw it away. Imagine I didn’t throw it away in those days. So, from smoking the mat, it would have graduated into other things. And as those people do theirs, what happens? Smoke rises up.
Let me say, if you see somebody that is smoking, you cannot see that spirit around but the man is not alone. Smokes attract spirits. If your own doesn’t attract God; that smoke that you are offering is not attracting God, it is attracting Satan. If it’s not attracting Satan, it is attracting demons. Don’t forget, Satan is not the only Spirit that is fowl spirit. There are millions of other spirits or much more that are unclean spirits apart from Satan. And they spread across the world, as I’m talking now, some are in Japan, some are in Nigeria, some are even in our streets here. They’re everywhere. If you offer sacrifices to them with your tobacco, with your weed, they will accept your sacrifice, they will tabernacle with you.
So, what happens? When a man is smoking, he will set something on fire that contains substance and then smoke will go in. The man will draw a lot of air through those things, smoke will go into him and the thing will come out of him. For those who are professional, you know I said that I will be very basic, I don’t want to say practical, the thing will come from the nose. It will come from the mouth.
When a man breathe in, normal air, for those who have done biology, the air goes in, you know we have lungs, but it doesn’t just come into the lungs, get out of the lungs. What does the lung do with the air? It filters it. Does it use it to then pound yam and eat? It doesn’t. The air does not benefit the lung. The lung is just a device that receives it. The ultimate goal is that the oxygen goes to your heart and my heart and to our brains. It goes through our body. It is in going that we come alive. The moment that oxygen cannot get to certain parts of our bodies, what happens is that we start having all manner of issues. From seizures, a man can go so dizzy, he can even fall down, what’s going on? The air, the oxygen cannot reach important places in the body. Even the blood does the work of carrying the oxygen around.
So please, when a man inhales weed, let’s call it smoke into himself, the reason why I’m saying this is, even doctors, and I heard it even on TV; few days ago on channels TV that whether you are staying beside “I better pass my neighbor’s smoke (generator),” or somebody is smoking weed around you, smoking cigarette around you, you are as affected as the person that is smoking, even more. The person is smoking, the smoke is going in, coming out, the same thing with you, that’s why once I see somebody, you smoke around me no matter the distance, once I start seeing the wind blowing it, I relocate. I can’t tell you to relocate, me, I relocate. If I have power over you, for instance, I have a facility and some people, you come to work there and you start smoking, I will tell who gave you the work that please excuse us, you can’t smoke here. And you will see the way they will look at you as if God didn’t create you but you must not be afraid. So, what are we saying?
It doesn’t mean, it doesn’t matter whether you hold it in your hand, they hold it beside you, you are also affected by the same because the same thing that enters them enters you. Before we take it too far, do you also know that it is not only smoking that also enters us like that? You know we are talking about breath now. How many people have sat down in beer parlors? And some of us have passed the places, do they smell, or do they not smell? Do you know that if you also sit down and you inhale a lot of alcohol smell, you will also not be okay? Let’s go and do the experiment. You don’t have to drink, “Me, I did not drink oh, I was just there,” so those who follow, before they know it, they start drinking because they have already taken in.
Let’s see this, you spray your house with a chemical, even though you did it 30 minutes ago, if you come back to it, won’t you smell it there? If you stay for a while inside that thing won’t you start smelling and feeling it around your body? See, things that we smell around can get into us without us touching them, that’s the reality. I’ve done enough experiment in my house to know. Something is smelling around you, even if it is fried rice they are cooking around you, before you smell it, smell it, smell it, you can go and drink water on the fried rice smell.
For those who are thinking too deep, if you set an animal on fire and you are making a burnt offering to God, does the animal itself go out of the earth, does it leave the ground? What leaves the ground? The smoke! In the long run, will you find the animal after the whole thing is done? The smoke has taken the animal away. The animal has gone with the air, the wind. So, if you make an offering, whatever the material of that offering is, once you set it ablaze and it starts burning, there is a smoke. That substance is evaporated in the air and it starts passing around. The same way blood takes oxygen around in our body that is how the wind takes those things around in our society. So we can even be, not physically with a substance and still be having it in our bodies, so what does this tell you? Beware where you stay. Beware, the environment you stay. And guess what? The moment those things settle well into you, they begin to drive you.
Many of us can’t explain how certain habits, certain attitudes, certain thinking came into us. We were simply in an environment where those things were happening. It could be a neighborhood, as they were doing it, you were smelling it!
This is not a direct example; if I am playing music in my room and you are my neighbor, and I’m making it very loud. Where is the music coming from? My room! Am I the only one that will benefit from that music? If the music can make a man mad, will I be the only mad person at the end of the day? How many people will be mad? As many people that hear it. So, when that music is rising up, it’s like a smoke. As many people that partake in it, they shall be affected by it. Be careful where you are, be careful the things that comes into you because it will go into you and mix up with your blood and it will turn your life around. God released His breath. I don’t know the distance that God took. I don’t know how far God was to man. I don’t know whether God was so close like this Bible to me. God released the breath into the man, the breath went around; the breath turned the man around, turned his circumstance around.
What becomes of a man whose breath is not from God? This breath comes from the kingdom of hell and it goes into you. It will turn you around, it will turn your marriage, it will turn yours finance around. Suddenly, you will start spending money in a different way. You will start buying things you don’t even need. People just buy what they don’t need. Impulse purchase! They just buy it! Collected salary and they’ve gone 70% into the salary in the first week. They’ve bought a lot of things, and then from one reproach to another reproach, they cannot explain it. They say, “I don’t know. It was as if something was just pushing me. As soon as I saw something, as soon as I heard something”.
Let me give you another example. Have you realized that when you go to meet “suya guys” “suya” sellers in Nigeria, don’t dress poorly. This thing may not work if you look too poor. Dress neat, and just go to any “suya” guy and just say, “Oga, how much na “suya?” or “Oga, give me suya….” Before you say it, just delay the price. The man will already be planning to cut small “suya” for you, to influence what you will say. Even before you say, “give me”, , When you say, “Oga well done oh! How work? Suya! Suya don ready!” As you are talking, the man is trying to cut something small for you. He says, take. Once you take, you eat. “This thing is not bad oh!” In your mind before, 200 naira, but now, “give me 2000 naira suya.” What has happened? You ate it, and because of what that thing is doing in you, you have made a choice. So, they will say, just have a taste oh. This one is just for you to taste oh! As you taste it, you can no more be in control. That thing that came in, is now influencing you. Very basic!
I want to now mention something as we go on; how spirits enter men. I will not go too much into details. I just want to mention two things we’ve mentioned in this article, I want to mention them officially; how spirits enter men.
The first way spirits enter men is through Breath; John chapter 20 verse 22. You know this message is exciting me because it can really set us free, and it will set us free in Jesus name. Verse 22,“And when He had said these, talking about Jesus, he breathed on them and said to them, receive the Holy Spirit.” He breathed on them and said to them, receive the Holy Spirit. And as He did that, they received. So, if you want to find out, for instance, when Jesus says receive the Holy Spirit and He breathed on them, they are not supposed to also breathe back at Jesus, but what would they do? Jesus released, they were supposed to take in. And Jesus was dealing with them on the matter of receiving the Holy Spirit.
The second way spirits enter men is by Food. And let’s go to the book of John chapter 13. John chapter 13 verse 22, we will stop in verse 30. Some of us might not have thought about this like this. In fact, in Africa Magic Yoruba, and other films that we watch, even the other ones; the Igbo, Epic and the rest, we’ve seen enough examples. A primary school girl giving biscuits to her friends in the classes, and they are initiated. Only for them to appear in the meeting overnight, we have heard that, right? So, they got cake, they got biscuit, some can call their own “akara,” it can even be plantain, any name, but as they collect that, I’m sure they drink a lot of water thinking that is all, they will just use the toilet, but only to appear in another place in the night, what has brought them there? The biscuit! The food!
So, John chapter 13 verse 22,”Then the disciples looked at one another perplexed about whom He spoke. Now there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He spoke. Then leaning back on Jesus breast, he said to Him, Lord, who is it?”
Jesus had told them somebody will betray him, and they were worried, who could that be? All of us, we are looking fine. Currently we are fine. Currently, the way we live, none of us show any symptom of that kind of madness; to betray Jesus? A whole Jesus! Not like Peter betraying Thomas oh; internal betrayal. This is betraying Jesus, our Lord and Savior. So, Jesus answered, look at it, “It is he,” that person to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it.
So, we don’t know whether He dipped it inside water, or He dipped it inside wine or juice. He says, after I’ve dipped it, I will give it to somebody to eat. He didn’t collect the bread with the hand to keep, he collected the bread and he ate. Look at what happened, and having dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon and after the piece of bread, that is, after he had eaten it, what happened? Satan entered him. So, we are asking how spirits enter men by food. Then Jesus said to him in that state, what you do, do it quickly. But no one at the table knew for what reason He said this to him, for some thought because Judas had the money box that Jesus had said to him buy those things we need for the feast, or that he should give something to the poor. Haven received the piece of bread, he then went out immediately. He was possessed and it was night.
So, if we even want to also think about this further, you know when we take drugs. You take a capsule, capsule is like a food so to say. Then you put it into your mouth and then you pour water and the thing goes through to the same place where Akpu and egusi will go, but what happens is that, after a while, the food is processed and it will go to the same place the air will go to. You know, you inhale air, and it will be mixed with blood, blood will move the air around, the oxygen around. Then the same thing will happen to that bread, will happen to the food. It will soon go to every part of your body. So whether you inhale something; you receive it through your nose or through your mouth, whether it is food or it is air, it will ultimately carry the capacity to release spirits into you.
I can just imagine a man, I’m just imagining a man, is it possible for a man to be in a godly church and there is a godly Holy Communion taking place. And a godly man receives the Holy Communion, will he not be filled with the Holy Spirit more and more? What he has taken in, is it naturally spirit? But the spirit can infuse life into it. You know what the Bible says, it is the Spirit, I want to use my word “that infuses life.” What is the real word? It is the Spirit “that gives life.” Some people have wondered, is the anointing the Spirit, is the Holy Spirit the anointing? It is the Spirit that gives life. The anointing on its own is just oil but the Spirit has the power to infuse life into it. Please, if the Holy Spirit has power to give life, let me also say, when we become careless, we drink things, we eat things, we receive things, we are in a wrong environment. A spirit is able to infuse a life into us also.
So, you should be careful where you stand. Be careful where you sit and you are drinking water or you are drinking something, be careful where you sit and you are eating. Was Satan in the hand of Jesus? No! But Satan was around. Some people will say, how will Satan be around when Jesus is also around? Have you forgotten that Satan also tempted Jesus? So, he came to meet Jesus. So, Jesus was with his disciples, Satan was around. As soon as that bread got into him, spirits entered him also with it. So, be careful what you collect and you eat. Be careful what you drink. Be careful where you are. A carrier of a strange spirit, sitting down comfortably in a space, if you are careless around that person, the person will begin to share the spirit that he carries around with you.
There was an example we gave about music; be careful the kind of music you play. Music is also like wind. Music is also like wind, it can carry spirits. Do we realize that all those blue places we see along our communities; blue in the night, and they eat catfish, you know, and the rest, and they drink, and you see girls. You will notice that everything that will carry spirit is always present; the fresh meat, fresh fish, the alcohol, and the smoking also, and then, music. You will never hear Gospel songs there.
Everything working together for their evil, they need an atmosphere that is perfect. Spirits don’t just crossbreed like that. Please hear that word again. Spirits don’t just cross breed like that. They require the right environment; the right music, the right things people smell. Have you seen people that are in those places complaining about other people smoking? Have you seen them complain? “Guy, why you dey smoke now, your smoke dey affect me?” No! The same spirit is in everybody.
Please listen to this title very well, How Jesus would have received Satan.
I’m sure we understand that English. It didn’t happen but it could have happened, How Jesus would have received Satan. Matthew chapter 4, from verse 1 to verse 11, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit. You know we said there is a way Satan loves wherever God is, and whatever God is doing. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to the wilderness, the Bible says to be tempted by Satan, right? And He was there. Now He didn’t eat for 40 days and 40 nights. And He became hungry. And Satan came to him and said, if you are the Son of God, command that this stone become bread.
Please, what was going on? Let me show us what was going on, small. It was as if Satan had bread in his hand, and he said, Jesus eat. You collect bread from Satan, what do you call that? You know, we were talking about the breath of Satan. If you collect the bread of Satan, what has happened to the man? You have received the breath of Satan. So, Satan was the one that gave you the idea. The power was supposed to be Jesus’ power to turn stone to bread. But He was going to do it because Satan told him to do it. Oh, that didn’t happen!
He said, if you are the Son of God, fall down from this high place for God has commanded His angel to keep charge over you so that you don’t dash your foot against a stone. Jesus said, No, you shall not tempt the Lord your God. If He had done that, Satan would have entered him. Again Satan took him to a very high place and showed him the kingdoms of this world and their glory and said, if only you can bow down and worship me.
It starts with bread. So, it starts with a friend giving you something to eat, something to drink, your boss in the office giving you something to eat, something to drink. Something that looks like it’s going to benefit your life but you don’t know. There was an intention. Where was the goal? Number 3, fall down and worship me. But he didn’t start with fall down and worship me. He started with bread. The girl that shared biscuit in the school, she was not sharing fall down and worship Satan, she was sharing biscuit, and they collected it, ignorantly. But because they’ve done that, they’ve actually set themselves up for number three, fall down. And that’s what takes place in the night when they are invited to the coven.
They say, you have started the journey, now come and complete it. It is now time for you to drink blood and do this and then you will be fully initiated. So, it doesn’t start at the peak. It starts from the first; take a food in, take a water in. Come and be with us. This association of correct women; association of women in church, excellent women association of Nigeria, come and join our meeting, it doesn’t hurt. We are just nice people. We share good things together. And we attend our meetings, and then if you are doing anything, we will support you financially. You know, it starts easily, it’s like bread, but the ultimate destination is what? Fall down and worship Satan.
So, imagine Jesus receiving from Satan, those three things. He would have begun his life at that 30 age, filled with the spirit of Satan. The bible says, for this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. He wouldn’t be able to destroy devil. Why? He has already bowed to the devil. So, this message is challenging us. The devil will not come to you with bow down and worship me. He will start with food. He will start with a drink. It will start with an offer. But if you accept it, it will go to the next one, but the ultimate aim is that you worship. So let’s be sensitive.
Don’t go to wrong places; don’t smell wrong smell, don’t eat wrong things. If you can, relocate! Change your position. Because look at it, as soon as Satan couldn’t succeed with Jesus, the Bible says, And Satan departed from him. If Satan didn’t depart, don’t you know Jesus would have departed from Satan? And as soon as Satan departed from him, the Bible says, ‘And angels, they came to minister to him”. So, assuming Jesus retained the presence of Satan, maybe the angels wouldn’t come. So, when the angels came, they brought heavenly provisions for him. It was a great company, He enjoyed it.
In fact, He was able to start his ministry with what they brought. His ministry that was about to be started, would have begun a journey of decay from that moment, if He listened to Satan. Adam and Eve listened to Satan. They saw that thing, they ate, and their lives were never the same again. They came down from their glory to a place where they could no more command obedience of Satan. In fact, Satan began to oppress, Satan began to abuse, Satan began to afflict their children. He started with Cain, who had to kill his own brother, Abel. It was not Adam that taught Cain to kill Abel. It was Satan, the breath of Satan! The Bible says that there is a spirit in man and the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding; makes him intelligent. So, the spirit in man and the breath of Satan makes a man evil. When a man has the breath of Satan, he is naturally evil. He can teach you evil. He can write a book on evil. He is a genius in evil.
You know, they were calling a man in Nigeria, evil genius. It was the breath of Satan. He had it. If you go to his company, you will see the way they smoke, the way they eat, the things they eat. The kind of music they engaged in; the lifestyle they lived. Can you show me a man who is possessed by an unclean spirit who does not smoke, who does not drink, who does not listen to bad music. It is the spirit that calls. The Bible says, deep calleth unto deep; it is the spirit in them that commands everything we see around them. So, show me the spirit that is in you by the way you live your life; how you eat, how you drink, how you hear too, how you dress, how you walk, the manner of your communication. I pray that God will help us in Jesus name.
I am mentioning for the last time, How we receive Satan in the 21st century. There are six things that I will list here, and they are very practical. We are witnesses to that. People receive Satan in the 21st century through food, drinks, drugs, joints and spots, you know we’ve mentioned it. Those dark places around our areas, that there will be blue light, that goes to red. Cinemas and halls! Food, drinks, drugs, joints and spots; places where people eat pepper soup and they drink. In our villages, it is palm wine, and they still drink a lot of beer too. Cinemas and halls! And lastly, stadium and event shows.
You know, for those of us that watch football, a team scores a goal, and then what do you see? You see a man that is wearing short nicker, or something with a lot of paint on his body shouting, goal, goal! You’ll be wondering what kind of spirit is this? And please, can that man shout like that if he is sitting in his sitting room? So they said it is a “Group-think.” Scientists! You know, scientists don’t understand God very well. They say it is Group-think. That is, “people do what people see other people do.” As they are in a place, everybody is shouting goal, “let me also shout goal” They can’t explain it, but it is very fast; g…o…a…l! So, they call it Group-think, but I beg to disagree that it is Satan-think.
The breath of Satan is enough. It has saturated the place. If you go to a typical stadium in Europe or anywhere in the world where they are playing match, there will be places. I think I was telling my wife, every stadium that you see in Europe that you watch on TV, they won’t show it for us but they have bear parlors in certain places. They have joints where they drink, some smoke. Then in the places where they are playing football, where fans are sitting, people are drinking beer. An average fan is drinking beer as he is watching. So they are all high. And then people are playing all manner of music. Some people are beating drums. As they are doing that, everybody is charged up, the spirit is moving. So, once there is a goal, everybody will shout goal by the spirit that is in them.
And what happens, when there will be violence too? You will see responsible people so to say before they left their house, they will jump on the field and start fighting because their team didn’t win. That spirit is in them. And the thing is able to go round. That’s why you notice, everywhere they are watching football across the world. Everywhere! in a public space, there will be beer for people to drink.
I was an NYSC Corp member when I heard about somebody in Lagos. I was in the state where I was serving. They said somebody in Lagos had to stab somebody because his team did not win and they were arguing. He stabbed somebody, I think the person died. So, you will notice the spirit is in the stadium in Europe and in Nigeria too, because the environment is perfect. The same spirit that is there is also able to be with us.
So, whatever the spirit is moving them to do, we can do the same, why? The same spirit! We are all watching the ball together. We are all watching cinema. So, you’re in that cinema place somewhere in Nigeria, somewhere in the world, the place is dark, the screen is very large, the audio is deep, and everywhere is deep, guess what? The same way you are hearing the audio, the spirit of the hour is able to go round. You can leave that place depressed. You can leave that place with a new idea, a new idea of evil. Check it! Everything we listed here, you can’t be in those places or do those things and Satan will not enter your breath. You start breathing in Satan and breathing out Satan. When they say somebody is breathing fire, you know trouble is coming.
So, please, mind the places you go to, mind the things you eat and drink, literally. And you will be able to watch your life and your destiny. Mind the places we go to, mind the things we eat and drink, and mind the things that enter our noses!
Thanks for the gift of your time, I am Gboyega ADEDEJI!