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In this piece, I want to share something with us quickly that has been laid in my heart to share with us as leaders. it has been titled: The Missing Piece in Ineffective Organizational Leadership. Now we want to look at why some organizations are effective, and others are ineffective. And we also want to look at what is that missing piece in every ineffective organizational leadership. These are two things that we quickly want to consider in this piece and I believe that everything we are going to be sharing with ourselves, they’re going to turn out for our profiting even as we carry on in this leadership assignment.
Listen to Podcast: The Missing Piece in Ineffective Organizational Leadership
Now, every effective organization is a product of leadership and every ineffective organization is a product of leadership as well. Whether an organization is productive or not is all about the level of leadership and the kind of leadership that is being put forward in such organizations. Now, most organizations today have leaders, you will agree with me that there is no organization anywhere; no matter how big or small, that there is no leader or a man or a woman that is acting as the leader of such organizations. But one thing you will realize is the fact that most organizations have leaders, but many don’t have effective leaders.
I have come to realize that leadership is what determines organizational growth. Leadership is what determines the organizational direction per time. Leadership is also what determines everything as far as the organization is concerned. So, if something is wrong with leadership, it will be a matter of time something definitely would be wrong with the organization as well. Effective organizations are productive and effective simply because their leaders have been able to crack the codes and solve the puzzles of organizational effectiveness. So, when you see an organization that is doing well, that is productive, that is growing, the reason is simply because the leaders of such organizations have been able to crack the codes and solve the puzzles when it comes to organizational effectiveness.
On the other hand, ineffective organizations remain ineffective simply because their leaders have not been able to crack the codes and solve the puzzles of organizational ineffectiveness. So, when you see an organization that is ineffective, the problem is not far fetched. The reason is because the leaders of such organization have also not been able to crack the codes and solve the puzzles of that organization’s ineffectiveness. You see, cracking the codes of organizational ineffectiveness simply means that the leader understood per time, what he or she is doing or can do, to bring about his or her organization from the trenches of ineffectiveness. Now, what exactly does that mean?
It simply means that if your organization is going to come out of ineffectiveness, or if the leadership of an organization will overcome the challenges of ineffectiveness, it simply means that the leaders or the leader, so to say, of that organization, has been able to crack the code or understood the challenge per time, and he or she has been able to crack the code of that organizational ineffectiveness, so that the organization in, you know, under review, can simply come out of the trenches of ineffectiveness. I believe we understand that.
So, what is that missing piece in every ineffective organizational leadership? What exactly is that piece that is missing when we see ineffective organizational leadership, or when we see organizations that are not maximizing their potentials, so that they can bring about all that they can become, you know, in time and in space? Now, the answer is very simple and I’m going to supply the answer to us as leaders. You see, I’ve come to realize, by virtue of experience, and also, by virtue of extensive studying that the biggest missing piece in every ineffective organizational leadership is actually VISION. Let me take that, again, I have come to realize that the missing piece, or the biggest missing piece, in every ineffective organizational leadership, is actually vision, everything centres on that word, vision.
Now, there is no organization anywhere in the world that can make any significant and meaningful progress without this piece of the puzzle that I just mentioned to us, which is known as vision. And I want us to get something as leaders, because I have realized that when it comes to casting vision, you see, leaders are the Brainbox of any meaningful and productive vision any organization can have anywhere in the world. So, whether the organization is in Kenya or the organization is in Mali or Nigeria, or the organization is in the United States of America or in the United Kingdom, anywhere in the world, effective leaders come up with effective visions for the organizations that they are leading per time.
So, if your organization is going to come out of the trenches of ineffective organizational leadership, then it simply means that the leader must have an effective vision, a productive vision that can bring about effectiveness for such organization. Now, let me read this Scripture to us, it is a familiar Scripture. In Proverbs chapter 29:18, the Bible says “where there is no vision, the people cast off restraints, but he that keeps the law, happy is he.” So, what does that tell us? It simply means that vision is a powerful tool for curing ineffective organizational leadership. If you are looking for any tool to cure ineffectiveness in any organization, simply look for the tool called Vision. You see the moment there is the vision on ground, every form of ineffectiveness begins to give way because vision, usually charts the right course of action per time, and the right path to follow towards achieving the intended results.
So, vision is actually the missing piece in every ineffective organization leadership. Now, as beautiful as vision is, I have also come to realize that everything is not limited to vision alone. One of the many ways through which the codes of organizational ineffectiveness can be cracked is simply that the leader must have a vision. And the leader must also be able to communicate the vision. And the leader must also be able to raise the right team for the execution of the vision. So, in other words, everything is not limited to vision alone, don’t just say, “well as the leader, I have the vision”, now, you must be able to communicate that vision per time, and you must also be able to raise the right team that is going to execute that vision.
If you have a good vision, and it is not communicated, the vision will remain with you unexecuted. It is as simple as that. Also, if you have a good vision as a leader, and you have been able to effectively communicate that vision to your team, and you don’t have the right team, you see, everything will still result to ineffectiveness at the end of the day. So, what am I saying in essence? It is good that you have a very good vision, a productive vision for the organization; it is also good that you also communicate that vision in such a way and manner that your team will be able to understand it and be able to run with it. And also, you must be able to raise the right set of teams, the right set of people who would see towards the execution of that vision. These three must work hand in hand in order for your organization to come out of every ineffective organizational leadership. I believe we got that.
So, this is what has been laid in my heart to share with us in this piece as leaders on Leaderview and I believe we have been able to glean one or two lessons that we’re going to apply, even as we journey ahead in our leadership. Please don’t forget this very last point. If you’re struggling with ineffectiveness in your organizational leadership, one of the things that you can do is to simply examine your vision once again, sit down and look at your vision and begin to fish out everything that is not adding up in that particular vision. You see the moment you can do that; you will begin to record tremendous progress and effectiveness in your leadership assignments going forward. I believe you’ve been able to pick one or two lessons that you are going to apply in your leadership, in your organization, in your nation, and in your family, even as the leader that God has made you at such a time as this.
Thank you for your time. My name remains Abiola Obayomi. Please don’t forget to share this podcast with your friends and as many people you know can benefit from what we’ve shared with ourselves today on Leaderview. now till next time on Leaderview, stay effective in your leadership and God bless you.
[Centre for New Dimension Leadership]