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Feeding is something that is essential to the development, sustenance, maintenance, or operation of the body or mind. Feeding requires a posture of concentration, attention, willingness and ability to absorb. If you want your mind, organization, business, marriage, and ministry to function effectively, then it means you have to feed on the right things per time.
How you feed, where you feed, with whom you feed and what you feed on determines your outlook. But much more importantly, your attitude, your mindset and mentality towards what you are feeding on, the quantity and quality of what you feed-on ultimately determines your performance and effectiveness. You don’t have to tell us how well you are feeding, when we take a closer look at you, your attitude and your character; we will know.
How great you are, or how great you would become, can be measured by what you have been fed with, in the past, and what you are feeding on presently. When a leader feeds on junks, his outlook and productivity would be nothing other than junks. That is why the statement “garbage in garbage out” is so true. It is like a natural law. That is why Apostle Paul said whatever you sow you will reap. You can’t sow in the spirit and reap corruption. You can’t be an undisciplined, and a disgruntled leader and expect disciplined members, or a growing ministry. It is then important to feed on the right food, but also more important to feed with the right persons under the right environment.
Your ability to recognize the right kind of food to eat under the right conditions and who you are feeding with determines how well you have prepared and how far, or how much distance you would cover in your leadership journey. See the statement an angel of the Lord made to Elijah. In 1 Kings19:7-8. It says: “Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you.” There is a time to feed and there is a time to begin a journey. It will be out of place you begin to feed at the time you are supposed to embark on your leadership journey. The reason why you must feed now is because the journey ahead is great.
And the Bible says Prophet Elijah went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights. What you eat now determines how you will stand in times of adversity.
I would like to ask us these question: What are you feeding on? Who do you feed with? Where are you feeding? What is feeding you? This is the basis for continuous effectiveness in leadership. If you are wondering why you find it difficult to bless, and add value to people as a minister of God, your problem is not far-fetched from these questions raised. Feed appropriately and you will function maximally. Be conscious about what you feed on and who you feed with. My focus today is to expose to you the type of food you must feed on, and why feeding is so important for a leader.
Every good farmer does not just plough the ground, plant a seed and forgets about it. As a matter of fact, watering and weeding takes utmost priority and attention; and it continues until the crop yields it fruits. In case you are wondering why you are producing those things which you produce: weakness, laziness, and heaviness; it is because you have fed the wrong spirit and the wrong spirit has grown enough to produce a wrong result. You must be conscious of what you feed on.
A leader who has made effort to discover his gifting and the call of God upon his/her life and lacks the capacity to water well and uproot every unwanted attention of the flesh around his/her life will find it very difficult to bear the right fruits that should be eaten and enjoyed by all. So if we look at your ministry or marriage or business we would be able tell if you have been feeding it well or not.
If you must feed and grow well in order to bear fruits of effectiveness, then I will encourage you to follow these recommendations below:
Feed on the word, Feed on Christ
Jesus is the bread of life and if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. It is a bread into effectiveness and capacity building. In Matthew 4:4, Christ Jesus spoke uttered this statement, answering the tempter: “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” The word of God is refreshing and potent enough to give life, existence, beauty and beginning to everything. If you have been feeding on bread and drinking from the well of the Samaritan woman you; will hunger and thirst again. Perhaps this is the reason why you have been living in circles, without upward and forward movement. True effectiveness begins as a result of feeding on the word of God and applying it on real life situations.
Be committed to Excellence
This may only happen when you are a God pleaser, rather than people pleaser. Daniel, Shedrach, Meshach, and Abednego were ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers. The reason is because God gave them knowledge and skill in literature and wisdom.
Never Violate Your Consecration
What is consecration? It is simply the rule of life. When you break the hedge, the serpent would strike. The moment Samson violated his consecration, he became a vegetable. Don’t get carried away with frivolities of life and momentary pleasures that will make you forget your heritage and assignment. Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the kings delicacies.
Increase your capacity, acquire knowledge, read wide and voraciously, focus on the needful. Have an understanding into a particular problem. That is what will make you relevant in your generation. As for Daniel he had understanding in all visions and dreams. Feed your mind with positivity, and possibility thinking. Weed the unwanted and sieve the chaffs, work on yourself and be committed to growth and improvement. Pay attention to constructive criticism and turn deaf ears to destructive criticism.
Avoid Shortcuts While Running With a Vision
Have integrity of character. Let the people be able to count on you. Never adopt a chameleon spirit. Don’t be toss to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Don’t be in a hurry, take your time to learn and prepare by feeding at the foot of Christ. Failure to prepare well is preparation for failure. Vision takes you to the top of a mountain, shows you the pathways, the handles and challenges you will likely face then takes you down to the foot of the mountain to begin the journey to the top. And if you have not been fed by Christ, and journey along with Christ then climbing the top will be an impossible task. You must have a dogged, resolute and a determined orientation.
Fellowship right And keep the right company
Work and walk with the right persons; for Good company repairs bad manners. If You Keep the right company, you will have the right perspective to effective leadership. The Bible says that bad company corrupts good manners. When a fool keeps company with the wise, he would become wise.
Be fed by the Holy Spirit
Persevere in the place of prayer. Especially when you pray in the spirit. Greatness and effectiveness will be achieved when the leader is fed by the Holy Spirit. Every leader must allow himself to be fed by the Holy Spirit because, this is the only guarantee for being effective and to become great. The Holy Spirit would cover up for your weaknesses and teach you what to do, and where to be per time. Your frailty and fragility will be over shadowed with strength. The Holy Spirit is a gift every believer must receive.
If you fail to sit at the feet of Christ to learn and prepare and to be fed; you can’t function effectively. If the Holy Spirit is not the spoon that is feeding you with God’s word, then impact and exploits would not be achievable. May the Lord help us in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Source: [Centre for New Dimension Leadership]