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Being a ”Servant” is the greatest and biggest title I have discovered that God gives to anyone who is working in His vineyard. Several times, we have seen across the Scripture when God refers to men as His servant. He doesn’t give a lesser title or greater title than this. If you are faithful and diligent God will see you as a faithful servant and if you are not you would be an unfaithful servant, there is no middle ground. It comes with responsibility and a posture of meekness and most importantly a shared burden with God.
So, whenever God refers to a man as His servant then, He has actually tried and tested such a man. Service is a privilege and I want you to know that any servant of God who is faithful and diligent will not escape honor. See what He said to the devil about Job in the book of Job1:8
”Then the Lord said to Satan, Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”
Gods criteria for servanthood is to be faithful, blameless and upright, fear God and shun evil. He found all these in Job and that was what made him eligible to be called a servant by God.
It is only the world that looks down on servant-hood, but in the kingdom; it is always about servanthood and service. If you must make exploit in the kingdom then this posture is required of you. Each time God refers to any man as His servant, He mentions faithfulness. If I may ask you how much faithfulness will God find in you? It is only when you are faithful in the little that much would be entrusted into your hands.
What kind of servant are you, faithful or unfaithful? Do you obey instructions haphazardly or completely? Can God boast about you, will He actually find you faithful and committed to your assignment at all times? God was sure that no matter what the situation and circumstances, Job would not curse God. Instead in every bit of the rough times he went through; he glorified God. I know this might not be easy but you can achieve this by the help of the Holy Spirit. All you have to do is to yield completely and activate the service mentality of a believer and you will experience every blessings that comes with it.
Because God is the rewarder of those that diligently serve Him, He won’t forget your labor of love, for God sees your labor in the secret, He will definitely reward you in the open, and I pray this would be your experience in Jesus name.
God also referred to Moses as His servant, see what He said in Numbers 12:6-8 about Moses.
Then He said, “Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream. Not so with My servant Moses; He is faithful in all My house. I speak with him face to face, Even plainly, and not in dark sayings; And he sees the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid To speak against My servant Moses?”
There are important words we must note from the above Scripture. He mentioned the word Servant twice emphasizing the fact that servant title is more precious to Him than the big names and long apparels worn in the temple by the Pharisees who loved to be greeted in the market place, God does not recognize such people as servants.
- God said “He is faithful in my house”
Not faithful in another man’s house or in a place that God has not instructed him to go and work. This is where a lot of us servants of God miss it. You are diligent in your service for God, but is that where He wants you to be at that point in time? You can be found to be working in the house of God and not be found faithful. If God must recognize you as a true servant then you must be diligent and faithful and be seen to carry out His purpose and counsel on the earth. A lot of self acclaimed servants of God are a disgrace to the Gospel of Christ.
Their lives and attitude does not show anything close to Christ. At a point Moses was the meekest man on earth during his time. It is such people that God recognizes as servants. Apostle Paul charged us to be a living epistle. What people look at our lives let it be obvious that Christ is well represented in the way we talk, in our character and everything concerning us.
- “I speak to him a) face to face. b). Plainly c). Not in dark sayings.”
These are the benefits Moses enjoyed from God because he was found to be a faithful servant. A man must be a servant in order to enjoy a friendship relationship with God. If you need God to speak to you differently, you must have to serve your generation with a different Spirit. He enjoyed a friendship relationship with God. It means He knew God personally for himself. He recognizes the face and voice of God. How many of us have actually enjoyed this privileges?
If you haven’t, then I advise you to begin from the fundamentals which is faithfulness. God spoke to him in a simple and clear terms. This same phenomenon occurred between Christ and His disciples, why He speaks in parable to the people and to them in plain language. He told them that it has been given to you to understand the secrets and mysteries of the kingdom. Words are spoken plainly to Gods servants who are faithful and close to Him. Nothing would be hidden from them. They are the movers and shakers of their world, solution providers and men will be subject to them because they had understanding, because they have tapped into the supernatural.
- “He sees the form of the Lord”
A true servant of God sees the form of the Lord. Others may see a glimpse of Me, God said. But I the Lord will show everything about Me to My servants. What does form mean? It means shape and structure. Every true servant of God sees, know and understand the very true nature of God. He or she experiences, sees, and taste the very goodness of God. No wonder when he requested to see the glory of God, God had to honor his request. These men have unlimited access into Gods treasure bank, they possess power and keys to lock and unlock, make decrees and practically work in dominion and authority. A true servant of God is a triumphant Christian seated in heavenly places far above principalities and powers.
- “Why then were you not afraid To speak against my servant Moses”
The Lord speaks and defends His servants. No wonder He said touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. When you serve diligently the Lord will protect, defend and distinguish you among your contemporaries. This is a statement of authority that was violated. Yes Moses was a servant of God but he was not commonly placed before men. One of the benefits of servanthood is that glory, respect and honor is attached to the service of God. God was concerned about Moses even to the way people talk to him.
A similar thing occurred when Laban was going after Jacob the Lord appeared to him saying “be careful what you say to him, speak to him neither good nor bad” God does lightly esteem His faithful servants. And the 9th verse recorded that His anger aroused against them because an authority was violated. Servanthood automatically qualifies a man for transformational leadership and makes him effective at whatever he does. A servant is not interested in the praise of men while disobeying his master, his desire is to always please the master.
A servant is a person who does not just serve but also a man who has followed, who is following and who’s been followed. Servanthood is associated with function, capacity performance, character and competence not big names and titles like Bishop, Pope, Cardinal, archbishop etc. That would puff-up a man thereby preventing him from attending to the basic and core needs of the people and ignoring the will, purpose and counsel of God. Jesus said in Matthew 20:27 “Whoever desires to be the first among you , let him be your slave.”
You must serve not just serving but serve as a slave. This is the secret to greatness. This is how God will recognize you as His faithful servant. Don’t copy the world and their style of leadership, Jesus said ”the rulers of this world lord it over the people” that is tyranny, oppression and suppression dictatorship, insensitivity and arrogance. If you must be an effective leader then you must serve diligently in line with the purpose and vision of that organization or ministry you are leading, you must serve your generation, you must serve your gift to humanity in humility.
Very hot not cold , not been cajoled or begged but spiced and garnished on a plate of passion and influence with zeal and commitment to be enjoyed by all who would need your services. A servant has no say of his own, he completely does the biddings and instructions of his master. Apostle Paul called himself in Romans1:1 a bond servant of Christ, called to be an Apostle separated for the gospel of Christ. Firstly, you must see yourself as a leader who has been condemned to please the Lord in every way.
He said in another place: “necessity has been laid on me to preach the gospel, woe is me if I don’t preach the gospel.” I now understand why he said “woe unto him” a slave that fails to do the biddings of the master is doomed for death and destruction and I pray this won’t be our portion in Jesus name. Secondly you must recognize your calling and stick to it, wining souls and pleasing the master. Except the master gives you more grace to perform in another dimension otherwise stick to your call. Thirdly have you been separated for the work of the master? If you must serve the master, then you must be completely separated from the world.
You cannot serve two masters at a time. Now is the right time to make your choice and ask the Lord to give you the Spirit of servanthood
Source: [Centre for New Dimension Leadership]
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