If according to the word of John C. Maxwell, “Everything Rises And Falls On Leadership”; then, the recent protest by the officers and men of the Mobile Police Unit of the Nigerian Police Force should be blamed on the IGP. While Nigerians will appreciate the quick response to this matter by the Presidency; the only thing that will improve the confidence of the people of North East in the Nigerian Security apparatus, especially the Nigerian Police Force is a change of guard! When football teams go wrong, the first point of call is the sack of the Team Coach or…
Author: Gboyega Adedeji
Divide and rule (or divide and conquer, from Latin dīvide et imperā) in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people. It was heavily used by British Empire in India and elsewhere. (Encyclopedia) If one meditate over the above paragraph, one would realize that the long-lived strategy of satan is the same strategy that many empires and governments have used…
In a quick glance of the state of affairs in Nigeria, one would call to remembrance, the state of affairs of the ancient Israel nation. For a long time in Israel, the family of David from the tribe of Judah was ruling in Israel. Soon after Solomon the son of David, his own son Rehoboam became king in Israel, a position similar to that of President Mohammadu Buhari in Nigeria. Since he inherited the position, he had little or no capacity to sustain the enormous people and land. In a quick move that was orchestrated by his poor leadership decision,…
A century after it opened as a simple grass runway in a village west of London, Heathrow could be transformed into the world’s biggest airport following a controversial decision by British lawmakers. Construction of a third runway — one which would extend over the country’s busiest freeway — was approved in a parliamentary vote that followed decades of debate over how to expand the UK’s capacity for air traffic. Under the proposal, passenger capacity at Heathrow could jump from nearly 80 million passengers per year to 110 million by 2030, making it, by current statistics, the world’s biggest in terms of traffic.…
These are the images that show what will soon be known as the world’s next tallest building rising from the desert. When the 3,280-feet-tall (1,000-meter-tall) Jeddah Tower, in Saudi Arabia, opens in 2020, it will knock Dubai’s iconic Burj Khalifa off its throne as the tallest skyscraper in the world by 236 feet (72 meters). Construction of the landmark is estimated to cost $1.4 billion. When CNN visited the site at the end of 2017, the tower was 252 meters (826 feet) high and already had expansive views of the kingdom. A tall order? The tower will be the crown jewel…
5G is going to be a really big deal. The lightning quick “next generation” wireless technology is expected to power self-driving cars, virtual reality, smart cities and networked robots. But what else can it do? Ericsson (ERIC) has joined up with researchers from King’s College London to dream up futuristic applications for 5G. They’re looking at everything from music to medicine. The team is focused on using the technology to transfer physical skills across networks, creating something they call the “Internet of Skills.” One example: A surgeon with virtual reality equipment and haptic gloves, which sense motion and pressure, could operate on a…
Can Elon Musk finally live up to one of his big promises for Tesla’s Model 3? The electric car maker’s first mass production vehicle has fallen short of ambitious production targets. After missing two previous production goals, Musk has told investors the company will be making 5,000 Model 3s per week by about this time of year. He originally promised Tesla (TSLA) would be building 5,000 Model 3s per week by the end of 2017. The company made 800 in the final week of the year. Then he scaled back the promise, saying Tesla would be making 2,500 a week by the end of the first…
When I first saw one of these hanging fire pits, sometimes called a porch-swing fire-pit, I just knew I had to build one. I had a large level area in my lower back yard that was a perfect spot. My kids are a little older now and like to spend time outside with friends, so I knew it would get plenty of use. It does. A gentleman that goes by the name of Chenango Dave on bowhunters.com provides a basic tutorial, but I wanted to build a structure that was a little larger. I’m sharing the details here for anyone…
Whether you’re looking to place your home on the market or not, it’s always good to be thinking about curb appeal. These are all my favorite ideas I have compiled from all over the web. I really hope you enjoy the list! Happy browsing… #1 Manicured Lawn #2 Cute Patio Furniture #3 Pruned Landscape #4 Replace Damaged Shingles #5 Clean Your Roof #6 Get rid of dead and dying plants #7 Replace Door Threshold #8 Build a Berm #9 Paint your front stoop #10 Window Treatments that Compliment the Exterior of the House #11 Add Light to your Walkways #12 Edge…
The average cost to build a swimming pool is between $25,000-50,000. Ouch! I think my bank account just fainted. I lived in the south where temperatures stayed at 100°F for weeks on end. Pools were a welcomed escape as well as a fun way to spend time with friends. One man decided he was tired of his bare backyard. He wanted a pool but wasn’t about to shovel out big money for one. He decided he could dig his own little pond. It didn’t take a crazy amount of skills either. Just material and ingenuity. See how he did it…