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In a quick glance of the state of affairs in Nigeria, one would call to remembrance, the state of affairs of the ancient Israel nation.
For a long time in Israel, the family of David from the tribe of Judah was ruling in Israel. Soon after Solomon the son of David, his own son Rehoboam became king in Israel, a position similar to that of President Mohammadu Buhari in Nigeria. Since he inherited the position, he had little or no capacity to sustain the enormous people and land.
In a quick move that was orchestrated by his poor leadership decision, 10 tribes out of 12 tribes in Israel said to Rehoboam, “Now when all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people answered the king, saying:
“What share have we in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. To your TENTS, O Israel! Now, see to your own house, O David!” —— 1 Kings 12:16
I believe that what took place then in the days of Rehoboam in Israel is gradually playing out. As each day passes, more and more tribes in Nigeria are pulling out from their support of the present regime. I think that time will soon reveal how empty or weak the support for the center will become.
From killings to kidnapping and to massive unemployment, many Nigerians are daily questioning the continuous stay with the center. For many, if one cannot go forward, at least, one should be able to return to where one comes from!
While many politicians won’t easily support devolution of powers to the federating units of Nigeria, I believe there is little that can be done against it when the center refuses to hold due to consistently poor leadership decisions. I rest my case for now!