Author: Gboyega Adedeji

Gboyega Adedeji is mentored by Jesus Christ, an organizational development expert at AAJ Consulting Limited. He writes, speaks and coaches. He is the CEO @ Kingdom Pathwalker Inspirationals, President at Centre for New Dimension Leadership, President at Kingdom Pathwalkers Ministries and Entrepreneur at Hubpile. He is a husband & father; engaging him will surely change you!

The secret yearning of the heart of many people across the world is to make maximum impart on earth while life remains; yet, the most difficult thing for anyone on earth is making the best use of time, money, talent, intellect, relationships and opportunities. This paradox of life indeed calls for an examination and a cross-examination of our plans, purpose and pursuits as we deploy ourselves and our resources in the pursuits of our goals and objectives in life. The population of the world is over 7 billion; meaning that there is a very strong competition for space, talent, opportunities and…

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Before any conversation starts, there must be introduction of the parties involved. It is very common to hear words like, “My name is Hassan Benjamin, the last born of 5 children family. I was trained in Marine Engineering; and I love to cook. Can I meet you?” When such introduction is completed, the real conversation begins – when everyone is aware of the identity, purpose, passion and the potential of the other parties. Afeter every successful introduction, the conversing parties know what to expect from themselves; they know the best line for their conversation and they have their boundaries defined.…

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The personality, power, purpose and principles of Christ are some of the indispensables of mankind; yet, they are mysteries that must be understood by everyone – for enviable living on earth. Christ Jesus is both a mystery and the revealer of mysteries. No man can understand Jesus Christ in the flesh; and no man under the control of the flesh can fully believe and live the life, power and principles of Christ Jesus on the earth. In fact, the difference between a spiritual leader (say the Senior Pastor or Bishop) is not much of God’s preference of one over the…

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The simplest definition of money is that it is a medium of exchange. You must have money to have anything else is the assumption. Whenever you need any good or service, you must be willing and ready to give up a commensurate portion of money to receive what you need. The question now is, what happens when money fails? The situation in Nigeria is now close to the failure of money in a society. Today, many people cannot get what they need with the money they have. Sometime ago, Nigerians thought all was well with Nigeria – prices were relatively…

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“Survival of the fittest” is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection. The biological concept of fitness is defined as reproductive success. In Darwinian terms the phrase is best understood as “Survival of the form that will leave the most copies of itself in successive generations.” Herbert Spencer first used the phrase, after reading Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, in his Principles of Biology (1864), in which he drew parallels between his own economic theories and Darwin’s biological ones: “This survival of the fittest, which I have here sought…

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This write up is never intended to condemn any minister or any ministry; rather, it is inspired to provide a sincere guide and guard for every minister of God on the earth, who is in pursuit of heavenly vision. Vision as we know, is an expression of divine responsibility unto a man or woman for his or her generational service; and every vision that originates from God necessarily come with a PRO-Vision. Thus, no man in pursuit of a heavenly vision is expected to poor, weak, powerless, feeble and stranded – as the LORD God of heaven is always committed…

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Familiarity they say, breeds contempt; implying that anything (whether privilege, status, honour, gift, appointment or even peace) could be abused overtime. The reality of life is the seemly huge value mankind places on what they do not have and the low value placed on whatever is at hand. Erroneously, we prefer and pursue what others possess; and grossly disregard whatever we’re privileged to have. This anomaly has dealt a great blow on our consciousness and conscience as individuals and groups – even to the point of self denial! The truth is clear, an average citizen of a nation in the…

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I am persuaded that the Lord perceives His Church differently from the way we perceive the Church; and instead of His perception of the Church becoming the foundation; many have built the Church with their own (often) misleading and misconceived perception. We see differently in life, and we respond to and relate with things, based on how we perceive such things. In fact, it is believed that Economists and Accountants do not see money the same way. We relate with things the way we see them.If you pour water into a cup to the mid-point, and ask 10 people to…

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Adversity is a difficult or an unpleasant situation. Adversity is synonymous with words like misfortune, difficulty, hardship or trouble. No one loves to hear or experience any of those definitely; however, life is not designed with smooth paths. Contrary to what many of us could desire, adversity is not avoidable; however, when it comes, you and I have a privilege to determine our responses to or about it. Many times, we fail even before we face tests or examinations; and that is a pointer to the attitude of most men….we detest to be tested, tried or examined. That even reminds me…

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The first and perhaps the most important question that any Nigerian would quickly ask, going by the spate of bombings and destructions of economic infrastructure in Nigeria is, “Who exactly the the supreme commander of the new Niger Delta Avenger group?” The question is so important because as a nation under tremendous attack; there is a need for us to know who our enemy is or whom our enemies are! For a long time in Nigeria, oil has been the major foreign income earner for Nigeria; hence, a little impact on the oil could greatly impact the living standard of…

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