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The personality, power, purpose and principles of Christ are some of the indispensables of mankind; yet, they are mysteries that must be understood by everyone – for enviable living on earth.
Christ Jesus is both a mystery and the revealer of mysteries. No man can understand Jesus Christ in the flesh; and no man under the control of the flesh can fully believe and live the life, power and principles of Christ Jesus on the earth.
In fact, the difference between a spiritual leader (say the Senior Pastor or Bishop) is not much of God’s preference of one over the other; but much on the level of understanding of the mystery of Christ Jesus by either the leader or the led.
I have come to realize that God is loving and good to all; however, His love and goodness is often seen, recognized or appreciated by only a few some. Just as it is said, “whatever is appreciated appreciates”; hence, the few that understand the mystery of the Person of Christ and His power are the ones that recognize His move in their lives, families, businesses, organizations and nation.
These people know His ways and they commit themselves to following His leading (will and way) daily. These same people do not live under circumstances; they are not constrained by limitations and they are not full of themselves in self-sufficiency.
They have known His power, faithfulness and plan; and they are never in doubt of their success, safety and satisfaction in His hands. When many people observe the lives of these few men and women; they jealously say that God loves some people more than others. However, the foundation of God stands sure, and the Lord knows those who are His – as was written by Brother Paul.
In another instance, Brother Paul mentioned how God has given him knowledge of the mystery of Christ in the book of Ephesians 3:4; which confirms the vivid picture of Christ seen by our beloved Brother John in the book of Revelations 1:12-17; where he described what he saw after he turned to see the voice that spoke behind him.
If you then make effort to go through his description of the Person of Christ; you will realize that Christ is indeed a mystery. And being a mystery, He cannot be understood or related to in the flesh.
“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet.”
Revelations 1:10
May I say that going to the local church beside your house or the small fellowship in your office is one thing; and understanding the mystery of Christ is another thing. Yet, until you understand the mystery of Christ; you cannot appreciate Christ really, and you cannot be an able minister (servant) of Christ really.
Note, being a servant of Christ does not mean you are or must be a Pastor or Prophet or Apostle; however, it implies that you are living by the will of Christ for the execution or performance of the works of Christ around you. That is, you hold the words of Christ so highly in your heart; and you do the works of Christ so passionately with your hands. Did you understand that? I hope yes! God bless your understanding in Jesus name. Amen!