Author: Gboyega Adedeji

Mentored By Jesus Christ | Writer | Inspiring Speaker | Publisher | Coach | Builder | CEO @ | President at Centre for New Dimension Leadership | Entrepreneur | Husband & Father. Engaging me will change you!

I am persuaded that the Lord perceives His Church differently from the way we perceive the Church; and instead of His perception of the Church becoming the foundation; many have built the Church with their own (often) misleading and misconceived perception. We see differently in life, and we respond to and relate with things, based on how we perceive such things. In fact, it is believed that Economists and Accountants do not see money the same way. We relate with things the way we see them.If you pour water into a cup to the mid-point, and ask 10 people to…

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Adversity is a difficult or an unpleasant situation. Adversity is synonymous with words like misfortune, difficulty, hardship or trouble. No one loves to hear or experience any of those definitely; however, life is not designed with smooth paths. Contrary to what many of us could desire, adversity is not avoidable; however, when it comes, you and I have a privilege to determine our responses to or about it. Many times, we fail even before we face tests or examinations; and that is a pointer to the attitude of most men….we detest to be tested, tried or examined. That even reminds me…

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The first and perhaps the most important question that any Nigerian would quickly ask, going by the spate of bombings and destructions of economic infrastructure in Nigeria is, “Who exactly the the supreme commander of the new Niger Delta Avenger group?” The question is so important because as a nation under tremendous attack; there is a need for us to know who our enemy is or whom our enemies are! For a long time in Nigeria, oil has been the major foreign income earner for Nigeria; hence, a little impact on the oil could greatly impact the living standard of…

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Nigeria is indeed a great nation, and as such, has been blessed with great potentials – great men, great women, enormous natural resources and large expanse of land. We are so blessed as a nation that the people in government are short of ideas of how to manage the huge potentials of Nigerians. Among the talents that God has blessed Nigeria with are some of the Ministers of the Federal Government; some of which have made Nigeria lower than they met her. Dr. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala is undoubtedly a great talent in Nigeria. She has been recognized from the World…

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It is certain that nations do not attain greatness from their wishing-seats; neither do nations become great overnight – For Rome was not built in a day. It is also a known fact that most nations developed on the efforts (labour) of a large number of people. The responsibility of every government from the ancient times till date the welfare of their own people; while their people make concerted efforts towards the growth and development of their nation or Kingdom. It is actually a two-way journey! However, the experience of most Nigerians for a long time now is far from…

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Looting Nigeria (2000): The unaccounted-for billions in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) reveal government corruption on a massive scale. This film examines corruption on a similar scale by the government of General Sani Abacha, who stole money from the national treasury and had it laundered in London banks. Two years after his death, Abacha is known in the west as the man who jailed and executed human rights activists, including Ken Saro-Wiwa. Today Nigeria’s new democratic government is investigating broader crimes of the former regime. A detailed report states that “London was used to transfer money out of Nigeria…

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The list of kidnapped persons and personalities is too long to be mentioned. From the South-West to the South-South and to South-East; many Nigerians – from Religious figures to Political and to Economic entities; there has been increasing rate of kidnapping in most States in Nigeria. While some States appear to be fighting the menace; some are mute about it. The situation then becomes, ‘as long as it does not come to us; we will not go to it’. Sometime ago, the Chairman of a political party in Nigeria, a former Presidential aspirant, Chief Olu Falae was Kidnapped around his…

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