The average cost to build a swimming pool is between $25,000-50,000. Ouch! I think my bank account just fainted. I lived in the south where temperatures stayed at 100°F for weeks on end. Pools were a welcomed escape as well as a fun way to spend time with friends.
One man decided he was tired of his bare backyard. He wanted a pool but wasn’t about to shovel out big money for one. He decided he could dig his own little pond. It didn’t take a crazy amount of skills either. Just material and ingenuity. See how he did it and you’ll realize you can build your own pool too. This project is truly inspiring!
This dead and boring backyard is about to get a big makeover.
Digging by hand is going to take way too long.
Time to bring out the excavator.
Next comes the plumbing work and connecting to filters in garage.
Here’s a look at the multi tier DIY filter system.
Now it’s time to cover the hole with soft felt.
And here’s the plastic to go on top and prevent leaks.
Beautify the pool with gorgeous natural stone.
Let’s not forget the spotlights.
Pool looks good… But something’s missing.
What’s a pool without a deck!
The deck needs patio furniture too.
Let’s extend the deck around the pool while we are at it..
It’s finished! Welcome to pool party central…
(Source SlipTalk)