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I have come to realize that an average person is primarily looking for, working for, praying for and even fighting for growth. Whatever we committed ourselves into, we want such thing(s) to grow. We want our children to grow (for those who are married); we want our organizations to grow; and we want to grow ourselves. However, in spite of the widespread yearning for growth, we just don’t simply grasp this “growth” as we intend or hope – and in some cases, leading to our personal and corporate frustrations.
Thinking for this important matter, I asked myself a few questions, “Could someone eat, but wait for others to tell him or her when to go to the toilet?”, “Is it normal for someone to be pressed, but still telling himself or herself, until someone carries me to the toilet, I will not go?” While those questions seem out of place to you; allow me a few moments to explain the idea to you. Everyone that goes to the toilet does so because of their sense of responsibility. They tell themselves that, “I ALONE eat the food, I alone drank the water; their, I alone must make up my mind to go into the toilet to release my own waste”. But what happens when someone is lazy? The first thing the person does is to postpone or delay the responsibility! Postponing or delaying responsibilities could seem normal to many of us; yet, it is a key factor in our slow or no growth both as individuals and as organizations.
Every time we delay what we ought to do (for whatever reason); we simply delay (and in some cases, cancel whatever gain or profit or result) we ought to get from such activity or action. In most cases, opportunities missed don’t come back again; hence, growth is reduced or avoided all together. The Bible says in Proverbs 14:23, “In all labour there is profit,
But idle chatter leads only to poverty.” If you look at that Scripture, you would notice two keywords: LABOUR & PROFIT. The word labour there represents RESPONSIBILITY; hence, in every man or woman’s decision to respond to his or her ability; there is something to show for it. But what happens when someone is just too lazy or tied to be RESPONSIBLE? The answer is simply LITTLE or NO PROFIT!
Source: Centre for New Dimension Leadership