Cordly.Ng is one of Nigeria’s fastest Online Social Marketplace. The platform connects both producers and consumers, services and talents across the Nigeria and abroad. One of the things that you can conveniently do on Cordly.Ng, especially if you are an author and you are looking for online platforms to get your books across to millions of Nigerians and international readers, is by listing it on Cordly.Ng. By so doing, people can get to see your books, place orders for them, download them to their devices and also make payment for them. In this short article, I want to show five (4) easy steps through which you can get your books listed on Cordly.Ng.
Step 1: Visit https://Cordly.Ng and Sign Up
Step 2: After your Sign Up have been confirmed with an email notification, kindly log in and then go ahead to update your profile. Your rich and robust profile is usually an added advantage when it comes to selling aby product online. And so, it is always a good idea to ensuring that your profile on the platform is well-written and UpToDate.
Step 3: Click on the “Book” section of your display Page and it would take you to the page where all the details about the book you are about to list would be requested for. Kindly go through each of the instructions and requirements by filling in the information required one step at a time. Once you are done supplying the information, click on “submit book”.
Step 4: Click on “Book” link and then you would have seen that your book(s) have been successfully listed. God ahead and share the book link with people on your social media space and as many people as possible so that they can get see it. You can share as much as possible because the more you share, the more people tend to be aware about the availability of your book online.
Isn’t that simple to do? What are you then waiting for? Get on it right now, get your book(s) listed today on Cordly.Ng Online Social Marketplace in Nigeria.