We are still focusing on the kingdom, and today we are looking at something different. We are looking at the special effect of the kingdom. And it has to do with Kingdom Structure and Formation. Why is the kingdom of God, the kingdom of Christ different from every other kingdom? What is the special effect, the special nature of this kingdom? How come this kingdom is so different, how come this kingdom is distinct from all other kingdoms of the world? In the book of Daniel, Daniel had a revelation of this kingdom, He said there was an image representing different kingdoms and different experiences, that the world had to pass through, he started giving pictures of what he saw. He saw gold, he saw silver, he saw a combination of iron of clay, he saw a figure of a man and the Lord made him understand in that revelation that all that he saw, the different component of the body he saw are different kingdoms that will come to rule the earth. And as good Bible student if you go through some of those things that were mentioned, we would see that many of those kingdoms that Daniel saw has actually come to pass.
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But that is not our focus this morning, the focus is that after he saw that image, it said and there came a stone made without human hand, and that stone destabilized and destroyed every of those kingdoms. And he said that stone became a mountain that filled everywhere as though all those other things never existed. He said God will establish a kingdom in that time and he will not put it in the hands of human beings. So, what is this kingdom about? This kingdom that will come to destroy every other existing kingdom, this kingdom that will come to destabilize human structure, this kingdom that will come to be established that will surpass other kingdoms. Let us go to Isaiah 2 and see because the prophecy about the kingdom is not haphazard, the prophecy about the kingdom is established in the Scriptures. Apart from what Daniel saw, see what Isaiah saw. Isaiah 2:1 says: “The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2 Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the Lord’s house.”
Remember that in the revelation of Daniel, what he saw was a stone cut without human hands that became a mountain, that filled everywhere and the same revelation is shared with Isaiah in Isaiah 2. But see what it says, it says; the mountain of the Lord’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it. They will no longer be flowing to all those pictures, they will no longer flow to the image of gold, or silver or bronze or iron or clay. It says all nations will flow into this mountain. It says many people shall say come, let us go to the mountain of the Lord meaning that it is a structure, it is visible, permit me to use this term, it is go-able. The mountain is not invisible, it is visible. Please I want us to follow the Holy Spirit this morning. It says come let us go to the mountain, they won’t say let us go the mountain of the Lord if it is not visible. Meaning the mountain is a visible mountain. It says let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God Jacob.
Please I want us to note the things we are reading here. Let us go to the mountain of the Lord, the mountain is of the Lord. He is the owner of the mountain, it is not owned by any man, it is not owned by any denomination, it is not owned by tribe or race, it is the mountain of the Lord. It says to the house so it is a mountain, and it is a house. Let us go to the house of the God of Jacob, he will teach us his ways; when we get to the mountain, when we get to the house, He will teach us His ways and we shall walk in His paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. This is a picture of the kingdom. What Daniel saw was a kingdom that God was going to establish, and when he saw that kingdom, it says it became a mountain. And Isaiah also seeing a vision of the future, of what God is going to do, he said the mountain of the Lord’s house. So, there is something about this mountain that is peculiar, and it is not just anyhow mountain, it is a structured mountain. It has a form and it is visible. It said the people will say come let us go, because they can see the mountain, they can go into it, it is a house.
So, I want us to note this, let us go to the mountain of the Lord. We are looking at kingdom structure and formation. The special effect of the kingdom of God. I want us to go to Ephesians 2:19-20. Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners. Talking about you and I. We used to be foreigners and strangers, we used to exist like that, but it says you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens, citizens of where? Is it talking about your country, your state of origin or your local government? It says you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. Do we remember Isaiah 2? Let us go the house of Jacob, meaning that there is a house of God, and the house is not in isolation, it is not invisible. It takes having a house to have a household. It says you are fellow citizens in the saints and members; you are members of the household of God. This is the truth; you are fellow citizens and members of the household of God. Having been built, this verse so important to our understanding of kingdom structure and formation.
It said; you are no longer foreigners and strangers; you are now fellow citizens and members of the household of God, having been built. So, you just did not happen, you were built, and that is why we are looking at the structure and the formation. How were you built? How did you become a fundamental member of the household of God? It said haven been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Please let us take a moment to reflect and meditate on this. It says you are no longer foreigners and strangers but fellow citizens with the saints. And members of the household of God. You qualified by Christ. So, when we are talking about the house of the Lord, you are a member of that household. So, when people say let us go to the house of the Lord, who are the people they are coming to? You the members of the household. If you say you are coming to my house, are you coming to a physical structure, or you are coming to a people? You are coming to a people. I am coming to your house to spend the day; Are you coming to a structure in the sense of just a building? You are coming to a people. So, when the Bible says; you are members of the household of God, he is heling us to understand how the structure came about. The house in Isaiah chapter 2 is filled with members, they belong to the household of God. So, when people say let us go the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, they are coming to the members of a household.
Haven being built; we are not just existing. Have you seen a structure without a foundation? It has to have a foundation. Haven been built on the foundation, you are not just a structure aloof, and understand this in the kingdom, there is no member of the household of God that is not built on a foundation. Haven been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself. No other foundation can be laid except that which has been laid, Christ Jesus. You were built on a foundation; you are not a member of the household of God if you have not been built the foundation of the apostles and prophets and Jesus Christ Himself, being the chief cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole building, who is the whom? Jesus Christ. In whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows the whole building, whole structure, not just a part of the building, the whole, when we talk about the whole, nothing is exempted, the whole building being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. It grows into a Holy Temple in the Lord. That’s why we prayed that prayer when we started, that the Lord cause the eyes of our understanding to be opened, this is not milk, this is solid food, and we must be able to chew on it with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Because until we understand the formation and structure of our kingdom, we will not function in our place. And we won’t understand why we should function in our place. It says; it grows into a Holy temple in the Lord, in whom also you are built together. You and I are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. So, who are we? We are fellow citizens in the kingdom of God. We are members of the house hold of God and we are not just floating we are founded on Christ, And the works of the apostles and the prophets. Now understand this; when the Bible says the works of the apostles and prophets, what it means is this; Jesus said I did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfil it. So, everything Elijah was doing, everything Moses was doing, everything Isaiah was doing, Jesus is the fulfilment of it. So, in the kingdom, there is no vein work. You can’t work on your own in the kingdom. Everything being fitted together. So, whether you are in Nigeria, or you are in Australia, or you are in the united states of America, or you are in Ghana, Sierra Leone, or you are in Côte d’Ivoire, all of us our work is not in isolation, our works are all fitted into Christ. So, when apostle Paul was on the scene and apostle Peter was on the scene, they were working together at different geographical places but the Bible says they are building collectively fitting into Christ.
All they were doing; they were doing it in Christ. So, all their works, came together to form a foundation. So, when God is asking you to do the things you are doing, don’t think you are working in isolation. And that’s why there would be a shock in heaven for many people. Because there would be beautiful crowns given to women and men that you did not ever hear their name on the earth. That you never saw their picture on television. And they were just in their local village serving the purpose of God, building together this building for God, silently laboring in their place. And God will say yes that’s My daughter, that’s My son, I asked her to do this, I asked him to do this and he stayed there faithfully building for me a foundation. And at the end of the day, the Bible says; the whole building, in who? In Christ. As long as you are laboring Bible says; your labor is not in vain in God, there is nothing you do in God that is in vain. You are establishing foundations; you don’t know what you are doing. You don’t know what God is building. God is a master builder, a master crafter, you don’t know how you fit into the puzzle. Yours is to trust Him and do what He asked you to do.
Do you know there was a man called Stephen in the Bible? The Bible says Stephen was a man full of faith, he was full of the Spirit. Stephen was just a young guy that loved God. And he was doing what he was doing, but there was an important role Stephen had to play, Stephen was just living his life, I am sure God did not show him, that this is how he is going to die. But his death was so important for the church, for the building, for what God is building, that Jesus had to stand up for him in heaven to welcome him. You will say is he one of the apostles of the Lamb? How critical is his role? How long did he live? But his life was so significant, because the things we call significant on the earth, are not what is significant in the kingdom. And that’s why we must understand how the kingdom works. So that we don’t behave like people of the earth. Scriptures says if only in the earth we have hope, we are all men most miserable. We are like miserable people that are foreigners and sojourners on the earth. Jesus said don’t lay your treasure on earth where, thieves can steal, where moths can destroy but lay it in heaven where thieves cannot steal, where moths cannot destroy.
What is Jesus saying? Build things of eternal value. Connect to the kingdom that is eternal in nature. So that when you are building and laboring, you are not building and laboring to waste it. You are building and laboring for eternity. Looks as if your life starts here, no! your life actually started in God. and this is a phase in your life, after this phase is done, you are still going into glory. So why do we live our lives as if this is the end of it? It’s a phase. Everything Paul did was a foundation. In fact, he said we lay a foundation another builds on it. He said be careful of what you build. Is that Scripture not explicit? You have come to lay a foundation, what you are doing is laying a foundation another will come and build on it. In fact, many of our buildings are still foundations for other buildings. And that is why it is important for us to understand how the kingdom we live in and operate in operates. We need to know, what is God doing, what is God building? And this Ephesians 2:19 to verse 22 is very important.
It said; you are fellow citizens; you are members of the household of God. So, in Isaiah 2, the people that they are coming to, that will say show us His ways so that we can walk in it, they are not angels, it’s you and I. they are the members of the household of God. they call God, Jehovah Sabaoth the Lord of host. That host means heavens army. He is the Lord of heavens army, at the command of God, His army stand at attention and they move. And the Scripture says the kingdoms of this world has become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.
That means Christ must have army. Have you seen a kingdom without army? It’s not possible. So, Christ must have army and if we are in the kingdom of Christ, who are the armies of Christ? You and I. Apostle Paul said to Timothy, He said be a good soldier. If there is nothing you are fighting, why should you be a good soldier? That means you are an army, and he said be a good soldier fight the good fight of faith. In Ephesians he said put on the whole armor of God, why should you have armor if you are not fighting? It says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty in God. So, we are in warfare. Is it civilians that go to war? No armies. Now Nigeria is fighting Boko haram are we the ones fighting? No, the military. The same way on the earth Christ is fighting a battle. Who are those fighting on Christ behalf? You and I. the Bible says you should be careful of your adversary the devil; he goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he will devour. So, if you are in a war, you have an adversary. And the Bible makes our adversary clear. Who is our adversary? The devil!
So, we are at war with his kingdom, the kingdom of darkness. We are in the kingdom of light, are we just floating? Are we just doing Jesus you are such a good guy, thank you for all that you have done for us, it’s cool to be with you, and we are fine with you. Is that all? No! Jesus said a servant can’t be greater than the master, if I was persecuted, they will persecute you, if they fought against me, they will fight against you. So, we must understand this and make it clear. We are on the war front; we are the armies of God. Joel chapter 2, I want us to see that Scripture because it helps us to see the structure, the formation. See the way God has structured and formed the kingdom, it is so carefully crafted that we must not miss out on it. God carefully crafted the formation of the kingdom. Joel 2, Let us take our read from verse 2. A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, Like the morning clouds spread over the mountains. A people come. So, the army are a people, a people come, great and strong, they are not weak. That’s why the Bible says in Ephesians, that we should take up the whole armor of God, that you might be able to stand in the evil day. That you may be able to stand against the whiles of the devil. So, you can’t stand against the whiles of the devil and be a weakling. Stand therefore putting on the breastplate of righteousness.
Putting on the helmet of salvation, taking up the sword of the Spirit, holding with you the shield of faith. Those are weapons of warfare. And who goes to war? Armies. So, when you are being kitted for warfare, it means you are a soldier. And you are part of the army of Christ. So, in the kingdom as we citizens and members of the household of God, our God is a general, a general of all generals. Christ is a general; he is not a weakling. The Bible says He died and went to hell, he stripped the devil. Was he playing with them? He stripped the devil and his cohorts of all the authority and power and made an open show of them, ridiculed them, triumphing over them that means Jesus was fighting.
Triumphing over them in it. So, if the Bible says; as He is, so are we, who are we? We are Christ soldiers. It says; A people come, great and strong, the like of whom has never been; Nor will there ever be any such after them, Even for many successive generations. I am going to move from there to verse 5, With a noise like chariots Over mountaintops they leap, Like the noise of a flaming fire that devours the stubble, like a strong people set in battle array. Like a strong people set in battle array, that’s how the church is. So anytime a person becomes born again, the person comes into formation, every time somebody becomes filled with the Holy Ghost, the person comes into formation.
The Bible says in verse 7, it says; They run like mighty men, they climb the wall like men of war; Every one marches in formation. Everyone, and this is the picture of the church. Everyone, not every denomination, everyone in the church the universal church, the body of Christ, everyone marches in formation, you are not going to march with your denomination tag, and that’s why apostle Paul was very angry with the church, when they started saying I am for Paul, I am for Apollos, did Paul die for you? When you are going to match, are you going to match in the name of Paul or Apollos? You are going to match in the name of Christ, that’s how victory is guaranteed. You match in the name of Christ who is the Lord of Host, the Lord strong and mighty the Lord, mighty in battle.
So, there is battle but He is mighty in battle. Remember that place in Psalm 24? Lift up your heads O yea gates and be lifted up O yea everlasting doors that the king of glory might come in, who is the king of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. It says; Every one marches in formation, and they do not break ranks. So, there are ranks, when the Bible said in Ephesians 4 that, the same one that descended, is the same one that ascended, and when He ascended, He gave gifts unto men. He gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some teachers, some evangelist, some pastors for the equipping of the saints. Why do we need to be equipped?
For the kitting up of the saints because saints will go and fight. Every day as we engage this world we are fighting. You are contending. So, you must understand what you are contending for. You must understand who you are contending with. The Bible says our adversary the devil, you are contending against the devil and all his formation. The devil has formation, you need to hear people that confess, it’s just he lies to them. They all confess that they are the second in rank to the devil. So, he has been lying to them, and he lies to them differently, you will see somebody in Africa he will say he is second in rank to the devil he has private meeting with the devil, you will see another in America will also say he is second in rank. So, he lies as he moves around. So that is why you will see that there is internal conflict within his kingdom, because he lies. He is the father of lies and liars. But in this kingdom, there is truth about your rank and formation. You are not confused. That’s why when you come into the kingdom of God, one of the first quick things the Holy Spirit will do for you, is to help you understand your identity. When you become born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, one of the first things that God will do for you via His Spirit is to help you understand your identity, who you are. Because it is your identity that will help you step into formation.
It is your identity that will help you identify your rank. If you don’t know who you are, you don’t know where to stand in the formation. And you won’t know the rank you have been given. I remember Bishop David Oyedepo was saying something, he said he was so passionate, God see nations, see what is happening in this place and He said I have not sent you there. You are not the one I am sending to undertake that task. I am sending somebody else, so calm down. One of the things that will help us is to go to the book of revelations and study the structure and formation of the heavenly host. It will help us to understand how the church should operate. At some point one of the prophets said I saw the Lord sitting on the throne with His host surround Him on the right and on the left.
They are always in formation. Gabriel cannot try to do what Michael is doing. He is not even interested. He knows what he is doing to serve the king and he stays there. So, when the Bible says those that wait of the Lord, He will renew their strength, how are we waiting? We are waiting in formation, waiting in rank. God what will you have me do? What is my assignment? I am waiting on you until you have need of me. And God will beckon come this is what I want you to do for me. And you go there, do what He asks you to do and be faithful at it. Will discouragement come? Yes! Go and ask those that fight battles. There are times you will fight to a point that you are tired. There are times you to a point you feel like going on a break, but no! that’s why the Bible says He renews their strength. Because you won’t understand the need, why God made those provisions available in the kingdom, when you are not fulfilling the role in the kingdom. You will say they mount up on wings like eagles, they run and they are not weary, they walk and they do not faint, you won’t understand it if you are not running, if you are not walking, if you are not flying. And if you are not tired you won’t understand what it means for God to renew your strength. That’s why it’s so critical to understand kingdom structure and formation.
Understand your role, it says everyone marches in formation. This is the unity of the church and that is why when Jesus was praying, He said Father make them one as we are one. Jesus matching in His own formation, the Holy Spirit in His own column, so also the Father, there is no conflict every one matches in his own formation, they do not break ranks. Though Jesus being God counted it not robbery to be equal with God, what was His assignment in the trinity? To come and show God on the earth. Did He say God I want the Holy Spirit to come and die for them I want to be the one to come after the Holy Spirit has died. Is that what happened? No! everyone has their dispensation, till we understand unity in the church, and this unity in the church, every one matching in formation, that’s what gives us unity in the church. And they do not break ranks, everyone matching in the formation.
One of the greatest problems of the church today is; people with wrong or misplaced identities. Because wrong ranks take roots in wrong identity. Because if don’t know who you are, if you think being an apostle means to have pastors under you, that’s what makes you an apostle, you have already missed your identity. Understand what apostleship means. Understand why God called you as an apostle. And He called you as an apostle to do what? Where? Everyone matching in formation. God called you a teacher, who is a teacher? What are you supposed to be doing? Understand it. You have been given the gift of help, of administration, of healing, what are you supposed to be doing with it? Who are you?
The church starts having problems, when there are mixed multitudes, when there are a lot of people, with wrong identity. They do wrong things; they fill into wrong roles. They become round pegs in square holes. And you look at them and you are wondering, ok what are you doing? Everyone matching in formation, they do not break ranks, they do not push one another, this is unity. And that was why the heart cry of Jesus was unity, oneness. That see if every one of you are actually matching in formation. And that was why when apostle Paul was angry with Peter it was a matter of formation. You have been sent to the Jews I have been sent to the gentiles, why did you come to the gentile region? And you now came and started messing up. Why? You decided not to match in your own formation. There is nothing wrong with correction in the church, we need correction so that we can all match in formation. Paul said when your brother is going astray, call him and show him. There was a vibrant brother that Aquila and Pricilla had to call. They called Apollos aside, Apollos did not say what do you mean? When did God call you? Please this my fire I’m taking it to the nations. Do you know he would have truly been on fire, but he would have missed out?
Because all he knew was the baptism of John. And he was so passionate about that. And they called him and started talking to him about Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And see how Apollos became profitable for ministry. That’s how the church is supposed to operate. The wounded among us we don’t cast them out, there are people in the church that are nurses and doctors, their assignment is to look for the wounded and the hurt. Scripture says; strengthen every feeble knee. It didn’t say cast them out. There are some people in the church, their assignment is to nurse the wounded, to nurse the broken. You don’t say what are you even doing self, all you people know is to nurse be taking care and be pampering people, there are many more assignment, there are many more lands to conquer. If you have been given Joshua ministry stay, there and leave those that are nursing. Because everyone is needed. The body of Christ is described as human body, it says imagine if the eyes are doing what the hands are doing, in fact God has made it so much that the parts that are not visible have more honor. Imagine if you have kidney failure, that’s when you know that kidney even though you can’t see it, it’s so important. That’s how the church is. Because you cannot see the lungs, the intestines, does not mean it’s not functioning. They have their own role to play. And that’s what makes the body healthy. So, the key in this is; understand your identity, so that you can match in formation and do not break ranks.
It says everyone matches in his own column. So, the apostles match in their own column, the prophets match in their own columns, the teachers, everyone match in their own column. Though they lunge between the weapons, They are not [e]cut down. 9 They run to and fro in the city, They run on the wall; They climb into the houses, They enter at the windows like a thief. These are strong people, a people great and strong. One of the issues of the church is that if we are not aligned as a people, and people come into the church they will follow the structure that exist. Imagine if all of us in this room are in a single file, somebody that comes to this room without being told will join. Have you seen cues at ATM? If people are lining up, the next person that comes will stay at the back of the cue. But it’s not the same for machines where people stand aloof and scattered the next person that comes does not know who is next, does not know the formation, the person too will just come and stand.
That’s why it’s important that we model kingdom structure and formation. Once you get into Christ, don’t be aloof, there is a place to fit in. There is column for you, there is a formation for you, there is a rank for you, find your formation, your rank or column and stay there. That’s how we can be effective, that’s how we can attain unity. Let me conclude with this scripture, John 15:1-7, I believe the Holy Spirit will brood on this Scripture in our hearts. I am the true vine these are the words of Jesus. And My Father is the vinedresser. Every time Jesus is talking about the kingdom of God, He will say the kingdom of God is like a farmer, the kingdom of God is like a man that is going a journey, you will see structure, there is no time the kingdom of God is being described that you will see something haphazard its always structured. He said I am the true vine; do we know what a vine is? How many of us know what the vine is? We must have seen pictures of grapes; grapes grow on a vine. We must have seen beans and crops that have vine it has like a web like thing standing on a tree or a structure. So, He said I am the true vine-the true one, My Father is the vine dresser. I am the vine, I am stacked up for you, I am the one that carries you, I carry the burden, I carry the weight. And that’s why when Jesus was been described it says I am Christ the head of the body, I am your identity, so we are the body we are the structure. You know your body is structured? We are the structure and Christ is the head, your head is the symbol of your identity. I might see your hand and not recognize you, but when I see your face, your head I will be able to recognize you.
So that’s Christ. So, we are always identified as a body of Christ. Once we lose Christ, we lose our identity. So, this is my finger, if my finger loses me, it loses the identity. So, when the Bible says we are the body of Christ, if you as the body loses Christ, you have lost your identity. When apostle Paul was giving that example about marriage, about the husband and the wife, it said just as the husband is the head of the wife, so Christ is the head of the body. So the husband is the symbol, it’s the identity of the of the marriage. So, the wife takes identity from her husband. So, if the wife loses her husband, she has lost her identity. That’s for a marital connection. So, she used to be Mrs. so, so and so, if she loses Mr. so, so and so, she ceases to be Mr. so, so and so. She has lost the symbol of her identity.
The same way in the church, we are the body of Christ. He said here: I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me. Meaning that you are a branch in the vine. We all are branches just like the body; the body is the branch of the head. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He-My Father, the vinedresser takes away. So, who is the one monitoring the body? The Father-God. from this Scripture Jesus said; God is the general overseer of what happens between you the church and Me-Christ. So, He said; My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He [a]takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself- as the body cannot move of itself unless it is connected to the head. Can your hand move without your head? If that happens then there something seriously wrong once the coordination does not come from the head. So, the church is being coordinated by Christ.
When the church ceases to be coordinated by Christ, we have lost our identity. And that’s why Jesus said; every branch that bears fruit He prunes, but the one that does not bear fruit He takes away. It’s no longer part of the vine. So, when we say we are members of Gods household, we are fellow citizens, it because we are connected to Christ. Once we lose our connection with Christ, we are no longer a member of Gods household. We are no longer fellow citizens with the saints. So, we must understand this. What gives us that right and privilege is because we are connected to the true vine. We are a branch in Him. You are a branch in Him, I am a branch in Him, the church is a branch in Him. He went on to say abide in Me and I in him, if anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. So, anyone outside the structure and formation of the kingdom is not part of Christ. If you are in Christ, you must be in formation. If you are in Christ, you must be in rank, if you are in Christ you must be in rank you must have a column. Nobody floats in Christ, everyone abides. For you to be in the kingdom and be functional, you must be in Christ. So, there is there is no body in this kingdom that is not functional. There’s nobody that does not have a rank, there is nobody that does not have a form. Formation is taken from the word form, and form talks about identity, shape. So, there is a form your life must take in God.
That’s what puts you in formation. So, it’s important we understand kingdom structure and formation. Because it’s critical to our assignment on earth. You cannot function effectively in the kingdom of you are not in formation. You cannot function effectively in the kingdom of God if you are not in your own rank, when you see battle array, battle formation, you will see people who are horsemen, they hold their own weapon. You will see foot soldiers, archers, you will see those that carry gun, you will see different people with their different weapon that’s how we are peculiar and different. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, they are mighty in God, God knows what you need for where you are standing, God knows the requirement for the assignment, for the place He has put you in the battle. Some peoples position in the battle front is so fierce, you remember the story of Uriah and David? David said put Uriah at the hottest spot on the battle, and David knew that the weapon that Uriah had and the training, he cannot survive, he tactically killed him. But God is not like that. That’s why there are some prayers you are praying that God will not answer. Because you are saying God put me at the hottest part of the battle and He knows the way He has wired and trained you, you cannot survive it.
Lord I want the anointing, I want all of the anointing of Jesus Christ, in fact give me a triple portion anointing of Jesus, I don’t just want Jesus anointing alone, give me triple portion, can you handle it? Because your rank, your column, your formation will determine what the Lord will equips you with. And that’s why the equipping of the saints is an important aspect of kingdom formation and structure. And that’s why God made it available, He gave some to be apostles, some prophets. And that’s why it’s not everybody that can equip you. There are peculiar people that God has raised up to equip you for your assignment. You need to be discerning to be able to identify them. Every soldier is not under the same general. There are generals for different segment or they call them battalions. So, their barracks is different. Understand it. This formation, God has made it in such a way that we can be effective as a body of Christ. So, when you meet a believer that just gave his life to Christ don’t be quick to say come and enter the battle, no! that person needs to be thoroughly equipped, that person needs to understand his/her identity first.
You can’t just push a recruit into the battle front without training. So, for some of us the phase we are in, in our lives is training ground. God knows that you are not yet ripe for the actual battle. So, what He is doing is simulation exercise for you. If you want to fly an aircraft, they won’t just give you a live aircraft to fly, they will give you a simulation, it will look as if you are actually flying but you are not flying, it will look as if you want to crash but you did not actually crash, those are the things that God is doing with some of us. Simulation. It looks as if your life wants to scatter but it’s not true God is still holding you. Because He knows you will get to a point where He will allow you to fly on your own. And He will be watching you, He is watching you with confidence because He knows that He has trained you well. You flew before Him and you flew well. And He can now leave you and watch you as you fly. So, it’s important to understand this. Understand where you are. And that’s why the Bible says; we don’t know how to pray as we ought, but the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us. Do you know why? He knows the heart of God for us. So, as you are praying for your triple portion, He knows that that’s not the prayer you should be praying. He knows that what you need right now is grace. Pray for more grace, Lord let your grace abound. Let your grace be there for me.
Article Source: [Centre for New Dimension Leadership]