Godliness with contentment is great gain for all who desire to receive the great gain of pleasing God. The world is full of men and women that lack contentment, people that have become confused about what satisfies and gives true satisfaction in life. There is nothing that can truly satisfy and give pleasure in life than in living life in full, Not in the number of years spent or in the number of houses built and cars that you rode. Life’s satisfaction is not in the quantity of it, the design of it or the pampering of it, but in the quality of that life on the earth. The ability of the life to impact and make a meaningful mark on the face of the earth.
To make your life meaningful, you have to embrace a balanced and fulfilling life that is void of emptiness and vacuum and Rich in content, value and peace. I believe that life is not lived well, until it makes impact, it reaches out and think outside its own comfortable corner. To be balanced in life, you have to embrace contentment, which is not achievable outside godliness. No man on earth can receive great gain in life outside godliness with contentment. Start embracing such a life walk today, it indeed promises great gain.
No one can be self sufficient and no man can be self reliant. God has created the world in such an interdependent way that we must think outside of ourselves each day to be sufficient and satisfied. There is no good in me, myself and I. Great gain exists in loving your neighbour as yourself. The same way you desire comfort, someone out there also needs the same. The same way we need help, some else desires it. Reach out to someone today and be the one that makes the world of that an or woman meaningful.