Niran Adedokun
Forgive my scepticism, but the Federal Government’s immediate reaction to the #EndSARS protests that hit Nigeria like a thunderbolt in October, does not assure of an enduring reform. Agreeing to end the Special Anti-Robbery Squad in line with popular demand but replacing it with a Special Weapon and Tactics Team, smells like nothing but a knee-jerk reaction motivated by deceptive populism, in my opinion. Here, is why I say so.
Although operatives of SARS were the immediate reference points of the various cases of brutality and other malfeasances that the Nigeria Police is accused of, the obvious truth is that the entire police force is a sorry case of what a national police entity should be. SARS and its operatives were only one or two fingers in a hand ravaged by leprosy. What that says ending the nuisance that SARS became is neither a change of name nor the deployment of a new set of personnel from the same rotten house of the police. As comedian Bovi tried to portray in one of his skits, the difference between SWAT and SARS is no more than an argument over whether wearing a condom during sex detracts from the fact that the act happened.
I opine that there is, in fact, nothing that stops the unit from retaining the name SARS, if there is any value in it. The grouse of Nigerians wasn’t necessarily in the name of the unit but in its modus operandi and the impunity that drove its operatives. But none of that is an exclusive preserve of SARS. This is why we needed deeper reflections, which should ultimately lead to a deliberate and well- planned re-orientation of members of the police force. This redirection, which should make men and officers see: the force as an institution created for national service; that force, especially of the lethal form, should be a last resort in enforcement and that the courts, rather than the police is the final arbiter in all commercial and criminal matters. This last point would eliminate the temptation that has turned a large percentage of Nigeria’s law enforcers into rent collectors.
Such a re-orientation should equip everyone who wears that uniform with a working knowledge of the Nigerian constitution. This would have saved the country a situation where policemen would refuse to return to work in the aftermath of the recent violence targeted against them across the country.
Last week, a former Inspector General of Police, Mr Tafa Balogun, issued a statement appealing to policemen to go back to work in the interest of the country. While one understands the fear of vulnerability that may have gripped members of the force following the loss of lives, equipment and offices that attended the attacks, like the doctor and his Hippocratic oath, the policeman is sworn to the protection of the lives and property of Nigerians regardless of what may or may not happen. Morale could be low but loyalty to country and the discipline of the call should ordinarily fire up courage and send policemen back to work pronto. Nothing shows the failure of the Nigerian state and the consequences of whirling down national institutions than such withdrawal. It is also troubling that this desertion is not on the top gears of our national discourse particularly within the context of its implications for national security and stability as criminals have had a field day terrorising people from Lagos to Adamawa to Katsina and Enugu. Nigeria is in a flurry of widespread anarchy for which the state seems helpless. It is a disheartening replay of Rome being on fire and Nero frolicking as leaders are currently at their usual games of jumping parties, freezing accounts and charging harmless (at least in the face of contrary proof) protesters to court for God knows what reasons.
That is not to say that the Nigerian state has been fair to her police though. In fact, like virtually every other sector, leaders of Nigeria treat the police, which are central to government’s key performance indicators as the security of life and property with levity. Not only have we lowered the bar for recruitment and turned the police into a veritable ground for cronyism and nepotism, (where people with privileged uncles, political and community leaders find a ‘job’ for relatives seeking slices of the proverbial national cake, the operations), the promotions and welfare of members of the force reveal tragic stories that are best left to the imagination.
You will hear incredible stories of how many police formations have been left to run like small scale businesses. Many police stations exist without any functioning operational vehicle, and when they exist, they have no subventions to buy fuel. You will hear of how policemen take money from their own pockets to fuel and repair these vehicles, of how accommodation for policemen, even officers, are only a little better than slums, and of how a lot of these have been sold off at ridiculous prices. How officers have to take care of their own medical expenses even when involved in accidents on active service. How, if you desire training, you may have to pay your way. It is like the Nigerian state has outsourced the maintenance of police formations to men of the force and in doing that, no standard operating procedure was handed down. As such, everyone operates by their own discretion. This is the police force from which Nigeria claims to have scrapped a unit and replaced it with another one populated by the same men who have suffered all sorts of deprivations and grown to become survivors despite what the state does or doesn’t do. A country only gets the police its deserves.
Hopefully, a new era is coming for policing in Nigeria with the promise made by the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.). In doing this however, government must go beyond the usual tendency to gloss over the important issues in preference for cosmetic solutions, which even if they impress, are not enduring.
To positively reform the Nigeria Police, attention must be paid to the welfare of policemen from recruitment until retirement. While one can take it for granted that vehicles and their maintenance would be the priority of those leading the reform, it should be said that those police officers can only do so much in these days of sophisticated crime practices without forensic identity machines, up to date crime data, and other modern means of crime detection.
Equally important is the psychology of policemen. They must be made to understand that their basic mission is the prevention of crime and disorder and that the success they make of this is dependent on the public approval of their actions. The police must realise that they need the cooperation of the public and be ready to obtain that at all costs. The police must also function with the understanding that they are obliged to obey the constitution of the country in the service of the ordinary people of Nigeria and that they owe their allegiance to Nigeria rather than the government of the day.
In all, the most important things any reform of the police must reflect are two-fold. One is that the police must work towards measuring its efficiency by the absence of crime and disorder rather than visible evidence of dealing with the same.
But more than that, government itself must embark on a conscious effort to re-create a Nigerian society where crime is unable to thrive. Policing is an onerous task in a society where, mostly due to corruption, the gap between the haves and the havenots keeps growing, where income inequality is high; where a citizenry made up of an overwhelmingly youthful population is depressingly poor and grappling with unemployment and its cousin, underemployment. This is the real albatross on Nigeria’s neck.
Adedokun tweets @niranadedokun