Change is in the air in Nigeria; both positive and negative change – it all depends on individual perspectives and experiences. You most cases, when you show a cup with half content of water to a group of people; you might get two or more responses. Some subgroup may describe as half full with water, while another subgroup may say that the cup is half empty; indeed, our perspectives can define our reality.
Nigeria is truly changing; however, our national change is to the dimension of our perspective as citizens of this great nation. While we all clamour for change in Nigeria, I think what we need is a national transformation that is not championed by any group, party or religion; but a collective will and aspiration of all well-meaning Nigerians.
By national transformation, I mean a complete in our law and order system and an overhauling of our focus for change, leadership, growth and development. If you ask an average Nigeria what he or she wants to see or have or experience; he or she would quickly mention how he wants the government to start this and that. In the mind of that Nigerian, the government is responsible for his welfare, outcome and future. He or she believes that the government owe him or her that good gesture for his or her service to that government.
However, if we will ever experience true and sustainable economic growth; we must shift our mind-sets beyond men (government – Federal, State and Local) to God. Quess what? An average politician in government forgets his or her words during political campaigns the moment he or she gets into power (office); hence, they are not aware of what an average Nigerian wants; neither are they willing to satisfy any of those wants.
Now compare our national experience with something that happened to the people of the ancient Israel:
Remember these, O Jacob, and Israel, for you are My servant; I have formed you, you are My servant: O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me!
Isaiah 44:21
I know that many of us wants to be remembered byrpeople in positions of influence, affluence and privilege; however, only very few of us are truly remembered – and for most of us, we are only hoping that one day, this government, this leader (political or religious) will remember us for good and show us goodness.
We can actually continue to hope like that as a people; or we could shift ourselves from the realm of serving mento the realm of serving God. For no one, no nation serves God truly and is forgotten by Him. I think most of our prayers as a people are symptoms of our focus of service. We cry on many mountains weekly, daily, yearly – asking God to remember us. Are we not confirming the truth that we have not being serving Him all along? God does not forget those who serve Him (in spirit and in truth) – it is not about our fasting and prayers; it is about our service – Who are we serving as a people? Are we serving relig ous leaders or God? Are we serving political leaders or God? Are we serving systems of men or the Spirit of God? These questions can transform our national lives and change us for the better – far beyond whatever the APC-led FG can do or imagine. I rest my case!