Human wants they say are insatiable – that they are endless and no man can ever meet them all. While that may be true, we know that there is a difference between human need and human want. Unlike you want, your needs are the things, people or places that you require to live. While you may find alternatives for your wants, you will have to seek means of meeting your needs.
This search is not just starting; neither are you the first to be caught up in it. Across generations and nations; men and women of all colour, gender, religion and status have searched and are searching daily for the (steady) means to have their needs met. Quite a number of people have adopted quite a number of strategies, tricks, practices, attitudes and even religion to meet their needs.
While the search continues, I stumbled on the key to unlocking this crucial puzzle of life – how to have all of one’s needs met? What “life” does is to throw questions at us; however, with proper guidance, we can live such life that is not under any circumstance, nor a victim of any outcome (question).
Oh, that you would rend heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you! As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you!
Isaiah 64:1-2
Just like the Prophet Isaiah of the ancient Israel, many of us desire God to show up in our behalf so that we can have our needs met – so that our bills can be paid, so that our health can be restored, so that our organizations can grow, so that our wives can conceive, so that our houses can be built, so that our parents can be taken care of, so that our lives can be better. If we would ever get all those needs and much more met; we would do just one thing – we would call the name of the LORD God.
Until we invite God to come down to make His name known to His enemies over our finances, health, ministry or business, family and nation; we may remain in our circumstances for a very long time. The name of the LORD God is the healing, saving, blessing, helping, teaching, giving and loving hand of God that can lift anybody out of any pit in life, leadership or ministry. Call Him now!