While I am of the opinion that Kingdoms perform better than democratic countries, I consider democracy to be an option that we must all embrace and evolve in. Democracy unlike many other forms of government, is focused on the people – it revolves around the people. Democracy is one form of government that gives the sovereignty of the nation to its people.
When the Military take over government of any nation, their objective is to take over the sovereignty from the people, and therefore becomes dictators of the people. In other forms of government, such as autocracy, someone wields the entire power of the government, and holds the sovereignty of the nation.
Nigeria has had a fair share of most forms of government; from the pre-colonial era to the colonial era and the post-colonial era. Nigeria has been under rule of Kings, Queen, Military Dictators, Presidents and Prime Ministers. Through these periods, we have witnessed changes withing government and governance; however, we haven’t seen much change among the peope whose right to sovereignty has been used, abused and denied over centuries and decades.
While the nation called Nigeria has evolved through various political systems, and the politicians have changed parties like one who changes clothes; we have not seen significant CHANGE among the people. The same story over the years still connect with the people of Nigeria. In fact, same people (politicians) have recycled themselves in governance – with same promises and rhetoric.
Every election cycle, Nigerians have hoped for change without changing themselves. And if the truth must be told, the problem of Nigeria over centuries and decades hasn’t been that of the “leadership”; but the supposed followers (citizenry). It has been said that anyone that does the same thing same way every time, but expects different result is mentally unstable; hence, our national worth as people is a product of our individual worth. That is, as we change individually, our nation changes, but as we remain unchanged, unlearned, unprepared, unrefined, undeveloped; our nation has followed suit. You see, we are the change we need in Nigeria. When we refuse to change, nothing changes.
While political parties and politicians can promise us change as they have always done, they will change nothing until we change ourselves – you see, what we have in government is what we are and have as a people. Who we have in government is who we are as a people; therefore, unchanged citizens will always have unchanged governments, who will only change parties, clothes, slogan and interests to suit our expectations for change, without any meaning change in leadership – vision, passion, drive, will, hope, integrity and honour. I rest my case for now. Good to have you here on Fridayposts.com again! Enjoy your week!