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Apart from life, Religion is the most common word used by all men across the nations of the earth. One would have thought that the word would have been examined and re-examined for validity, consistency and reliability; in order to know if it is truly a blessing or a curse; the ideal or an ideology; established or imposed and accepted or complied with.
Like life I have come to realize the misconceptions of many people about Religion; how it came, why it came, and through whom it came. Life is known to have come from the LORD. God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. But how much do we know about the origin of Religion? Did God create Religion? Was religion a make-shift arrangement in the history of mankind or an original intent? These are some of the questions that we all must ask to know if we are in tandem with the perfect desires of the Creator of us all.
Today, the whole world is divided mysteriously along the lines of language, race and religion; but if I may ask, was it like that all along? When there were no divisions; was there any religion on the earth?
I understand as the LORD God teaches my spirit that religion is about forms, patterns and methods. And since all religions are about the unseen Creator of all men, religion could be defined as a form of relating with the unseen; but powerful and wise God. Among others, religions stress form andrelationship with the invisible God. No man can possibly separate religions from forms, or patterns of worship (relationship). In fact, there are some religions that claim that Abraham is their father; however, these religions defer on the forms of worship. And almost as expected, each religion believes that its form of worship is the right or best. What a situation.
The book of Genesis in the Bible accounts for the origin of every man living today. Before Genesis 3, man was created and made to be just like God; beholding the glory of the LORD God and bearing His glory on the earth. In those days, Adam knew God and did not need any religious (methodical) rites (activities) in relating with God. In those days, Adam related with God as one relates with his friend and father.
But from Genesis 3, after the rebellion of Adam and his wife (Eve), religion was birthed.
And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
Genesis 3:8
God came as usual for fellowship and relationship with Adam and Eve, but they hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God. The truth is, no rebellious man or woman can behold the glory of the presence of God and live. No wonder today, so many religions are content (satisfied) building stones, crosses, monuments, shrines, images of gold and wood; and referring to them as gods. The problem didn’t begin with them; it actually started from Genesis 3. God is to be feared and loved; but a rebel cannot enjoy the loving side of God; he or she only sees God as One to be feared.
The best any religion can do for any man, race or language is to help him or her to fear God; but never to love God. Religions will show you the laws of God you must obey with its consequences if disobeyed; but no religion can help you to love God. Do you know why religions can help you to fear God? Because, from generations past till now, God has been dealing hard with those who disobey Him. During the time of Moses, several thousands of the children of Israel were killed by God because of their rebellious acts. Hence, every religion knows the fear of God.
But if you think deeply, you would realize that religions are incapable of helping any people to love God really. Sometimes, we think that we love God; but how many of us can sacrifice our lives for His will and counsel to be executed in our communities.
You see, the farther people move away from the presence of God; the louder the shout His name for His help, and the harder the work to please Him. We now shout daily to Him from our various Temples, Churches, Mosques, etc.; hoping that He will hear us and bless our land, heal our people, give us rain and plenteous harvest and protect us from evil.
And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, “For God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.” And as for Seth, to him also a son was born; and he named him Enosh. THEN MEN BEGAN TO CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD.
Genesis 4:25-26
Today, when you see a people somewhere calling on the name of the LORD with a different language that you do not understand (say for instance, Arabic, Hebrew, English, Latin, etc.); you immediately condemn them and raise yours as the stand. But if you observe very closely; you would notice that all religions call on the name of the LORD. Therefore, even your own religion is a product of the rebellion of Adam – and the more you move away from the presence of the LORD, the more you call on His name.
That is why God did not send His Son Jesus Christ to start a new form of relationship with God on the earth (religion); He sent Him to rescue (save) His people from the stronghold of rebellion and set up a Kingdom on earth, whose King would be God and whose citizens would be the sons of the King.
And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21
He (Jesus) came to His own, and His own (Jews) did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:”
John 1:11-12
Although, Christians claim Jesus; but Jesus is for as many as received Him. And note, since He did not bring another religion; any religious man that claim to belong to Jesus is living in denial. The truth is, if you belong to Jesus, He will abide with and in you; therefore, you would not need religious rites to call on His name or please Him.
Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship (relate with) the Father….
But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for Father is seeking such to worship (relate with) Him.
God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship (relate) in spirit and truth.
Matthew 4:21-24
At the time, the Jesus believed that they were the only ones worshiping God correctly; but now, the tide has turned to the Christians. However, the divine response is the same – because God is Spirit, everyone that wants to fellowship with Him must desist from a pretentious religious rites that tie people to places, venues, buildings or shrines; and must fellowship with God from where they are, the way they are. God cannot be deceived or mocked. He is not moved by appearances; but a contrite heart and a broken spirit.
Religions establishes structures, symbols, tokens, objects as a reference points to God; but God demands true fellowship that is heart to heart. Religion tie God with these predictable forms of routine religious rites – Sunday to Sunday, Friday to Friday and Saturday to Saturday. God demands your sincere presence at His presence per time. He wants you to sleep, eat, bathe, walk, run, fly, work, relate with others, sing, talk, preach, teach, and think in His presence daily. That is beyond religion – that is love! That is God!