Each time I consider the societies – both immediately and remotely, and I discover the apparent apartheid of many people – especially the males, towards the great institution called marriage; I often wonder, “Haven’t these people read?” The truth is, every difficulty we experience with or over any matter is a manifestation of our ignorance. With adequate knowledge comes ease, contentment, patience and understanding.
While weddings take place across the world every week; a great number of matured men are still single and searching. If you ask them, “Why aren’t you married yet?” When they want to be honest, they tell you that they haven’t seen the best woman – a perfect match! While they may be right, I would like to quote a wisdom nugget inspired by God from an ancient King of Israel – “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtain favour from the LORD” – (Proverbs 18:22)
In my own opinion, what many are doing is finding the perfect woman. You see, every matured female is a woman; but only one is a wife. The question you must answer is, “What criteria have you received from God as a guide for the wife you’re searching for?” In the book of Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus taug
ht a lesson about finding the perfect will of God – even in marriage!
Before you begin your search, you must first determine how you’re to measure the worthiness of any woman you encounter for marriage. If you refuse to do this, you will remain confused over alternatives and options and then remain single for another year! Remember, to someone who doesn’t know the way, any way will look like it. Dating girls in a row won’t help you – first determine who you are looking for and go for her!
Source: [Centre for New Dimension Leadership]