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It has been said that talk is cheap; and if I may, I would compare men and women that only talk to the situation where it is said that if wishes were horses; beggars would ride. It is one thing to say something, and another is to do something; the vast majority of us do not have problem saying things (maybe because we all have our own share of mouth); but the aspect of doing become cumbersome for even the most active men and women.
It is possible for you to lay yourself on a nice textured bed, while you ASK another to go into the field or farm to fetch you a few things; however, getting it done yourself will definitely require your OWN sacrifice of comfort and convenience – no wonder most people prefer to talk.
The body of Christ in Nigeria (the Church) is expected by God’s design to show (not by mere talk) a standard for excellence and exploit in every sector of our society; however, we now have more Preachers in Nigeria than Producers. Take for instance, the man called Paul in the Bible was not just a Preacher, he was also a Tentmaker. The idea is, when Production (action) is replaced with Preaching (talking); there is bound to be a situation where there will be nobody to preach to – a situation where no one is interested in hearing!
Nigeria is almost in that state; a state where what people care for is not same with what the leaders care for. The leaders want to talk about change; the people want the leaders to change. It is gradually appearing as the political leaders in Nigeria are students of Robert Greene who commented in his book (The 48 Laws of Power), “Preach the need for change, but never reform too much at once.”
If you sample the opinions of many Nigerians, across religious beliefs, ethnics, educational attainments, political class and parties; you would get 1001 things Mr President could have done instead of talking change. What do you think will happen if Mr President directs all heads of Government parastatals to use made in Nigeria things (from cars to furniture and to clothing)? What do you think will happen if Mr President decides to make the Presidential fleets a new national carrier AirNigeria? What do you think will happen if Ministers, Senators, Honourable Representatives, Special Assistants cook for themselves instead of array of cooks and all other domestic servants on Federal Payroll? What do you think will happen if Mr President visits every state of the Federation to ascertain their economic strengths and weaknesses personally? What do you think will happen if Mr President gives National Merit Awards (OFR, MFR, GCON, etc.) to Nigerian inventors and excellent workers in the Federal civil service?
Do you see that the list is endless? Yet, any of those could send the message much quickly and better than hosting some people in a banquet for a mantra launch. I think Nigeria does not need National Mantras for now; we need true leaders – men and women with the right skill-set and will, mixed with gut to effect true economic transformation and political growth in Nigeria.
Mr President, it is not too late to change your style from preaching change to practicing real change! I rest my case for now!
1 Comment
Hmn! A larger percentage of our politicians are talkers. Talkatives in power. Very few of them actually do what they say. God will help us in Nigeria. Weldone Sir.