Until we are all done and dusted from the earth, or Jesus returns at his second coming for us, His body, the church, the devil will never cease from putting occasions for us to fall. The devil can’t give up on the strongest one among us, to the devil, it is the highest point of defeat. He did it to Jesus to move Him against God, to cause God to regret His eternal purpose in His Son. But GLORY be to God, Jesus overcame the devil by the knowledge of the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. You will hardly find a time in Jesus Ministry on earth where He answered the devil without referring the devil to the written commandments of God.
Satan is not an ignorant Satan, he knows what he is able to know even though, it is hard for him to come about the detail knowledge of God’s purpose and ways. The Bible says, if the devil would have known that the death of Christ Jesus on the cross will cause him everlasting defeat, he wouldn’t have crucified the Lord of glory. If Jesus Christ being God in human flesh confesses that, He can of Himself, initiative, do nothing except for what He sees from the Father so the Son does likewise, then what manner of persons ought us to be in the midst of the demon possessed and corrupt world? What are the things we must accept or not accept, do or not do?
So Jesus addressed them directly. “You always want to look spiritual before others, but you have forgotten to be same before God, who sees what is inside you. The very things that you approve of and applaud are the things God despises.
Luke 16:15 TPT
You can rationalize it all you want and justify the path of error you have chosen, but you’ll find out in the end that you took the road to destruction.
Proverbs 14:12 TPT
The simplest way to know is to ask who commanded it. And Jesus answered the devil saying, “IT IS WRITTEN”. It is not a matter of the percentage of people or denominations that are doing it; is it written, is it spoken by God, the Holy Spirit? Is what you do or want to do traceable to the Word of God? Can you be bold before the Lord on any matter to answer Him peradventure He ask you, “I did it because you commanded it”?
Sir! Ma! If what you and I agree to do is not traceable to God, the Bible; certainly, it is traceable to the devil, Hell.
We look away from the natural realm [men, philosophy] and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. His example is this: Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God!
(See Hebrews 12:2 TPT.)
The life we share is not our natural life, it is the life of Jesus. He is the captain, our commander in chief, our highest superior officer. The one who has given us life, eternal life, Salvation… A soldier is under an oath to obey his superior officer at all times, comes rain comes sun. Only Jesus through our living spirits must command our destiny. All we must do, bow to, accept, in this life must be by His command. The life is His life. It is not ours. You don’t live somebody’s life on His behalf. That will be disastrous.
Never allow the devil or the practice or system of this world move you against God. To disobey Christ in your life. God hates to be disobeyed.
From the extraction from the history of Valentine Day, it is pictured and true that on one hand, it is a day of worship. The popular documentary of the prayer to Saint Valentine titled “PRAYER TO SAINT VALENTINE” on every Valentine Day makes the designated day, a day of worship.
“Dear Saint and glorious Martyr teach us to love unselfishly and to find great joy in giving. Enable all true lovers to bring out the best in each others.”
I don’t want you to be confused with the use of some holy words in the prayer at all. Anybody can talk holy or act holy. But to talk holy or act holy is not enough to call an act or attitude a holy act or attitude. Holines is not what you do, but the character of the life of Jesus Christ in us. He is our holiness. Jesus is the reason why God will look at us and say we are holy. It is neither because of what we do or do not do. (See 1 Cor. 1:30.)
Prayer is an act of worship. This is one of the place we can easily get it wrong and we may never see our wrong. Many people will say, if Valentine Day is a worship day, since I am not asking nor praying to Saint Valentine for anything i can move on with my own celebration Innocently. I am sorry, it doesn’t work that way.
The devil you know or hear about is not our age mate. He was in existence before we were born. We can never play smart with the devil at all. We can’t play wiseness on the devil, except we want to deceive ourselves.
He knows the best way to get us. Nobody taught the devil how to deal with Adam. He knew what to do and how to go about it. He never believes he will fail, though he use to fail many times, but it is an abomination for the devil to give up. The moment we are off the lane of the leading of the Holy Spirit, it is a matter of time, the devil will come after such a person. Definitely, the Holy Spirit will not lead you to do what is not in conformity with the scriptures.
From the VALENTINE PRAYER, you will notice the use of two key phrases: “TEACH US” and “ENABLE US”. These are lies of the devil and rebellion against God and His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
How can anyone claim or say that a celebration that make men to ask or seek for knowledge, “TEACH US”, from man to know how to love is rooted in God or commanded by God? It is a contradiction of the Word of God. A deception into idol worship.
From the very mouth of Jesus him Self, He said “But the Spirit will come. He is the one who will show people true things about God. When he comes, he will be a guide to you. He will help you to understand everything that is true. He will not speak on his own authority. He will tell you only what he hears from the Father. He will tell you about things that will happen after this time”
(John 16:13 EASY).
To confirm the Word of Jesus in the Gospel of John, apostle John wrote as he was inspired by the Holy Spirit saying, “But the Holy Spirit , whom Christ gave, is still in you. So, you do not need anyone else to teach you what is true. The same Holy Spirit shows you all the things that are true. There is nothing false in what he shows you. So, I say to you, remain united to Christ. Remain united to Christ as the Holy Spirit has told you to do”
(1 John 2:27 EASY).
How will anyone claim that a celebration that makes people to seek or ask ENABLEMENT from a man or men to bring out the best in each other is from God and founded in God? It is a conspiracy against God and His Word, Christ.
But the Holy Spirit will come to you, and he will give you power [enablement]. The Holy Spirit will make your spirit strong. Then you will tell other people everywhere in the world about me. You will do that in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria and in places far away.’
(See Acts 1:8 EASY.)
Our empowerment, enablement, comes neither from the North, South, East, nor West. It is by the Holy Spirit. Love is spiritual. Love is the fruit if the Holy Spirit. There is no man that can teach the other, nor enable another to love. Only the Holy Spirit of God can and will do that. LOVE IS NOT SOCIAL STUDIES THAT WE LEARN IN SCHOOL.
From this Bible passages, it is clear that, if we cannot trace VALENTINE DAY to God, the Bible, then it is traceable to Hell, the devil: the Prince of this world.
Different people may come up with different stories about the existence of the Day, but if it were to be traceable to God, of course, it is not (the doctrine of Valentine Day is a contradiction of the Word of God, and celebrating it is dealing or fellowshiping with the altar of the devil); and as long as it is not traceable to the Bible, which is the only place for it to be documented, nobody can lay a new or another foundation than the one that is already laid.
At the end of the day, anything that we cannot find in the Bible, and it’s revelation is not supported by the written Word of God, it is not an omission; it is because its origin is s not in God. He didn’t command it.
If it is God, it must be commanded or revealed by God. Let’s hear God on this matter again:
Surely the LORD God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.
(See Amos 3:7 CEB; John 5:19.)
Any lifestyle that is not written nor spoken, is not part of what is the Will of God for you and for me. Even if everyone in our generation is doing it. If you are the only one that fear God in that generation, like Noah was, you are the only one God expects not to do it or partake in it. You don’t join the multitude to do evil, but the multitude can join you to do good.
But, is it possible for us to check again and again, to find Valentine Day written or spoken by God in the scriptures, the book of life? We have checked, but it is not found.
Hence, Valentine is a day of worship. But the object of worship is not the Lord God, it is not the Lord Jesus, nor is it a worship of the Holy Spirit. It is a worship at the altar of demons who have conspired with men to idolize Saint Valentine.
I don’t join in the prayer, I only share things, gifts, with my lover or loved ones; is that in anyway wrong to do: will that still make me part of their idol or worship?
Let God be true but everyone a liar, yes, you are a full member of the worship. You are a partaker of that altar.
There are two fundamental ways that anybody could become an idol worshiper. We have ignorant idol worshiper, and conscious or self-aware idol worshiper. Which ever group anyone falls to, an idol worshiper is an idol worshiper. They are both equal sin, and comes with same eternal punishment.
If a pastor is guilty of being an ignorant idol worshiper, the same hell that the conscious idol worshiper will end, is same hell that the pastor too will end.
An ignorant idol worshiper does not at any point in time belong to or aware of the altar of any god consciously. But, he shares in the activities, celebrations, that has been dedicated to that idol. He join the direct worshipers to observe their idol’s day(s). Like the idol that is worshiped on every 14th of February, who has been idolized, masqueraded, in the image or person of Saint Valentine. Although, you and I may not be present at the altar of the god’s of Love that day, but we are ignorantly partakers of the celebration by our acts and belief. People who do so, are just innocent victims. If you don’t know before, thank God you know now. You can’t worship at the altar of God, and also be a partaker at the altar of demons. That is called prostitution.
We have this very similar case study in the Bible too. In Job chapter one verse four and five. The children of Job were not directly involved in the sacrifices… the worship… the burnt offerings. But, they were connected to the altar, worship, because it was done on their behalf.
It was evidently clear that the sacrifice that Job did regularly on behalf of his family members worked for his entire household. It moved God to make His edge of protection around everything that is related to Job and his family.
Our kind of Christian worship is not tied to a particular day. It is a living worship. We worship God in Spirit and in Truth. (See Rom. 12:1 TPT.)
We will not waste time answering this question. The answer is simply NO. Love is a commandment by God. It is not a day of Love, but a life of love. I will give you some scriptures to study on your own. I will paste only one, to see if we can talk about it a little. (Romans 12:9, 10; Heb. 12:1; 1 John 4:7; 1 Peter 4:8, 3:8, John 13:34; 1 Cor. 13:13.)
Continue to love each other like brothers and sisters.
(Hebrews 13:1 EASY.)
Love is not a day thing. It is a continuous thing: love is Not daily thing, it is love as you go. Love is valuable than faith, because faith works in love: faith needs love to be fruitful. Yet, the Bible says, without faith it is impossible to please God. God Himself is the true Love. Love is living. Christians love for God and human race is living love. We live our daily lives by loving. Love is like the air we breathe. He that stop breathing stops living, same way he that stops loving for a second stops living. He that stops loving has ceased to live or is lifeless before God. All his goodness is dead works.