In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He formed everything on earth and created man to tend and to keep the earth under His leadership. Eventually, God saw a need for man to have a companion and helper for the assignment committed to his care on earth. Therefore, God took a rib from the man’s side while asleep, and from it; He formed a companion and helper for the man. As soon as God brought the formed companion and helper to man, the man recognized what God has done and named the companion-helper a Woman – because…
Author: Gboyega Adedeji
Life is governed by the laws that were made for us or made by us – laws rule the world. Everything consciously and unconsciously fulfills different laws at different times for continuous survival. If I ask a group of 100 people to tell if they eat because they LOVE food, or because they REQUIRE (NEED) food; I believe the largest percentage will choose because they need food. Basically, we love to eat; however, our love for food is premised on our need for survival – that survival is a law on its own. To survive, we must breathe oxygen every…
This article is indeed a popular demand – For it is the prevalent aspirations of men and women over many generations and across the nations of men. Puzzles are exciting and entertaining; but when not solved, they could become the thorns in the flesh and very stretching. I cannot forget the experience of the Philistines in the days of Samson, when they were given a puzzle to solve and they were supposed to pay if they refuse or fail to solve the puzzle. Although, the Philistines, in fear of the attendant pains they would experience for failing to solve the…
When the purpose of a thing (and person) is not known, abuse is inevitable – suggesting that abuse (and misuse) is not a question when we ignore the matter of purpose of anything, person, organization or generation. May I say very clearly that everything existing today has its unique purpose. Granted, purpose may be unknown at any given time; but it exists. The purpose of anything is the first step towards the emergence of anything or any business or person. I intend to be as explicit in this article as possible to save time; however, I intend to be guided…
One of the foremost leadership thoughts is the law of motion propounded by the great leader and Physicist, Isaac Newton, “an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” That law of motion explicitly imply that nothing changes until something changes it! We live in a world of miracles, quick relief, quick money and quick growth; we basically live for quickness and to see quick things. We are so much into this quickness that we feed on quick…
One of the pillars of the pastoral and teaching ministries of Christ Jesus for the Church is found in the book of Jeremiah 3:15, “And I will give you SHEPHERDS according to My heart, who will FEED you with KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING.” Should we become confused about who a shepherd is, we might quickly see how God shepherded a man called David, the King of Israel: The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the…
While it is worthy of note that United States of America got independence from the British government on the 4th July, 1776 (around 241 years ago); and Nigeria got independence from the same colonialist on the 1st of October, 1960 (around 57 years ago). We must still not pamper the seemingly excuses of our failures and ineffectiveness as a people. Granted, these two nations got independence at different periods in time; we cannot deny the truth that progress and developments are incremental in nature – that is, whatever is done by a people or a person does not need to be…
From the ancient past till date, the quiet longing of the hearts of many people across the world – both developed and underdeveloped world is rest. We so much love rest that we came up with words like, “Thank God is Friday!” Each time various states or nations announce any holiday, the people are excited in anticipation of rest. In fact God so much packaged rest for the people of earth that He created night to compel us to rest from our daily efforts. Rest is so good for us that we are even excited to observe the Sabbath –…
Human wants they say are insatiable – that they are endless and no man can ever meet them all. While that may be true, we know that there is a difference between human need and human want. Unlike you want, your needs are the things, people or places that you require to live. While you may find alternatives for your wants, you will have to seek means of meeting your needs. This search is not just starting; neither are you the first to be caught up in it. Across generations and nations; men and women of all colour, gender, religion…
Until the Kingdom of God came down upon the children of men through the Agency of Christ Jesus, many people were under the captivity, subjugation of the Kingdom of darkness (which rules primarily through the ignorance of the people within it). During such moments, just like the days when the children of Israel were in Egypt, under the rulership of Pharaoh; they were given tasks ceaselessly by their masters. Their masters (Egyptians) made them to SERVE with pain and suffering without any sense of fulfillment or achievement. The children of Israel worked day and night – trying to please their…